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Arguing w/strangers cause I'm lonely thread

Page 4289 of 4715

posted on 10/6/24

Labour leads by 26%.

Tied-lowest ever Conservative %.

Joint-highest ever Reform UK %.

Westminster VI (7/6-10/6):

Labour 45% (+3)
Conservative 19% (&ndash
Reform UK 17% (&ndash
Lib Dem 10% (-2)
Green 5% (-1)
SNP 3% (&ndash
Other 1% (-1)

Changes +/- 5/6-6

Dear oh dear

posted on 10/6/24

Largest EVER lead for Starmer over Sunak.

Highest % to pick Starmer.

Joint-lowest % to pick Sunak.

Which of the following do Britons think would be the better PM for the UK? (7-10 June)

Keir Starmer 47% (+3)
Rishi Sunak 26% (-1)

Changes +/- 5-6 June

That D-Day foook up really did it for little Rishi

posted on 10/6/24

NEW: Debbie Soloman, who used the hashtag #NeverTrustATory, is the Tory candidate for Lee Anderson's Ashfield seat

posted on 10/6/24

comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 6 hours, 22 minutes ago
I think you're both looking at intelligence like it's a bell curve on just 2 axis

Someone can be incredibly good at numbers but totally uncreative or able to think abstractly & someone can be incredible with people and know how to communicate effectively but can't read

Think Rees Mogg and this Gribben guy are able to be both very smart at whatever they do in finance and thick as shiiiiit
Funny that because whenever Abacus Abbott gets called thick after one of her many gaffes we’re forever told she went to Cambridge, or does this rule only apply to Tories and Reformers?

posted on 10/6/24

BREAKING | UN Security Council adopts resolution calling on Hamas to accept Biden's proposal for a prisoner exchange and ceasefire deal.

14 member states voted yes, while Russia abstained.

Why am I not surprised

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 10/6/24

comment by clapfreesince2003 (U22207)
posted about an hour ago
comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 6 hours, 22 minutes ago
I think you're both looking at intelligence like it's a bell curve on just 2 axis

Someone can be incredibly good at numbers but totally uncreative or able to think abstractly & someone can be incredible with people and know how to communicate effectively but can't read

Think Rees Mogg and this Gribben guy are able to be both very smart at whatever they do in finance and thick as shiiiiit
Funny that because whenever Abacus Abbott gets called thick after one of her many gaffes we’re forever told she went to Cambridge, or does this rule only apply to Tories and Reformers?
Definitely applies to Prit Patel, she couldn't even read the numbers from a bit of paper in front of her.

posted on 10/6/24

comment by clapfreesince2003 (U22207)
posted 1 hour, 30 minutes ago
comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 6 hours, 22 minutes ago
I think you're both looking at intelligence like it's a bell curve on just 2 axis

Someone can be incredibly good at numbers but totally uncreative or able to think abstractly & someone can be incredible with people and know how to communicate effectively but can't read

Think Rees Mogg and this Gribben guy are able to be both very smart at whatever they do in finance and thick as shiiiiit
Funny that because whenever Abacus Abbott gets called thick after one of her many gaffes we’re forever told she went to Cambridge, or does this rule only apply to Tories and Reformers?

Don't worry Clappy, the Tories never let you down

posted on 11/6/24

comment by clapfreesince2003 (U22207)
posted 3 hours, 20 minutes ago
comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 6 hours, 22 minutes ago
I think you're both looking at intelligence like it's a bell curve on just 2 axis

Someone can be incredibly good at numbers but totally uncreative or able to think abstractly & someone can be incredible with people and know how to communicate effectively but can't read

Think Rees Mogg and this Gribben guy are able to be both very smart at whatever they do in finance and thick as shiiiiit
Funny that because whenever Abacus Abbott gets called thick after one of her many gaffes we’re forever told she went to Cambridge, or does this rule only apply to Tories and Reformers?
There's levels to every game and thickness is no different. Abbott comes out with stuff, but nothing at the level of this guy.

