comment by Bluedroog - Free Palestine (U17596)
posted 16 minutes ago
Condemning Israel is not siding with Hamas, it is siding with the innocent Palestinian civilians. While they would naturally like to see Israel removed altogether a two state area must be a compromise, the boarders should be revered to 1967 before the six day war. Israel have no intention of peace, they will use any excuse to push and push, they run the boarders and they think of the Palestinians as second class citizens.
Name one time when Israel have INITIAted any offensive. I.e. it was not in retaliation to attack. For example the 6 day war when they were invaded.
comment by The Luke Show - #EvraLegend (U8522)
posted 23 minutes ago
Into 5th page now, There are are quite a few comments on "stolen land" etc.
Imagine a 20 year old Israel citizen. He is living in a country where he was born and bred, Its his motherland, He will do everything to protect it from people who want to invade it or kill their people.
so If Hamas has their way take all the land, what should happen to Israeli people? What happen to those people who was born and raise in that country? where can they go? what will they do? Whats Hamas solution for this?
If they follow the teachings of Islam then the Jewish people will live in peace should such an unlikely scenario ever occur where Israel is displaced.
Comment deleted by Site Moderator
It's a cruel cruel joke that a "country" was invented to appease the Jews after WW2 and stuck it in the place where they were least wanted. I feel awful for the Palestinians. I also feel a hint of sadness for the Jews too because they don't appear to be accepted anywhere. So what to do?....America seems to like them. Can't they go there?
Israel have not ever initiated attacks.
Hamas disappears, so does the trouble, the whole world is aware of that except those siding with extremism.
Israel has tried to broker peace, Hamas has continued attacks using tunnels, Hamas has vowed never to surrender, although what they vow never to surrender from is a war of their making.
Israel could handle things better no doubt, but make no mistake, Hamas are the ones that created this mess, hence nobody around the world other than extremists are supporting them.
Israel love it when one of theirs gets killed, gives the the perfect excuse to launch an attack. How many Israelis died compared to Palestinians? Just in the latest spate it is 800 to 30. Palestine are controlled in a tiny corner of what was once their own country, their boarders are run by Israel and they don't even have prosper running water for the most part.
Only a complete fool or someone so blinkered can't see Israel have an agenda, you just need to look how the boarders have changed over the years, Israel will not be satisfied I till they control the entire region. They have absolutely no interest in peace and you lap up their propaganda.
His looks pretty offensive to me.
comment by Flashy flibble (U10324)
posted 1 minute ago
It's a cruel cruel joke that a "country" was invented to appease the Jews after WW2 and stuck it in the place where they were least wanted. I feel awful for the Palestinians. I also feel a hint of sadness for the Jews too because they don't appear to be accepted anywhere. So what to do?....America seems to like them. Can't they go there?
Already more Jews in the USA than Israel.
comment by Cinciwolf (U11551)
posted 2 minutes ago
Israel have not ever initiated attacks.
Hamas disappears, so does the trouble, the whole world is aware of that except those siding with extremism.
Israel has tried to broker peace, Hamas has continued attacks using tunnels, Hamas has vowed never to surrender, although what they vow never to surrender from is a war of their making.
Israel could handle things better no doubt, but make no mistake, Hamas are the ones that created this mess, hence nobody around the world other than extremists are supporting them.
One of the most deluded comments on this thread
comment by Cinciwolf (U11551)
posted 3 minutes ago
Israel have not ever initiated attacks.
Hamas disappears, so does the trouble, the whole world is aware of that except those siding with extremism.
Israel has tried to broker peace, Hamas has continued attacks using tunnels, Hamas has vowed never to surrender, although what they vow never to surrender from is a war of their making.
Israel could handle things better no doubt, but make no mistake, Hamas are the ones that created this mess, hence nobody around the world other than extremists are supporting them.
Do you class the assault from Israel in the last few days as extreme or moderate?
comment by Cinciwolf (U11551)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Flashy flibble (U10324)
posted 1 minute ago
It's a cruel cruel joke that a "country" was invented to appease the Jews after WW2 and stuck it in the place where they were least wanted. I feel awful for the Palestinians. I also feel a hint of sadness for the Jews too because they don't appear to be accepted anywhere. So what to do?....America seems to like them. Can't they go there?
