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Arguing w/strangers cause I'm lonely thread

Page 3778 of 4713

posted on 28/10/23

comment by RB&W - One man down, One nil up (U21434)
posted 41 minutes ago
comment by K7-0ptimus Primal (U1282)
posted 3 hours, 18 minutes ago
comment by Dushane Hill (U11781)
posted 7 hours, 18 minutes ago
Explain it in football terms lads
Palestine players arrive at stadium and find Israel players already there and occupying both halves of the pitch. They complain to ref that Israel players have encroached on their side of the pitch. Ref comes out and looks around. He doesn't see a problem.

Game kicks off. Ref immediately sends off entire Palestine defence as only Israel have a right to defend themselves. Israel player takes a terrible shot at goal that ends up going out for a Palestine throw in near the corner flag. Ref awards a goal to Israel on the basis that if the goalposts in football had been located at the corner flag from the start, it would have been a goal.

Palestine keeper somehow keeps making mistakes and giving the ball to Israel players in dangerous positions, allowing them to do whatever they want and score. Whenever Israel want to score, Palestine keeper gets a signal from Israel manager and "mishits" the ball to Israel striker and then runs to hide behind the advertisement boards. Israel striker's shot is such a rocket it rips a hole through the net, something that hasn't been seen since the 90s as nets are much tougher these days.

Palestine players mistakenly steps on Israel players little toe. Israel player goes down wailing and holding his face. Ref stops the game and has the entire Palestinian team lined up firing squad style. Also has Palestinian players' friends and family taken from their homes and lined up too. Israel players allowed to go through the line up slide tackling everyone with leg breakers. Gaza hospitals full of patients with broken legs soon thereafter.

Israel sneak 4 extra players onto pitch but one of them is wearing Palestine colours. Israel keep making a fuss and playing victim about Palestine's extra player. Ref is pretending to be so occupied with extra Palestine player so that he doesn't notice that Israel have 3 extra players on the pitch.

In any case he's already received the brown envelope to not notice such. Linesmen notice but they pretend not to because it's Israel, nobody wants to mess with those guys as they are cool with FIFA and UEFA so could have you relegated to reffing in the Futsal 4th tier in Outer Mongolia in no time.

Israel are now camped and have been camped in their opponents half since the kickoff. Palestine are hemmed in with nowhere to go and for some reason the exits are closed and Israel have the keys. Everyone back defending, but it looks like a lost cause at this point. Looks like Israel gonna finish them off completely now.

Whole world is watching this game and at this point, most of them have grown tired of Palestine's cheating. Israel never cheats, how dare you? Even when Israel cheat it's only because the Palestinians made them do it. If only the Palestinians didn't make Israel cheat then Israel wouldn't cheat. Israel has a right to cheat itself.

A few fans realize that Israel is cheating, but Israel's kind of cheating is the kind that fans can stand, unlike the dirty Palestinians. Every Israel goal is met with wild celebrations as Israel are the good guys, everybody knows that, haven't you read the bible?

Fourth official holds up board to show time added on at the end of the game. It says, "Until Israel finish doing whatever they want to do this time around."

Join us for the return leg in a couple weeks.
LOL. Brilliant!


I’m using that

posted on 28/10/23

Take a bow son, that’s some good work there.

He must have had his weetabix

posted on 28/10/23


Morality police. I mean really in 2023. Dark ages rubbish

posted on 28/10/23

Thanks guys.

posted on 28/10/23

So proud of my fellow Londoners marching for the fight against apartheid and the eradication of Palestinian people.

posted on 28/10/23

Fack Israel.

posted on 28/10/23


posted on 28/10/23

The Israeli PM does not name him but says: "Don't accuse us of war crimes. If you think that you can accuse our soldiers of war crimes that is hypocrisy. We are the most moral army in the world."


comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 28/10/23

comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 10 hours, 14 minutes ago
comment by RB&W - One man down, One nil up (U21434)
posted 41 minutes ago
comment by K7-0ptimus Primal (U1282)
posted 3 hours, 18 minutes ago
comment by Dushane Hill (U11781)
posted 7 hours, 18 minutes ago
Explain it in football terms lads
Palestine players arrive at stadium and find Israel players already there and occupying both halves of the pitch. They complain to ref that Israel players have encroached on their side of the pitch. Ref comes out and looks around. He doesn't see a problem.

Game kicks off. Ref immediately sends off entire Palestine defence as only Israel have a right to defend themselves. Israel player takes a terrible shot at goal that ends up going out for a Palestine throw in near the corner flag. Ref awards a goal to Israel on the basis that if the goalposts in football had been located at the corner flag from the start, it would have been a goal.

Palestine keeper somehow keeps making mistakes and giving the ball to Israel players in dangerous positions, allowing them to do whatever they want and score. Whenever Israel want to score, Palestine keeper gets a signal from Israel manager and "mishits" the ball to Israel striker and then runs to hide behind the advertisement boards. Israel striker's shot is such a rocket it rips a hole through the net, something that hasn't been seen since the 90s as nets are much tougher these days.

