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Celtic vs Rangers

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posted 1 week, 4 days ago

1. Of course I enjoyed Rangers very much deserved win yesterday.

2. If the scenario had occurred where Celtic had done more in the game, shown more quality in either defence or attack and either kept out the third Rangers goal or scored a late equaliser then- absolutely they would have deserved the draw. But they didnt.

Im not saying Celtic couldnt have got a draw out the game. Im saying in the end they didnt and didnt do enough to deserve it IMO.

3. The panty wetting over Cerny splashing a few fans with water is absolutely hilarious. Of course he shouldnt have done it. But the reaction of the super ragey celtic fans is undeniably funny. Maybe if you took your green tinted specs off and chilled out a bit you might see that?

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

comment by Wolf Blitzer (U21900)
posted 16 minutes ago
We were utter schiete yesterday. Worst performance in that fixture for years, a whole team of headless chickens. No coincidence the captain and organiser was missing. Calum's influence in this team is massive, we missed his leadership.

Rangers deserved their win, they worked harder and wanted it more. If it was close in the league I'd be raging, as it is, it's just annoying to play that badly at home.

The Cerny incident, absolutely mental. That could've ended badly.
Not even your worst performance this year in one.

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

comment by Humble Hamish (U21959)
posted about a minute ago
1. Of course I enjoyed Rangers very much deserved win yesterday.

2. If the scenario had occurred where Celtic had done more in the game, shown more quality in either defence or attack and either kept out the third Rangers goal or scored a late equaliser then- absolutely they would have deserved the draw. But they didnt.

Im not saying Celtic couldnt have got a draw out the game. Im saying in the end they didnt and didnt do enough to deserve it IMO.

3. The panty wetting over Cerny splashing a few fans with water is absolutely hilarious. Of course he shouldnt have done it. But the reaction of the super ragey celtic fans is undeniably funny. Maybe if you took your green tinted specs off and chilled out a bit you might see that?

Nothing to do with green tinted specs in recognising that Cerny’s stupidity in a powder keg fixture was anything other than downright ill advised and potentially dangerous. It could have gone so badly wrong and got way out of hand. He was a fwcking moronic idiot and anyone who thinks it was somehow amusing is a clown and incapable of showing any sense or perspective.

Your earlier points I acknowledge. We just disagree is all.

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

3. The panty wetting over Cerny splashing a few fans with water is absolutely hilarious. Of course he shouldnt have done it. But the reaction of the super ragey celtic fans is undeniably funny. Maybe if you took your green tinted specs off and chilled out a bit you might see that?

This is funny to you as it was your player who did it to our fans. I can appreciate the schithousery. Unfortunately football supports contain a wide spectrum of personalities, some hit staff and players with glass bottles, others physically attack managers at their dugouts, others send bullets.

If some fans had gotten a grip of Cerny and assaulted him, what then..?

If Scott Brown did it at Ibrox..?

Absolutely mental to do that in that fixture.

comment by Silver (U6112)

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 8 minutes ago

Yep. We had one cleared off the line. Cerny should have taken the shot right away after our keeper passed the ball to him. Jota should have spun on McCowan’s pathetic effort which just missed the post. Jota should have cut the ball back instead of shooting.

etc etc.
Jota would have been offside had he swiped at McCowan's pathetic effort

Here's my glove moment - why was Rodgers wearing a black jumper? Never seen him not wear a tie even if he has layers on top.

Why did he take off Kuhn leaving Jota on when he knew he'd be hooking Jota soon after? Tells me his emotions got the better of him though he'll deny it or his famous coaching skills don't extend to a rocket up the erse at HT and see if that works on the cvnt for the first 10.

Have we now heard the last of bears bleating about Celtic's 'strategic' fouls to stop breakaways given how many they racked up yesterday?

Only Bernardo has the nous to fill for McGregor as a pivot.

No problem with the result. Our FB had a 'mare, others had poor games and and we lack a Broony to put someone up in the air when needed. Engels has the drive and strength to be that man but doesn't have the mentality as to why he needs to do it.

Gives them an incentive to go return the score at Ibrox and it is clearer now what we need in the summer.

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

Skooshing a wee bit of water on some fans.