Already more Jews in the USA than Israel.
Do you mean Jewish money or people, Cinci?
Comment deleted by Site Moderator
Ariel Sharon once boasted that Jews control America, that is one of two reasons the Israel exists, that and as a strategic base in the Middle East for the yanks.
The Israelis even antagonise the Palestinians running armed tours through the little land they have like some sort of favela tour.
comment by Cinciwolf (U11551)
posted 4 minutes ago
Israel have not ever initiated attacks.
Hamas disappears, so does the trouble, the whole world is aware of that except those siding with extremism.
Israel has tried to broker peace, Hamas has continued attacks using tunnels, Hamas has vowed never to surrender, although what they vow never to surrender from is a war of their making.
Israel could handle things better no doubt, but make no mistake, Hamas are the ones that created this mess, hence nobody around the world other than extremists are supporting them.
Ciniwolf you seem to have a bit of brown drool coming out of your mouth, oh wait that looks like bûllshît to me.
Absolute rubbish and proves you know nothing of the situation. The Palestinians had no problem with Israel being reinstated (as it had existed there for 1000s of years before they were displaced) and they were happy with the payment they received for the land. Im no expert but have seen plenty to know that it was largely down to the British and our handling of the situation that caused the problems. I know the Balfour Declaration was partly involved and we sent the Jews to what was virtually the same as the concentration camps (without the gas chambers) after the war to manage immigration. Im sure you can find more if you really want to.
Facking clueless and deluded as hell. I guess the tons of UN declarations violated by Israel for decades and settlement of hundreds of thousands into East Jerusalem and the West Bank is proof of Israel's innocence. And I wouldn't know how you came about the claim that Palestine were happy with the partition of their territory.
"It's a cruel cruel joke that a "country" was invented to appease the Jews after WW2 and stuck it in the place where they were least wanted. I feel awful for the Palestinians. I also feel a hint of sadness for the Jews too because they don't appear to be accepted anywhere. So what to do?....America seems to like them. Can't they go there? "
You still can't grasp it, the Jews have ALWAYS lived on Arab land - but they've been persecuted and booted out of virtually every country there - so they reside in tiny Israel and now they come for them there too...
Israel has tried to broker peace, Hamas has continued attacks using tunnels, Hamas has vowed never to surrender, although what they vow never to surrender from is a war of their making.
^ who said that? What a load of rubbish.. I think it was cinciwolf... Answer me this then cinciwolf, why did the right wing Israelis kill Yitzhak Rabin for agreeing the peace deal with Yasser Arafat back in 1993?
And what is preventing Israel from adopting those accords now?
Also as a tertiary question, how many more settlements have been built on occupied land since 1993?
You come out with a load of tosh about Hamas, Hamas were nowhere on the political landscape in 1993, the policies of Israel undermining the Palestinians led to Hamas support.
And latest this evening, Israel has rejected a ceasefire agreement.
They want to continue the killing. What a beacon of light Israel is to the region!
They're just protecting themselves red. By bombing the fack out of hospitals schools and shelters..
comment by Redinthehead - FreeGaza - فلسطين (U1860)
posted 3 seconds ago
And latest this evening, Israel has rejected a ceasefire agreement.
They want to continue the killing. What a beacon of light Israel is to the region!
You really need to get your facts right.
I lost a bet and had to leave the forum but I can't let some of this rubbish stand.
Firstly whats this rubbish about the Palestinians being happy to give away their land?
Look at British people and their attitude towards immigrants....
These people aren't even stealing our land and trying to form their own country in our land and a lot of people still have a problem with them!!
Secondly I used to believe the lie that the Jews bought most of the land that became Israel the fact is though they formed a country out of the land of another country that they didn't even own!
I have read the statistic originally in a book but for the life of me cannot remember which one! so some internet sites will have to do... the one does give a clue how to get this info from a pro_jewish source though.
First, ’redeeming’ the land before the establishment of the State of Israel was often at the expense of Arab fellahin. The British Hope Simpson report in 1930 said that ’the Arabs gradually were being driven off the soil by Jewish land purchases and by the JNF not allowing Arab employment on Jewish tracts.’