The question is, how can you call Abbott thick and then agree with some of the stuff this guy says and admire people like Farage and other racists? Even Abbott isn't that thick.

Should a person patently thicker than Abbott be allowed to go around calling her thick?

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 11/6/24

Conservative party are a complete navel gazing, basket ase. Jenrick and Braverman are planning a "rebel" manifesto if the party's actual manifesto doesn't give them a poll bounce.
The party that boast and brag about being a broad church that bicker but ultimately unite behind the leader when it comes to election time are falling apart at the seams. The man that lost out to Liz Truss is being stabbed in the front by the swivel eyed loons on the extreme right in his party.


Out of interest, in the highly unlikely event of a Tory win, can that party be held to a manifesto issued by nutty backbenchers

posted on 11/6/24

comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 19 seconds ago
Conservative party are a complete navel gazing, basket ase. Jenrick and Braverman are planning a "rebel" manifesto if the party's actual manifesto doesn't give them a poll bounce.
The party that boast and brag about being a broad church that bicker but ultimately unite behind the leader when it comes to election time are falling apart at the seams. The man that lost out to Liz Truss is being stabbed in the front by the swivel eyed loons on the extreme right in his party.


Out of interest, in the highly unlikely event of a Tory win, can that party be held to a manifesto issued by nutty backbenchers

It's an early leadership bid, allows them to act like they're right behind Rishi while giving them the opportunity to say "this is what we should have done" in August

comment by Szoboss (U6997)

posted on 11/6/24

comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 4 minutes ago
Conservative party are a complete navel gazing, basket ase. Jenrick and Braverman are planning a "rebel" manifesto if the party's actual manifesto doesn't give them a poll bounce.
The party that boast and brag about being a broad church that bicker but ultimately unite behind the leader when it comes to election time are falling apart at the seams. The man that lost out to Liz Truss is being stabbed in the front by the swivel eyed loons on the extreme right in his party.


Out of interest, in the highly unlikely event of a Tory win, can that party be held to a manifesto issued by nutty backbenchers


The one thing that has always united the Tory party is the desire for power. To win.

So when it came to election time it was stage-managed, fall into line, key messages out there. Win, win, win. They used to leave it to the Labour party of old to argue on points of principle and ideology.

If they don't have that unity, what do they have? Factions laid bare. It will be fascinating to see if this 'new' Tory party continue to shoot themselves in the foot post-election or whether this division is simply positioning because they know that nothing will prevent a battering at the polls this time around.

Hopefully the former but I suspect it's just the latter.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 11/6/24

I'd love for them to put Jenrick or Braverman into the hot seat. Alleged corrupt former housing minister and a Home Sec sacked for "sharing" sensitive documents, theyd be doomed.

posted on 11/6/24

It sure is a good thing Cameron called the EU referendum to save the Tories from being destroyed by a further right party.

posted on 11/6/24

Jenrick is as bent as a nine bob note, surprised he’s still an MP

posted on 11/6/24

comment by Szoboss (U6997)
posted 30 minutes ago
comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 4 minutes ago
Conservative party are a complete navel gazing, basket ase. Jenrick and Braverman are planning a "rebel" manifesto if the party's actual manifesto doesn't give them a poll bounce.
The party that boast and brag about being a broad church that bicker but ultimately unite behind the leader when it comes to election time are falling apart at the seams. The man that lost out to Liz Truss is being stabbed in the front by the swivel eyed loons on the extreme right in his party.


Out of interest, in the highly unlikely event of a Tory win, can that party be held to a manifesto issued by nutty backbenchers


The one thing that has always united the Tory party is the desire for power. To win.

So when it came to election time it was stage-managed, fall into line, key messages out there. Win, win, win. They used to leave it to the Labour party of old to argue on points of principle and ideology.

If they don't have that unity, what do they have? Factions laid bare. It will be fascinating to see if this 'new' Tory party continue to shoot themselves in the foot post-election or whether this division is simply positioning because they know that nothing will prevent a battering at the polls this time around.