Palestine players mistakenly steps on Israel players little toe. Israel player goes down wailing and holding his face. Ref stops the game and has the entire Palestinian team lined up firing squad style. Also has Palestinian players' friends and family taken from their homes and lined up too. Israel players allowed to go through the line up slide tackling everyone with leg breakers. Gaza hospitals full of patients with broken legs soon thereafter.

Israel sneak 4 extra players onto pitch but one of them is wearing Palestine colours. Israel keep making a fuss and playing victim about Palestine's extra player. Ref is pretending to be so occupied with extra Palestine player so that he doesn't notice that Israel have 3 extra players on the pitch.

In any case he's already received the brown envelope to not notice such. Linesmen notice but they pretend not to because it's Israel, nobody wants to mess with those guys as they are cool with FIFA and UEFA so could have you relegated to reffing in the Futsal 4th tier in Outer Mongolia in no time.

Israel are now camped and have been camped in their opponents half since the kickoff. Palestine are hemmed in with nowhere to go and for some reason the exits are closed and Israel have the keys. Everyone back defending, but it looks like a lost cause at this point. Looks like Israel gonna finish them off completely now.

Whole world is watching this game and at this point, most of them have grown tired of Palestine's cheating. Israel never cheats, how dare you? Even when Israel cheat it's only because the Palestinians made them do it. If only the Palestinians didn't make Israel cheat then Israel wouldn't cheat. Israel has a right to cheat itself.

A few fans realize that Israel is cheating, but Israel's kind of cheating is the kind that fans can stand, unlike the dirty Palestinians. Every Israel goal is met with wild celebrations as Israel are the good guys, everybody knows that, haven't you read the bible?

Fourth official holds up board to show time added on at the end of the game. It says, "Until Israel finish doing whatever they want to do this time around."

Join us for the return leg in a couple weeks.
LOL. Brilliant!


I’m using that

excellent. Top notch work.

posted on 28/10/23

Loathe as I am to praise Mamba, that was excellent work.

posted on 28/10/23

Twitter is depressing as usual these days but it’s even worse with this invasion of Gaza as all the racists and bizarrely the conspiracy theorists are all spreading the very worst lies about these marches. I’ve been to three pro Palestinian marches in Sydney over the past three weeks and I feel I’m being gaslit by the psycho right wingers as to what is going on at them.

posted on 28/10/23

(I say bizarrely with the conspiracy theorists as you’d think with their newfound ‘critical thinking’ skills they’d start questioning the media narrative regarding what’s actually happening. Perhaps they’re all just racists and choose when and what to question)

posted on 28/10/23

comment by Robb - Under Neon Loneliness (U22716)
posted 11 minutes ago
(I say bizarrely with the conspiracy theorists as you’d think with their newfound ‘critical thinking’ skills they’d start questioning the media narrative regarding what’s actually happening. Perhaps they’re all just racists and choose when and what to question)
You’re being far too generous. They are quite simply idiots

posted on 28/10/23

comment by Irishred (U2539)
posted 25 minutes ago
comment by Robb - Under Neon Loneliness (U22716)
posted 11 minutes ago
(I say bizarrely with the conspiracy theorists as you’d think with their newfound ‘critical thinking’ skills they’d start questioning the media narrative regarding what’s actually happening. Perhaps they’re all just racists and choose when and what to question)
You’re being far too generous. They are quite simply idiots

Even calling them idiots is generous

posted on 28/10/23


I’d say GB News is in parody territory but it’s far past that.

This guy says that because the UK is being overrun by Muslim immigrants he’s leaving the country. To go where? Ah yes, Dubai.

Where do they find these thick toffs? Tofften Street?

posted on 28/10/23

comment by Robb - Under Neon Loneliness (U22716)
posted 21 minutes ago

I’d say GB News is in parody territory but it’s far past that.

This guy says that because the UK is being overrun by Muslim immigrants he’s leaving the country. To go where? Ah yes, Dubai.

Where do they find these thick toffs? Tofften Street?

There was a guy on another football forum I go on who was complaining about all the asylum seekers and how it was going the cause the end of the western world. Then a few posts later said that the more it goes on, the more the stronger the temptation to move to Saudi Arabia was for him.

posted on 28/10/23


posted on 28/10/23

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 1 day ago
The UN General Assembly has adopted – by an overwhelming majority – a resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian truce in Gaza.

The resolution – put forward by Jordan on behalf of the Arab group – also condemns all acts of violence against Palestinian and Israeli civilians, including all "terror and indiscriminate attacks".

It calls for unhindered aid and protection of civilians.

UK abstains.
I have very mixed emotions about the situation.

On the one hand, I find the Isreali state to be deeply problematic entity, which supresses and steals land from innocent Palesteinaians. And I do consider the situation as an apartheid state.

On the other, Hamas are not reliant with ceasefire and currently hold UK civilians as hostiages. How can a ceasefire be agreed if they are still holding hostages? Why would the UK agree to a ceasefire if some of its civilians are potentially unsafe?