Second, after the 1948 war, it was the holdings of Arab refugees or of ’present absentees’ (and not land purchases from the little blue boxes) that accounted for most of the JNF’s land. They were not ’redeemed’ but conquered. This is quite contrary to the image that JNF holdings were bought by mutual agreement from the former owners of the land at fair prices. It is also contrary to international law. Land acquisition and settlement by an occupying power contravene The Hague Regulations of 1907 and the 1949 Geneva Convention. Incidentally, in Israel itself the JNF ’often buys land for prices well above the market value in order to prevent their being sold to Arabs who may have been negotiating to buy them.
There is still a naive belief in the old myth that the land in the State of Israel was acquired dunam by dunam through donations to the JNF from the Diaspora. This idea has no historical foundation since before the establishment of the state only 7% of the land in Palestine was owned by Jews, and not all of that was JNF land. Though impressive for a voluntary organization, the results of the JNF’s land acquisition before the establishment of Israel were quite modest – 22,363 dunams by 1920, 516,000 dunams by 1940, 936,000 by May 1948. (Even so, the British White Paper of 1939 didn’t prevent the JNF holdings from almost doubling between 1939 and 1946). Most of the land now owned by the JNF – 13% of all public land – was conquered during the War of Independence and ended up in the hands of the JNF, administered by the Israel Land Authority (ILA). This includes some of the best lands in the center of the country.
UN Partition Plan
Finally, in 1947 the United Nations decided to intervene. However, rather than adhering to the principle of “self-determination of peoples,” in which the people themselves create their own state and system of government, the UN chose to revert to the medieval strategy whereby an outside power divides up other people’s land.
Map of UN-proposed partition of Palestine. Click here for larger map.
UN Plan of Partition
more maps
Under considerable Zionist pressure, the UN recommended giving away 55% of Palestine to a Jewish state – despite the fact that this group represented only about 30% of the total population, and owned under 7% of the land.
n article entitled "Who Owns the Land?" which appeared in the August 30, 2002 issue of the Sword of the Lord and in various associational papers, made this interesting statement: "Meanwhile, the Jewish National Fund began to collect money to purchase land in Palestine for Jewish settlement, eventually purchasing 92% of present-day Israel."
This 92% figure is quite different from the generally accepted and documented figures which indicate that by the time of Israel’s independence in 1948, the Jews had purchased approximately 6% to 7% of modern-day Israel (pre-1967 boundaries).
I wrote twice to the author of "Who Owns the Land?" inviting him to straighten me out and provide documentation for his statement that Jews bought 92% of Israel. I received no reply.
Meanwhile, I checked out the official web site of the Jewish National Fund at, a Jewish, pro-Israel, pro-Zionist web site. This web site states that the Jewish National Fund purchased 375,000 acres of the land prior to the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. Based on a total of 7992 square miles in Israel (pre-1967 boundaries), this means that the Jews purchased a total of 7.33% of Palestine from its previous Arab owners, not 92%.
You still can't grasp it, the Jews have ALWAYS lived on Arab land - but they've been persecuted and booted out of virtually every country there - so they reside in tiny Israel and now they come for them there too...
It doesn't mean millions of Ashkenazi Jews who had settled in Europe for centuries and millenia BELONG there anymore. Pretty much the entire human race have migrated between places - but staking a forceful claim to past conquered territory several centuries later is somewhat dubious,
I wouldn't believe anything coming from BBC and sky news right now.
That above is without even mentioning that most of that 7% was bought from absentee landlords (think England back in the feudal days peasants working someone elses land for a small plot they worked for themselves)
Although tbh whether they bought the land or not to me doesn't even matter. If a bunch of rich arabs banded together and bought themselves a large batch of England and formed their own country out of it I don't think we would be particularly happy!
Death toll
800 Palestinians
36 Israelis.
7, welcome back mate.
Benayoun is a Disgrace
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posted on 25/7/14
comment by Bluedroog - Free Palestine (U17596)
posted 16 minutes ago
Condemning Israel is not siding with Hamas, it is siding with the innocent Palestinian civilians. While they would naturally like to see Israel removed altogether a two state area must be a compromise, the boarders should be revered to 1967 before the six day war. Israel have no intention of peace, they will use any excuse to push and push, they run the boarders and they think of the Palestinians as second class citizens.
