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Arguing w/strangers cause I'm lonely thread

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posted on 7/9/21

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 7/9/21

That famous right wing sense of humour

posted on 7/9/21

comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 38 minutes ago
That famous right wing sense of humour

posted on 7/9/21

comment by Insert random username (U10647)
posted 1 hour, 27 minutes ago
So the headline from those figures is essentially:

Those receiving the benefit of the money happy that someone else has to pay for it

This is the problem with conservatism in my opinion, eventually you run out of other people's money to spend
Oh you cheeky beaugar. I seevwhat you did.

posted on 7/9/21

comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 1 hour, 26 minutes ago
comment by De Gea's Legs (U14210)
posted 11 minutes ago
Boris Johnson refuses to rule out more tax rises ahead of next election as he defends National Insurance
Today's NI rise for social care is in addition to the seemingly forgotten currehtbcouncil tax provision for social care.
We have to pay for the society we want and I've no issue with that, but the burden should be carried by the wealthiest in our society, not the poorest.
Everyone forgets when talking about the "Low tax Tories" that in "Real terms" (adjusted to take into account inflation) we are paying 56% MORE on council tax than 20 years ago.

The biggest driver of that has been Tory austerity, cutting council budgets whilst giving them additional responsibility.

All whilst cutting £26bn a year off the corporation tax, and failing to tax the big players such as Google and Amazon at all...

posted on 7/9/21

Untreated effluent can be discharged by waste water treatment plants due to lack of chemicals to neutralise and the waste.

Can be discharged into groundwater, though strictly time bound and requiring approval by the environment agency.

The UKs new relationship with the EU is cited as one of the causes of the supply chain faltering for the needed supplies.

Peckham Spring water it is then

posted on 7/9/21


Read all about it, published yesterday.

Surface water = lakes and rivers. Is it a Tree? Is it a barge? Nooo it’s a great vat of shiiiite.

posted on 7/9/21

Niiiice... Need to dump it far out at sea imo..

Takes the piiiss that the need to do it at all mind.

All human waste should be digested to extract the methane potential

posted on 7/9/21

The fact they’ve mentioned surface water makes lakes and rivers fair game.

posted on 7/9/21

What’s happening in Brazil has a certain familiarity to it doesn’t it…

Brazil on edge as Bolsonaro supporters march on Congress https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-58479028

posted on 7/9/21

comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 4 hours, 6 minutes ago
No, why bump up NI and not income tax/capital gains or ?

Conservatives looking after their core vote (the greatest users of social care) at the expense of the young and low paid.

"The Pandemic wasnt part of our manifesto" ffs!
Check dividend tax change

posted on 7/9/21

It's true.

Their parasitical practice is going to attract 1.25% more tax, raising £600m in Boris "tacked on" policy designed to appease "red wall" Tories.

posted on 7/9/21

£20k salary additional £130pa
£100k salary additional £1130pa

Not scr3wing ‘the rich’

posted on 7/9/21

comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 6 hours, 21 minutes ago
comment by Just Shoot (U10408)
posted about a minute ago
comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Just Shoot (U10408)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 4 minutes ago
Conservatives on heee ignoring the broken manifesto promises, same same.
And the bonus for 10. When was the last time a government followed their manifesto? 😂
Deflection, same same.
Just in your head. Who is a Tory besides Martial and Ginger.
Bore off mate, roll about in the gutter with your pash, I'm personally done with you and tbab's non sequiturs.
Non sequiturs - I like. An underused term


posted on 7/9/21

But cmon lads, we knew something was going to have to increase to pay for all the spending and adding dividend increases is surely a sign of being fair.

Dividends have very little to do with the lower income population.

Adding £130 is going to hurt poorer people I agree but the changes are pretty fair, no?

The ‘middle class’ already pay the huge majority for our country, we can’t just pile it on them and the increasing top 1% wouldn’t generate enough dollars.

This is fair imo and I’m surprised that some of you don’t agree it’s pretty good changes overall, given the extraordinary circumstances.

posted on 7/9/21

And yes Sat Nav is back on the run again. Diplomatico was the chosen poison tonight bitchezzzz

(No russell Crowe tonight though Crouchy, sorry. Yes Mambabababa, I’m going to be bed soon)

posted on 7/9/21

Oh SoQ- you’ll be gutted or hear. My Montreal mate has decided to come over here for his 40th next summer, so no visit to the land of the beautiful waitresses from drunk Nav

posted on 8/9/21

comment by bmcl1987 (U14177)
posted 3 hours, 35 minutes ago
What’s happening in Brazil has a certain familiarity to it doesn’t it…

Brazil on edge as Bolsonaro supporters march on Congress https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-58479028
Going round shaking hands with people in hospitals and claiming people who contract COVID might actually live longer at the start of the pandemic.

Repeatedly attacking the judiciary when it returns judgments he doesn’t like.

Isolationist foreign policy severing all ties with his closest neighbours.

Having his administration rail against a non-existent “cancel culture” and talk up a phone culture war.

Using executive powers to shut down parliamentary debate and scrutiny.

Proposing anti-democratic laws to shut down inconvenient protests and disenfranchise underprivileged and minority voters.

Yep, we’ve seen all that before somewhere…

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 8/9/21

does kinda ring a bell

posted on 8/9/21

🚨🚨 | BREAKING: Dominic Raab, Priti Patel and Gavin Williamson are facing the sack due to a snap reshuffle

Via @thetimes

posted on 8/9/21

comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 7 hours, 47 minutes ago
£20k salary additional £130pa
£100k salary additional £1130pa

Not scr3wing ‘the rich’
Unless that £100k salary is actually £100k rental income.

posted on 8/9/21

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 8/9/21

comment by bmcl1987 (U14177)
posted 59 minutes ago
comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 7 hours, 47 minutes ago
£20k salary additional £130pa
£100k salary additional £1130pa

Not scr3wing ‘the rich’
Unless that £100k salary is actually £100k rental income.
I'm yet to see how they do it, but when I googled "dividend tax change" yesterday, the first result was a telegraph article


Obviously it's paywalled, so I can't see it but the headline is "Dividend tax increase – how much extra you will pay and how to beat it"

Hopefully there is also a way to beat the NI rise, as well as the parasitcal process of dividend extraction that's destroyed pension pots across the country, artificially inflated our utility bills and has increasingly suppressed wages.

posted on 8/9/21

comment by Insert random username (U10647)
posted 12 minutes ago
comment by bmcl1987 (U14177)
posted 59 minutes ago
comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 7 hours, 47 minutes ago
£20k salary additional £130pa
£100k salary additional £1130pa

Not scr3wing ‘the rich’
Unless that £100k salary is actually £100k rental income.
I'm yet to see how they do it, but when I googled "dividend tax change" yesterday, the first result was a telegraph article


Obviously it's paywalled, so I can't see it but the headline is "Dividend tax increase – how much extra you will pay and how to beat it"

Hopefully there is also a way to beat the NI rise, as well as the parasitcal process of dividend extraction that's destroyed pension pots across the country, artificially inflated our utility bills and has increasingly suppressed wages.
Lol at the headline

posted on 8/9/21

comment by bmcl1987 (U14177)
posted 1 hour, 18 minutes ago
comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 7 hours, 47 minutes ago
£20k salary additional £130pa
£100k salary additional £1130pa

Not scr3wing ‘the rich’
Unless that £100k salary is actually £100k rental income.
How many people do you think are receiving £100k in rental income in the uk? That’s 8 average rentals by the way

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