I was at the demonstatration today, as I am appalled by the loss of civilian life in the conflict. My experience at the protest was that it was peaceful, but I am not comfortable with many of the slogans, particularly, "from the river to the sea" and "Israel is a terrorist state". I firmly believe in the two state solution to the conflict, and I believe a sizable portion who were there, do not believe in Israel's right to legitimacy.

posted on 29/10/23

Israel is a terrorist state though. I don’t really have an issue with it existing there and in no way do I wish for it to be abolished (for lack of a better word) but it gets away with murder and really should be policed better by the UN and other world leaders

posted on 29/10/23

comment by Black Hawk (U16342)
posted 2 hours, 45 minutes ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 1 day ago
The UN General Assembly has adopted – by an overwhelming majority – a resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian truce in Gaza.

The resolution – put forward by Jordan on behalf of the Arab group – also condemns all acts of violence against Palestinian and Israeli civilians, including all "terror and indiscriminate attacks".

It calls for unhindered aid and protection of civilians.

UK abstains.
I have very mixed emotions about the situation.

On the one hand, I find the Isreali state to be deeply problematic entity, which supresses and steals land from innocent Palesteinaians. And I do consider the situation as an apartheid state.

On the other, Hamas are not reliant with ceasefire and currently hold UK civilians as hostiages. How can a ceasefire be agreed if they are still holding hostages? Why would the UK agree to a ceasefire if some of its civilians are potentially unsafe?

I was at the demonstatration today, as I am appalled by the loss of civilian life in the conflict. My experience at the protest was that it was peaceful, but I am not comfortable with many of the slogans, particularly, "from the river to the sea" and "Israel is a terrorist state". I firmly believe in the two state solution to the conflict, and I believe a sizable portion who were there, do not believe in Israel's right to legitimacy.
Only one part of what you have written would be deemed as acceptable on here BH.

The protests here in the UK (and other countries) are quite troublesome. There’s a lot of bad slogans being used, like calling for jihad also (the deflection of multiple meanings is exactly that) from the Muslim armies.

Very valid point on the hostages also.

Either way I cannot see Israel stopping now, they will get rid of Hamas take control of Gaza again and run it like the West Bank.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 29/10/23

Either way I cannot see Israel stopping now, they will get rid of Hamas take control of Gaza again and run it like the West Bank

Good lord! The very essence of the conflict is the fact the Palestinians want their own state FFS!

The river to the sea demands are a nonsense, Israel exists and will continue to exist. Zionism is a nonsense, the current racist, apartheid state should not be tolerated.
The two opposing opinions cannot co-exist without the regular slaughter of innocents on both sides we experience every few years.

Hamas are a symptom of the occupation and oppression, Israeli military support for settlers and the violence they bring fuels their support amongst Palestinians, the international community needs to clamp down on Israel and force it to adhere to UN resolutions.
You want peace, you deal with the extremists, be they the ultra nationalist Israelis or Hamas. The Oslo agreement required the basis of compromise on both sides and what happened, an Israeli racist killed the PM for wanting peace.
It's horrible watching the slaughter of innocents, Palestinian and Israeli, OUR government says Israel has the right to self defence, but does self defence involve butchering children and levelling homes? It's obscene.

What Hamas did a few Saturdays ago was vile, Israeli intelligence is world renowned, they know who was responsible, they have a track record of erasing those responsible for killing Israelis, they don't need to obliterate an entire state as a 'lesson', all theyre doing is hardening worldwide opinion for/against them.

posted on 29/10/23

Either way I cannot see Israel stopping now, they will get rid of Hamas take control of Gaza again and run it like the West Bank.
I doubt some of these, like getting rid of Hamas. We'll see if that is doable as I think they'll just pop up again and again so long as the apartheid continues. Do Israel even want to get rid of Hamas completely? How will they expand without the Hamas and terrorism excuse?

But I digress in that, time will tell I suppose.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 29/10/23

Hamas only disappears if/when a consensus solution is found, you cannot bomb it out of existence.

posted on 29/10/23

I genuinely feel with social media and the like being so prevalent during this latest stage of the Israel lying machine the tide seems to be turning in regards to public opinion. Maybe it’s just here in Oz but talking to people who previously were very much ‘Israel can do no wrong’ before, now it’s much less clear cut and that’s down to more and more people being exposed to actual truth cutting through the Israeli propaganda machine.

posted on 29/10/23

comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 3 minutes ago
Hamas only disappears if/when a consensus solution is found, you cannot bomb it out of existence.
Yep. If bombs could get rid of Hamas it would have happened already IMO. It's just a bombing exercise. Hamas will still be around afterwards. More likely than eradication is Hamas being replaced by someone else who it's possible might even be worse than Hamas and they'd go out the frying pan into the fire.

The only way is to use your brains not your brawn, and I'm surprised at some of the people and rationale for supporting them or seeing the elimination of Hamas via these means as a viable alternative with reasonable chance of success.

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