Hopefully the former but I suspect it's just the latter.
Be careful what you wish for.

I detest the Tories with every bone in my body, but I don’t see any positives whatsoever in a Starmer-led Labour govt with a vast majority and no coherent opposition.

posted on 11/6/24

We’ll see the Labour Manifesto on Thursday, maybe there will be some groundbreaking policies

posted on 11/6/24

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 5 minutes ago
We’ll see the Labour Manifesto on Thursday, maybe there will be some groundbreaking policies

They’re pledging that £100k children can afford to have teeth which is already an improvement on anything Tory.

posted on 11/6/24

comment by Robbing Hoody - I want to play by my own rules... (U6374)
posted 17 minutes ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 5 minutes ago
We’ll see the Labour Manifesto on Thursday, maybe there will be some groundbreaking policies

They’re pledging that £100k children can afford to have teeth which is already an improvement on anything Tory.
If the Tories object to that it will be a massive bite

posted on 11/6/24

Give them teeth and you may have to actually feed them though… can’t see the Tories going for that.

posted on 11/6/24

Less than ten years ago, China decided it was going to become the world’s leading EV manufacturer. And by last year, 60% of the global total of EVs were *sold* in China. Not made in China, *sold* in China.

As well as new Chinese brands appearing out of nowhere and already competing with Tesla for sales, some of the big European players are now manufacturing in China for export. BMW’s iX3 is being built in Dadong and exported to Europe, and BMW is about to begin production of electric Minis in China.

Only four years ago (admittedly as part of a longer-term plan already a decade old), China pledged to reach 1,200 gigawatts of renewables capacity by 2030, more than double its capacity at that time. At its present pace, it will meet that target by 2025. It is currently installing more than twice the amount of renewable energy production capacity - across sources - that the rest of the world is installing *combined*.

How is all of this happening? Why is China’s future tech-driven industrial strategy outperforming everyone else’s so spectacularly?

1. Centralised, goal-oriented, long-term planning, allowing an academically-led technocracy to design long-term strategy and supporting programs.

2. Which are then fully committed to and fully financially backed by the state, acknowledging the results will see wins, losses and draws.

3. A real focus and huge investment (loans, IP-sharing, subsidies) in R&D and product development, from basic research carried through to market.

4. All of which pays for itself to fund the next round of innovation/wave of programmes through the repayment of loans, the realisation of profits from state equity in emerging corporations, and a tax system which actually collects from high earning companies.

Barring step four, it’s an American model. It’s the very same model the US state used to create, fund and benefit from the space programme, Silicon Valley and the dominant US pharma conglomerates, none of which would have existed without centralised state-led design and long-term planning, and a wholesale, long-term commitment to deliver against the design with public investment.

The Chinese, however, are also delivering back to the taxpayer with their model (step four), as well as ensuring the state continues to have the fiscal resources to fund the next mission.

Meanwhile, in the UK (and elsewhere in Europe), public-sector austerity, further privatisation of public assets, rampant and uncontrolled private-sector profiteering and wealth extraction, an innovation desert being drip fed and then rinsed by venture capital, and a slow, painful death for R&D and industry.

We should be having a good, hard look at what private capital has turned our political system and options into.

posted on 11/6/24

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 46 minutes ago
We’ll see the Labour Manifesto on Thursday, maybe there will be some groundbreaking policies
I’m excited

comment by Szoboss (U6997)

posted on 11/6/24

comment by rosso says the time has come to unlock the unlimited Pote-ntial of the Fernçalvenoo triumvirate (U17054)

Be careful what you wish for.

I detest the Tories with every bone in my body, but I don’t see any positives whatsoever in a Starmer-led Labour govt with a vast majority and no coherent opposition.

I'm not sure we're really in 'wish for' territory here Rosso.