Name one time when Israel have INITIAted any offensive. I.e. it was not in retaliation to attack. For example the 6 day war when they were invaded.
posted on 25/7/14
comment by The Luke Show - #EvraLegend (U8522)
posted 23 minutes ago
Into 5th page now, There are are quite a few comments on "stolen land" etc.
Imagine a 20 year old Israel citizen. He is living in a country where he was born and bred, Its his motherland, He will do everything to protect it from people who want to invade it or kill their people.
so If Hamas has their way take all the land, what should happen to Israeli people? What happen to those people who was born and raise in that country? where can they go? what will they do? Whats Hamas solution for this?
If they follow the teachings of Islam then the Jewish people will live in peace should such an unlikely scenario ever occur where Israel is displaced.
posted on 25/7/14
Comment deleted by Site Moderator
posted on 25/7/14
It's a cruel cruel joke that a "country" was invented to appease the Jews after WW2 and stuck it in the place where they were least wanted. I feel awful for the Palestinians. I also feel a hint of sadness for the Jews too because they don't appear to be accepted anywhere. So what to do?....America seems to like them. Can't they go there?
posted on 25/7/14
Israel have not ever initiated attacks.
Hamas disappears, so does the trouble, the whole world is aware of that except those siding with extremism.
Israel has tried to broker peace, Hamas has continued attacks using tunnels, Hamas has vowed never to surrender, although what they vow never to surrender from is a war of their making.
Israel could handle things better no doubt, but make no mistake, Hamas are the ones that created this mess, hence nobody around the world other than extremists are supporting them.
posted on 25/7/14
Israel love it when one of theirs gets killed, gives the the perfect excuse to launch an attack. How many Israelis died compared to Palestinians? Just in the latest spate it is 800 to 30. Palestine are controlled in a tiny corner of what was once their own country, their boarders are run by Israel and they don't even have prosper running water for the most part.
Only a complete fool or someone so blinkered can't see Israel have an agenda, you just need to look how the boarders have changed over the years, Israel will not be satisfied I till they control the entire region. They have absolutely no interest in peace and you lap up their propaganda.
His looks pretty offensive to me.
posted on 25/7/14
comment by Flashy flibble (U10324)
posted 1 minute ago
It's a cruel cruel joke that a "country" was invented to appease the Jews after WW2 and stuck it in the place where they were least wanted. I feel awful for the Palestinians. I also feel a hint of sadness for the Jews too because they don't appear to be accepted anywhere. So what to do?....America seems to like them. Can't they go there?
Already more Jews in the USA than Israel.
posted on 25/7/14
comment by Cinciwolf (U11551)
posted 2 minutes ago
Israel have not ever initiated attacks.
Hamas disappears, so does the trouble, the whole world is aware of that except those siding with extremism.
Israel has tried to broker peace, Hamas has continued attacks using tunnels, Hamas has vowed never to surrender, although what they vow never to surrender from is a war of their making.
Israel could handle things better no doubt, but make no mistake, Hamas are the ones that created this mess, hence nobody around the world other than extremists are supporting them.
One of the most deluded comments on this thread
posted on 25/7/14
comment by Cinciwolf (U11551)
posted 3 minutes ago
Israel have not ever initiated attacks.
Hamas disappears, so does the trouble, the whole world is aware of that except those siding with extremism.
Israel has tried to broker peace, Hamas has continued attacks using tunnels, Hamas has vowed never to surrender, although what they vow never to surrender from is a war of their making.
Israel could handle things better no doubt, but make no mistake, Hamas are the ones that created this mess, hence nobody around the world other than extremists are supporting them.
Do you class the assault from Israel in the last few days as extreme or moderate?
posted on 25/7/14
comment by Cinciwolf (U11551)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Flashy flibble (U10324)
posted 1 minute ago
It's a cruel cruel joke that a "country" was invented to appease the Jews after WW2 and stuck it in the place where they were least wanted. I feel awful for the Palestinians. I also feel a hint of sadness for the Jews too because they don't appear to be accepted anywhere. So what to do?....America seems to like them. Can't they go there?