Stupidity in a powder keg fixture

Top class schithousery.

Aw bit he goat us wet. Fook up.

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

comment by HB Fash (U21935)
posted 3 seconds ago
Skooshing a wee bit of water on some fans.

Stupidity in a powder keg fixture

Top class schithousery.

Aw bit he goat us wet. Fook up.

It’s quite clear that you are an idiot. It’s really that simple.

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by HB Fash (U21935)
posted 3 seconds ago
Skooshing a wee bit of water on some fans.

Stupidity in a powder keg fixture

Top class schithousery.

Aw bit he goat us wet. Fook up.

It’s quite clear that you are an idiot. It’s really that simple.
A dry one at that too, you greeting faced bastirt.

comment by Silver (U6112)

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

MInd when a prrik tied a scarf and wiped his nose. Yeez were apoplectic and no fans were impacted physically.

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

comment by HB Fash (U21935)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by HB Fash (U21935)
posted 3 seconds ago
Skooshing a wee bit of water on some fans.

Stupidity in a powder keg fixture

Top class schithousery.

Aw bit he goat us wet. Fook up.

It’s quite clear that you are an idiot. It’s really that simple.
A dry one at that too, you greeting faced bastirt.

Fair enough.

You’re a dry idiot. Still an idiot nonetheless.

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

comment by Silver (U6112)
posted less than a minute ago
MInd when a prrik tied a scarf and wiped his nose. Yeez were apoplectic and no fans were impacted physically.
An you lot enjoyed it, bogies are fine.

Water is not.

Is that the line? Or did the water hurty the fans?

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

comment by Silver (U6112)
posted 2 minutes ago
MInd when a prrik tied a scarf and wiped his nose. Yeez were apoplectic and no fans were impacted physically.

Ah bit.

comment by Silver (U6112)

posted 1 week, 4 days ago


vvanks - why would the club ask for it then send JPT to try and resolve it?

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

comment by Silver (U6112)
posted 28 seconds ago

vvanks - why would the club ask for it then send JPT to try and resolve it?

Serves the self important tvvats right in being held up for 5 hours and denied entry. Mind you I wouldn’t have been upset at being denied entry yesterday

Refusing to be searched as if they have some God given right to enter a stadium completely unchallenged as most other fans are and particularly when time after time they try and smuggle in pyros despite repeated warnings and hundreds of thousands of pounds in fines to the club.

That said; I do think football fans in general are treated appallingly by the authorities. Treated as if you are already some criminal or the dregs of society.

comment by Timmy (U14278)

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

comment by HB Fash (U21935)
posted 1 hour, 45 minutes ago
I hope we've found the formula for playing the Rodgers style of team.

Press like fook. If one or two of them isn't at it you'll get chances to win it. Feel like we've been the better team in the last few OFs now by doing this.
Rodgers sorted that at half time and put maeda on the wing. Made all the difference and should have started with that formation. Would have been a different result.

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by Silver (U6112)
posted 28 seconds ago

vvanks - why would the club ask for it then send JPT to try and resolve it?

Serves the self important tvvats right in being held up for 5 hours and denied entry. Mind you I wouldn’t have been upset at being denied entry yesterday

Refusing to be searched as if they have some God given right to enter a stadium completely unchallenged as most other fans are and particularly when time after time they try and smuggle in pyros despite repeated warnings and hundreds of thousands of pounds in fines to the club.

That said; I do think football fans in general are treated appallingly by the authorities. Treated as if you are already some criminal or the dregs of society.
At the ice hockey we go through airport style security to get into the stadium. No hassle, no complaints just sensible security measures in this day and age. The ones denied entry yesterday are undoubtedly toerags covering their faces etc. should be banned from all football grounds imho.

comment by Silver (U6112)

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Silver (U6112)
posted 28 seconds ago

vvanks - why would the club ask for it then send JPT to try and resolve it?

Serves the self important tvvats right in being held up for 5 hours and denied entry. Mind you I wouldn’t have been upset at being denied entry yesterday

Refusing to be searched as if they have some God given right to enter a stadium completely unchallenged as most other fans are and particularly when time after time they try and smuggle in pyros despite repeated warnings and hundreds of thousands of pounds in fines to the club.

