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Villas Boas & referee

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comment by (U8713)

posted on 20/9/11

maybe the 2 offside goals

posted on 20/9/11

Spot On Son

T W A T !

posted on 20/9/11

I could see him having a problem with the linesman but the ref had a good game apart from the debacle over Cole's booking and the slightly dubious penalty

posted on 20/9/11


comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 20/9/11

I could see him having a problem with the linesman but the ref had a good game


Which is why in AVB´s statement he says "referees" not just "referee".

Linesmen these days are referred to as assistant referees last time I checked.

posted on 20/9/11

comment by It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back (U1038)

How mature!

Thunderkiss has it spot on... however they were both very close offside decisions. but the Smalling one should've been seen.

comment by Bruno (U1664)

posted on 20/9/11

agreed with thunderkiss

posted on 20/9/11

was the standard that bad? yes replays showed both nani and smalling to be marginally onside but they were very tight decisions - hardly glaring errors - they occur quite often but just don't always result in goals

posted on 20/9/11

comment by SuperbFrank (U6486)
The bloke wiith the flag is called the linesman or lino for short. The bloke with the stick in the champion's league is just called the spectator. Calling them all referees is just silly

posted on 20/9/11

how anyone can complain about Nani goal offside is beyond me, he gains no advantage at all and still has the whole back 4 and centre midfield in front of him before he scored.

The first one yes he gained advantage by being about 30cm offside.

posted on 20/9/11

The two offsides were extremely close, so much so that no Chelsea player complained about them during the game. On the other hand, Drogba's offside goal, the goal that decided the premier league trophy two years ago, could be seen from an airplane. And what about the second penalty with a red card to Cole? Was that goos refereeing.

comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 20/9/11

Thunderkiss has it spot on... however they were both very close offside decisions. but the Smalling one should've been seen.


Doesn´t change the fact that they were both offside and shouldn´t have stood.

Smalling´s goals couldn´t have been any clearer offside and the assistant referee failed to do his job properly.

When somenone fails to do their job properly in any other walk of life there are usually consequences so I don´t see why assistant referees should be any different.

For that reason AVB has every right to compain through the official channels.

posted on 20/9/11

What about the winner at he Bridge where Smallings leg was kicked and player the threw himself to ground.

That after Luiz had escaped second yellow on THREE occasions.

Come back when you've been done over big time like us at the bridge !!

comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 20/9/11

The bloke wiith the flag is called the linesman or lino for short. The bloke with the stick in the champion's league is just called the spectator. Calling them all referees is just silly


I suggest you make an official complaint to either UEFA or FIFA then.

What do you want me to do about your dislike for linesmen to be called assistant referees ?

posted on 20/9/11

comment by Albert Morgan (U1655)
The Smalling one looked definitely off from the angle they showed, but I'd like to see what the view was from the linesman's side with so many players all bunched together.
Sky calling Nani's an offside goal does it a massive disservice, he had loads still to do when he collected the ball

posted on 20/9/11

TBH i had more of an issue with the 1st freekick being given and the penalty. Both I thought were quite easy to see as a good challenges

The Nani goal i still dont know what we can moan about, and yes the Smalling goal was marginal.

posted on 20/9/11

I'd like to ask why not one of the 8 Chelsea players between Nani and the goal made a tackle ???

Offside my ass

posted on 20/9/11

comment by SuperbFrank (U6486)
I'd like you to sign the petition I'm now considering making for FIFA to go back to their correct names. Link to follow

posted on 20/9/11

comment by Thunderkiss_65. (U2407)

Agreed but it doesnt matter to these whinging Chelsea fan, according to them Utd have got all the decisions in the histroy of football and they've never had a dodgy decision go there way.

All i've heard all afternoon is whinging Chelsea fans, its like they've caught Scousitius!

posted on 20/9/11

Chelsea fans watch your 2.1 win at the bridge again then come back and complain.

Cheating of the highest order, and we were winning !!!

posted on 20/9/11

I love the way the article states about AVB complaining about the ref but after 2 lines it turns into a Nando bashing article - nice one BBC!

posted on 20/9/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 20/9/11

Doesn´t change the fact that they were both offside and shouldn´t have stood.


but thats not the point - the article claims AVB is calling the referees performance poor - which wasn't really true - he got perhaps 2 our of how many decisions wrong - and as I pointed out they were quite marginal - The Smalling one is still questionable in my eyes as the definition of "daylight" has never been qualified. His top half is offside but the bottom half in line.

With Nani - Im not too sure what the rule is about getting onside? I.e. Surely Nani has got himself back onside or does it have to be before the ball is kicked?

comment by OGBG (U9035)

posted on 20/9/11

Chicarito back in training already. Must have been a magnificent break only bettered by the 24 hour recovery.

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 20/9/11

Come back when you've been done over big time like us at the bridge !!


Evra scissoring Ramires's legs from underneath him in the CL. Penalty goes in, 1-1 final score, totally different game at OT.

Anything else???

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