Already more Jews in the USA than Israel.
Do you mean Jewish money or people, Cinci?
posted on 25/7/14
Comment deleted by Site Moderator
posted on 25/7/14
Ariel Sharon once boasted that Jews control America, that is one of two reasons the Israel exists, that and as a strategic base in the Middle East for the yanks.
The Israelis even antagonise the Palestinians running armed tours through the little land they have like some sort of favela tour.
posted on 25/7/14
comment by Cinciwolf (U11551)
posted 4 minutes ago
Israel have not ever initiated attacks.
Hamas disappears, so does the trouble, the whole world is aware of that except those siding with extremism.
Israel has tried to broker peace, Hamas has continued attacks using tunnels, Hamas has vowed never to surrender, although what they vow never to surrender from is a war of their making.
Israel could handle things better no doubt, but make no mistake, Hamas are the ones that created this mess, hence nobody around the world other than extremists are supporting them.
Ciniwolf you seem to have a bit of brown drool coming out of your mouth, oh wait that looks like bûllshît to me.
posted on 25/7/14
posted on 25/7/14
Absolute rubbish and proves you know nothing of the situation. The Palestinians had no problem with Israel being reinstated (as it had existed there for 1000s of years before they were displaced) and they were happy with the payment they received for the land. Im no expert but have seen plenty to know that it was largely down to the British and our handling of the situation that caused the problems. I know the Balfour Declaration was partly involved and we sent the Jews to what was virtually the same as the concentration camps (without the gas chambers) after the war to manage immigration. Im sure you can find more if you really want to.
Facking clueless and deluded as hell. I guess the tons of UN declarations violated by Israel for decades and settlement of hundreds of thousands into East Jerusalem and the West Bank is proof of Israel's innocence. And I wouldn't know how you came about the claim that Palestine were happy with the partition of their territory.
posted on 25/7/14
"It's a cruel cruel joke that a "country" was invented to appease the Jews after WW2 and stuck it in the place where they were least wanted. I feel awful for the Palestinians. I also feel a hint of sadness for the Jews too because they don't appear to be accepted anywhere. So what to do?....America seems to like them. Can't they go there? "
You still can't grasp it, the Jews have ALWAYS lived on Arab land - but they've been persecuted and booted out of virtually every country there - so they reside in tiny Israel and now they come for them there too...
posted on 25/7/14
Israel has tried to broker peace, Hamas has continued attacks using tunnels, Hamas has vowed never to surrender, although what they vow never to surrender from is a war of their making.
^ who said that? What a load of rubbish.. I think it was cinciwolf... Answer me this then cinciwolf, why did the right wing Israelis kill Yitzhak Rabin for agreeing the peace deal with Yasser Arafat back in 1993?
And what is preventing Israel from adopting those accords now?
Also as a tertiary question, how many more settlements have been built on occupied land since 1993?
You come out with a load of tosh about Hamas, Hamas were nowhere on the political landscape in 1993, the policies of Israel undermining the Palestinians led to Hamas support.
posted on 25/7/14
And latest this evening, Israel has rejected a ceasefire agreement.
They want to continue the killing. What a beacon of light Israel is to the region!
posted on 25/7/14
They're just protecting themselves red. By bombing the fack out of hospitals schools and shelters..
posted on 25/7/14
comment by Redinthehead - FreeGaza - فلسطين (U1860)
posted 3 seconds ago
And latest this evening, Israel has rejected a ceasefire agreement.
They want to continue the killing. What a beacon of light Israel is to the region!
You really need to get your facts right.
posted on 25/7/14
I lost a bet and had to leave the forum but I can't let some of this rubbish stand.
Firstly whats this rubbish about the Palestinians being happy to give away their land?
Look at British people and their attitude towards immigrants....
These people aren't even stealing our land and trying to form their own country in our land and a lot of people still have a problem with them!!
Secondly I used to believe the lie that the Jews bought most of the land that became Israel the fact is though they formed a country out of the land of another country that they didn't even own!
I have read the statistic originally in a book but for the life of me cannot remember which one! so some internet sites will have to do... the one does give a clue how to get this info from a pro_jewish source though.