I think most people would like to see a strong and coherent opposition that challenges the government on their policies and performance in office. But that's not what we're currently being offered. What we have currently is a government, soon to be opposition, that is split to a level I'm not sure I've seen the Tory party split in my lifetime. There are factions who openly snipe at each other and undermine leadership, the result being instability as they remove leaders at a rate not previously seen and new PMs are put in place by the 100k'ish conservative party members. The Labour party (soon to be government) are not critiqued in a constructive or consistent way, because there's no alignment behind the leader.

As a reflection on British politics it's so appalling that even the Reform party are making gains despite atrocious comments being made by candidates and having that Trump fluffer in as leader.

So whilst I certainly wouldn't wish for a huge Starmer majority under normal circumstances, these are not normal circumstances. A huge Starmer majority would be, to paraphrase old Winnie, the worst form of government, except for all the others.

posted on 11/6/24

comment by The greatest thing that ever happened to humankind (U1282)
posted 9 hours, 52 minutes ago
comment by clapfreesince2003 (U22207)
posted 3 hours, 20 minutes ago
comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 6 hours, 22 minutes ago
I think you're both looking at intelligence like it's a bell curve on just 2 axis

Someone can be incredibly good at numbers but totally uncreative or able to think abstractly & someone can be incredible with people and know how to communicate effectively but can't read

Think Rees Mogg and this Gribben guy are able to be both very smart at whatever they do in finance and thick as shiiiiit
Funny that because whenever Abacus Abbott gets called thick after one of her many gaffes we’re forever told she went to Cambridge, or does this rule only apply to Tories and Reformers?
There's levels to every game and thickness is no different. Abbott comes out with stuff, but nothing at the level of this guy.

The question is, how can you call Abbott thick and then agree with some of the stuff this guy says and admire people like Farage and other racists? Even Abbott isn't that thick.

Should a person patently thicker than Abbott be allowed to go around calling her thick?
I've lost count the number of people you've called thick and it's quite obvious you've had a poor standard of education.

Out of interest, what do you deem intelligent?

Do you remember when Abbot claimed Sasha Johnson was shot because she was a leader of the BLM movement? Turns out it had nothing to do with it and the shooters were black. The woman is a race baiter and a hypocrite.

posted on 11/6/24

comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 12 hours, 16 minutes ago
comment by clapfreesince2003 (U22207)
posted about an hour ago
comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 6 hours, 22 minutes ago
I think you're both looking at intelligence like it's a bell curve on just 2 axis

Someone can be incredibly good at numbers but totally uncreative or able to think abstractly & someone can be incredible with people and know how to communicate effectively but can't read

Think Rees Mogg and this Gribben guy are able to be both very smart at whatever they do in finance and thick as shiiiiit
Funny that because whenever Abacus Abbott gets called thick after one of her many gaffes we’re forever told she went to Cambridge, or does this rule only apply to Tories and Reformers?
Definitely applies to Prit Patel, she couldn't even read the numbers from a bit of paper in front of her.
I've never seen her with 2 left shoes on.

posted on 11/6/24

comment by clapfreesince2003 (U22207)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 12 hours, 16 minutes ago
comment by clapfreesince2003 (U22207)
posted about an hour ago
comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 6 hours, 22 minutes ago
I think you're both looking at intelligence like it's a bell curve on just 2 axis

Someone can be incredibly good at numbers but totally uncreative or able to think abstractly & someone can be incredible with people and know how to communicate effectively but can't read

Think Rees Mogg and this Gribben guy are able to be both very smart at whatever they do in finance and thick as shiiiiit
Funny that because whenever Abacus Abbott gets called thick after one of her many gaffes we’re forever told she went to Cambridge, or does this rule only apply to Tories and Reformers?
Definitely applies to Prit Patel, she couldn't even read the numbers from a bit of paper in front of her.
I've never seen her with 2 left shoes on.
2 left shoes on, mixing up figures during an interview, drinking a mojito on a train

Never had an intelligent person EVER done such things

Page 4289 of 4715

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