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Obama or Romney?

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posted on 6/11/12

I'm voting today


posted on 6/11/12

cheers Red Rob

p.s I'm reading some of last nights comments and I'm dumbfounded at how the word democracy gets branded around yet 6 BILLION was spent on this election. Crazy.

It's not about who's the best for the job then is it? With no money, potential great leaders have no chance.

posted on 6/11/12

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posted on 6/11/12

One thing that I read about and that I have noticed about Romney is that he promises so much but doesn't give out any ideas about how he'll acheive what he says: He'll bring unemployment right down? How's he going to do that exactly? If it were that easy then wouldn't it already have been done? A lot of what he says is like that; he's not got a clue how he'll acheive what he says.

As for the abortion issue, in this day and age I can't believe it's something that keeps people awake at night, and in America too. How could any right-thinking person believe that they have the right to force a woman who has been raped to give birth to any offspring that might exist due to a vile encounter. America makes itself look like they're living in the dark ages by making this an issue - something that the Conservatives have been looking to address for quite some time.

posted on 6/11/12

Conservatives in this country, I mean.

posted on 6/11/12

I was reading a great column on the BBC News website that said the way the Chinese select their leader in some ways is a better way than the democratic process which is used in the West.


If you have the time, give it a read. It's quite informative.

comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 6/11/12

If the president had influence over the monetary policy he would manipulate rates around election cycles.


So you would rather leave control of monetary policy to the totally unelected and unelectable organisation that is the Federal Reserve ?

An organisation that is essentially a private banking cartel. There is nothing Federal about the Federal Bank and it is only Federal in name.

Do the research, the information is readily available if you are willing to sacrifice 5 minutes of your time:


posted on 6/11/12

One of the funniest things about the debates in the past month was seeing Mitt Romney try and sink Obama with a supposedly well researched attack on how the US Navy has fewer ships than in 1916. He thought he had a great point and that Obama would struggle.

Obama replies... "You mention the Navy, for example, and that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets," "We have these things called aircraft carriers and planes land on them. We have these ships that go underwater, nuclear submarines."

Romney fail

posted on 6/11/12

Personally I would love to see Ace Face in a US Presidential debate. Now that would be good television

posted on 6/11/12

Superb, if the two choices were a US President and the Fed then yes, I'd rather the Fed handle it than some sleazy, economic half-wit of a politician only worried about being re-elected.

Banks are far, far, far, far more trustworthy and responsible than politicians. And I don't trust banks.

posted on 6/11/12


I'm sure the nice, reptilian fellas at Goldman Sachs are glad to hear your glowing endorsements!

posted on 6/11/12

I found Obama to be quite under hand in the debates, although Romney appeared to be presenting facts in a way which painted a bad picture of Obama.

Something about Romney just doesn't seem right, I'd vote Obama.

posted on 6/11/12

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posted on 6/11/12

Banks are far, far, far, far more trustworthy and responsible than politicians


As someone living in Ireland, I dont think banks are any more trustworthy!

posted on 6/11/12

It comes down to social responsibility.

If Romney is elected -

No abortion
No stem cell research
No Obamacare (a bit like our NHS)
No safety net for the poorer people in society.

The first day he's elected he will launch a verbal attack on the chinese economy which is not a great way to maintain a friendship with the hugely important East.
He's more likely to go to war with Iran.

He doesn't understand why you can't open airplane windows.
He slated the London olympics before it started.
Fox News is awful.

And worst of all, the guy is a Mormon.

Anyone that votes for him is an idiot!

posted on 6/11/12

It's safe to assume I don't care much for politicians

posted on 6/11/12


I think that the majority of people who become politicians are good people but to remain in politics and progress you (probably) need to compromise a lot of your beliefs and owe certain people favours in getting to where you wanna go.

I'm sure Obama is a decent enough guy but to become the US president who knows what kind of deals-with-the-devil he had to do. Same with the rest of them.

posted on 6/11/12

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posted on 6/11/12


Are you David Brent in disguise?

Kidding mate, what you say makes good sense

comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 6/11/12

Superb the counter is who knows better about how to set interest rates and to have the ability to print money/issue bonds? No politicians will ever have the necessary expertise.


That´s not really the point though.

The point is that the worldwide economy is basically controlled and dictated by an unelected organisation that masquerades as a Federal one but is anything but.

The Federal Bank is only Federal in name and is little more than a private banking cartel so not only is the sytem itself totally flawed but probably doomed to failure as we are seeing with the disaster that is the worldwide economy.

A private banking cartel is never going to have anything but it´s own interests at heart.

People are constantly duped into thinking that the President alone can improve or influence the economy when in reality the President has about as much to do with major monetary decisions as you or I do.

posted on 6/11/12

the Us is heading for what they are calling the finacial cliff,so whilst obama can peddle his populist agenda,the hard truth is a bad guy will have to come in and sort out the mess,and thats what needs to happen

posted on 6/11/12

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posted on 6/11/12

J Edward

Yeah, Romney and his refusal to tax the rich is a great way to sort out the economy

posted on 6/11/12

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posted on 6/11/12

Trickle down economics is why you don't tax the rich. Let them keep their money and then watch the poor as their tears trickle down


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