First, ’redeeming’ the land before the establishment of the State of Israel was often at the expense of Arab fellahin. The British Hope Simpson report in 1930 said that ’the Arabs gradually were being driven off the soil by Jewish land purchases and by the JNF not allowing Arab employment on Jewish tracts.’
Second, after the 1948 war, it was the holdings of Arab refugees or of ’present absentees’ (and not land purchases from the little blue boxes) that accounted for most of the JNF’s land. They were not ’redeemed’ but conquered. This is quite contrary to the image that JNF holdings were bought by mutual agreement from the former owners of the land at fair prices. It is also contrary to international law. Land acquisition and settlement by an occupying power contravene The Hague Regulations of 1907 and the 1949 Geneva Convention. Incidentally, in Israel itself the JNF ’often buys land for prices well above the market value in order to prevent their being sold to Arabs who may have been negotiating to buy them.
There is still a naive belief in the old myth that the land in the State of Israel was acquired dunam by dunam through donations to the JNF from the Diaspora. This idea has no historical foundation since before the establishment of the state only 7% of the land in Palestine was owned by Jews, and not all of that was JNF land. Though impressive for a voluntary organization, the results of the JNF’s land acquisition before the establishment of Israel were quite modest – 22,363 dunams by 1920, 516,000 dunams by 1940, 936,000 by May 1948. (Even so, the British White Paper of 1939 didn’t prevent the JNF holdings from almost doubling between 1939 and 1946). Most of the land now owned by the JNF – 13% of all public land – was conquered during the War of Independence and ended up in the hands of the JNF, administered by the Israel Land Authority (ILA). This includes some of the best lands in the center of the country.
UN Partition Plan
Finally, in 1947 the United Nations decided to intervene. However, rather than adhering to the principle of “self-determination of peoples,” in which the people themselves create their own state and system of government, the UN chose to revert to the medieval strategy whereby an outside power divides up other people’s land.
Map of UN-proposed partition of Palestine. Click here for larger map.
UN Plan of Partition
more maps
Under considerable Zionist pressure, the UN recommended giving away 55% of Palestine to a Jewish state – despite the fact that this group represented only about 30% of the total population, and owned under 7% of the land.
n article entitled "Who Owns the Land?" which appeared in the August 30, 2002 issue of the Sword of the Lord and in various associational papers, made this interesting statement: "Meanwhile, the Jewish National Fund began to collect money to purchase land in Palestine for Jewish settlement, eventually purchasing 92% of present-day Israel."
This 92% figure is quite different from the generally accepted and documented figures which indicate that by the time of Israel’s independence in 1948, the Jews had purchased approximately 6% to 7% of modern-day Israel (pre-1967 boundaries).
I wrote twice to the author of "Who Owns the Land?" inviting him to straighten me out and provide documentation for his statement that Jews bought 92% of Israel. I received no reply.
Meanwhile, I checked out the official web site of the Jewish National Fund at, a Jewish, pro-Israel, pro-Zionist web site. This web site states that the Jewish National Fund purchased 375,000 acres of the land prior to the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. Based on a total of 7992 square miles in Israel (pre-1967 boundaries), this means that the Jews purchased a total of 7.33% of Palestine from its previous Arab owners, not 92%.
posted on 25/7/14
You still can't grasp it, the Jews have ALWAYS lived on Arab land - but they've been persecuted and booted out of virtually every country there - so they reside in tiny Israel and now they come for them there too...
It doesn't mean millions of Ashkenazi Jews who had settled in Europe for centuries and millenia BELONG there anymore. Pretty much the entire human race have migrated between places - but staking a forceful claim to past conquered territory several centuries later is somewhat dubious,
posted on 25/7/14
I wouldn't believe anything coming from BBC and sky news right now.
posted on 25/7/14
That above is without even mentioning that most of that 7% was bought from absentee landlords (think England back in the feudal days peasants working someone elses land for a small plot they worked for themselves)
Although tbh whether they bought the land or not to me doesn't even matter. If a bunch of rich arabs banded together and bought themselves a large batch of England and formed their own country out of it I don't think we would be particularly happy!
posted on 25/7/14
Death toll
800 Palestinians
36 Israelis.
7, welcome back mate.
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