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Racist task force

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posted on 12/3/24


typical utd prawn sandwich dweeb 🤣

posted on 12/3/24

Oh ffs what a pathetic bunch of people, honestly.

posted on 12/3/24

A Manchester United representative said the "announcement of the task force last week was the start of this process, and further appointments will follow".

They said it would eventually be "made up of people with a variety of experiences, skills and backgrounds, representing all the key stakeholder groups whose support we need to turn the vision for a regenerated Old Trafford into reality".

"This is a complex and ambitious project that stretches beyond the stadium - with the aim of delivering social and economic benefits for our diverse local community and the wider region," they added.

"We want to hear from the full range of voices and perspectives as we build a shared plan to deliver those objectives."

posted on 12/3/24


posted on 12/3/24

Not sure I'm comfortable supporting a club that is happy with this institutional racism. They're misogynistic too - should be called People United.

posted on 12/3/24

I hope you are going to include an appropriate number of Trans Gender people and have all major religions covered within your task force.

posted on 12/3/24

Here comes the wiffy waffle comments about “Best man for the job” straight from Dailyfail followers.

There is also a report stating a black kid graduating from same university, same grade, on average earning 20% less. I wonder white.

posted on 12/3/24

As the world's first gay football fan I can totally relate to this discrimination. I stand with black people, close enough to get their poles up my bottom.

posted on 12/3/24

comment by House (U17162)
posted 12 minutes ago
Here's more circumstantial evidence to support the theme.

posted on 12/3/24

“A charity has said having "only white people" on a task force looking at a new Manchester United stadium makes it "institutionally racist"”

How the feck is this racist?

posted on 12/3/24

comment by Bats Uncensored (U18355)
posted 59 seconds ago
“A charity has said having "only white people" on a task force looking at a new Manchester United stadium makes it "institutionally racist"”

How the feck is this racist?

No idea.

posted on 12/3/24

Should have appointed Djemba Djemba over Gary Neville, there’s no other reason he’s on the team other than for his skin colour.

posted on 12/3/24

comment by Bats Uncensored (U18355)
posted 2 minutes ago
“A charity has said having "only white people" on a task force looking at a new Manchester United stadium makes it "institutionally racist"”

How the feck is this racist?
Because in 2024 everything is racist. Except for racism against white people, of course. You cannot be racist against white people anymore.

It’s all a money-grab. Charities, businesses, organisations, individuals - all cashing in on big business - racism. Pretty disgusting really.

posted on 12/3/24

comment by FFS Mike. (U1170)
posted 1 minute ago
Should have appointed Djemba Djemba over Gary Neville, there’s no other reason he’s on the team other than for his skin colour.
So good he built it twice?

posted on 12/3/24

comment by Willie Dyer (U1734)
posted 23 minutes ago
As the world's first gay football fan I can totally relate to this discrimination. I stand with black people, close enough to get their poles up my bottom.

posted on 12/3/24

comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Bats Uncensored (U18355)
posted 59 seconds ago
“A charity has said having "only white people" on a task force looking at a new Manchester United stadium makes it "institutionally racist"”

How the feck is this racist?

No idea.
how come they didn’t chose a non white from the start and only after got found out they chose to cover their inherent racism by saying they are still looking 🤣
Is this wasn’t racist they would’ve chosen a non white person already

just saying

posted on 12/3/24

comment by Willie Dyer (U1734)
posted 28 minutes ago
As the world's first gay football fan I can totally relate to this discrimination. I stand with black people, close enough to get their poles up my bottom.
you take it well 🤣

posted on 12/3/24

comment by He who Dares, waits for Trophies (U15748)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Bats Uncensored (U18355)
posted 59 seconds ago
“A charity has said having "only white people" on a task force looking at a new Manchester United stadium makes it "institutionally racist"”

How the feck is this racist?

No idea.
Is this wasn’t racist they would’ve chosen a non white person already

just saying
You don’t know that, at all. Where does it end?

All genders, races, religions represented proportionately across all sectors, all disciplines?


I wonder what those figures looked like 20 years ago, 40 years ago or 60 years ago versus now.

We don’t need this American-imported discriminatory hiring.

posted on 12/3/24

Why is black panther black?
Needs to be recast as a white female, perhaps trans gender, white, female.

Also any Bollywood movie and TV show now needs all white cast speaking English otherwise its all racist.

posted on 12/3/24

Yep, the colour of the people making decisions on a new stadium should be the priority.

posted on 12/3/24

Because in 2024 everything is racist. Except for racism against white people, of course. You cannot be racist against white people anymore.


Of course you can be racist against white poeple if you want to be you fackin tool. This is like racist white people who bleated about how 'white lives matter, too.'

posted on 12/3/24

Lots of Barry's on this thread

posted on 12/3/24

comment by RB&W - One man down, One nil up (U21434)
posted 2 minutes ago
Because in 2024 everything is racist. Except for racism against white people, of course. You cannot be racist against white people anymore.


Of course you can be racist against white poeple if you want to be you fackin tool. This is like racist white people who bleated about how 'white lives matter, too.'

Yep. White people can be the victims.of.discrimination, they just shouldn't say so.

posted on 12/3/24

comment by RB&W - One man down, One nil up (U21434)
posted 1 minute ago
Because in 2024 everything is racist. Except for racism against white people, of course. You cannot be racist against white people anymore.


Of course you can be racist against white poeple if you want to be you fackin tool. This is like racist white people who bleated about how 'white lives matter, too.'
Tell it to the mountain of morons who claim otherwise, ‘you fking tool’

posted on 12/3/24

comment by Bãleș left boot (U22081)
posted 5 seconds ago
Lots of Barry's on this thread
everybody who supports the Reform Party is a Barry

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