That said; I do think football fans in general are treated appallingly by the authorities. Treated as if you are already some criminal or the dregs of society.
They should have consulted their lawyers before hand because plod clearly signalled their intentions.

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

comment by I'm not as think as you drunk I am.......... (U2115)
posted 34 minutes ago
comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by Silver (U6112)
posted 28 seconds ago

vvanks - why would the club ask for it then send JPT to try and resolve it?

Serves the self important tvvats right in being held up for 5 hours and denied entry. Mind you I wouldn’t have been upset at being denied entry yesterday

Refusing to be searched as if they have some God given right to enter a stadium completely unchallenged as most other fans are and particularly when time after time they try and smuggle in pyros despite repeated warnings and hundreds of thousands of pounds in fines to the club.

That said; I do think football fans in general are treated appallingly by the authorities. Treated as if you are already some criminal or the dregs of society.
At the ice hockey we go through airport style security to get into the stadium. No hassle, no complaints just sensible security measures in this day and age. The ones denied entry yesterday are undoubtedly toerags covering their faces etc. should be banned from all football grounds imho.


posted 1 week, 4 days ago

comment by Silver (U6112)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Silver (U6112)
posted 28 seconds ago

vvanks - why would the club ask for it then send JPT to try and resolve it?

Serves the self important tvvats right in being held up for 5 hours and denied entry. Mind you I wouldn’t have been upset at being denied entry yesterday

Refusing to be searched as if they have some God given right to enter a stadium completely unchallenged as most other fans are and particularly when time after time they try and smuggle in pyros despite repeated warnings and hundreds of thousands of pounds in fines to the club.

That said; I do think football fans in general are treated appallingly by the authorities. Treated as if you are already some criminal or the dregs of society.
They should have consulted their lawyers before hand because plod clearly signalled their intentions.
Bit concerning though that they offered to remove the offending items and were then held for 5 hours.

I do though feel key bits of information are being missed out.

Possibly some police intel on plans, i dunno but taken at face value it seems like they have some pretty valid concerns.

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

comment by HB Fash (U21935)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Silver (U6112)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Silver (U6112)
posted 28 seconds ago

vvanks - why would the club ask for it then send JPT to try and resolve it?

Serves the self important tvvats right in being held up for 5 hours and denied entry. Mind you I wouldn’t have been upset at being denied entry yesterday

Refusing to be searched as if they have some God given right to enter a stadium completely unchallenged as most other fans are and particularly when time after time they try and smuggle in pyros despite repeated warnings and hundreds of thousands of pounds in fines to the club.

That said; I do think football fans in general are treated appallingly by the authorities. Treated as if you are already some criminal or the dregs of society.
They should have consulted their lawyers before hand because plod clearly signalled their intentions.
Bit concerning though that they offered to remove the offending items and were then held for 5 hours.

I do though feel key bits of information are being missed out.

Possibly some police intel on plans, i dunno but taken at face value it seems like they have some pretty valid concerns.

See to be honest I don’t care if these fans think (and likely have) some legal rights in not being searched.

There’s a fairly straightforward way of accessing a football stadium and there are expectations.

In short; trying to act like some hardnut ultra (and we’re not when you see places like Italy, Holland, Belgium or Poland etc), cover your face, belt out bigoted songs, bring in gear and pyros etc; then you give up the right to be treated fairly and reasonably.

Fwck them

comment by Timmy (U14278)

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

As soon as they gave the job to barry ferguson you just knew their would be trouble. Rangers would be wrong to give him the job full time considering the trouble he causes.

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

In part I agree. They are known bawbags and that's taken into account.

That said from a civil liberties perspective it's not a good look. It looks very much like they have a legal case.

Also from an atmosphere perspective the home fans were silenced from the first goal until the second half with some almost eerily quiet periods, those bangers would have at least made it a better spectacle, possibly by making a spectacle of themselves right enough.

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

comment by Timmy (U14278)
posted 6 minutes ago
As soon as they gave the job to barry ferguson you just knew their would be trouble. Rangers would be wrong to give him the job full time considering the trouble he causes.
Trouble for you lot, because he gave you that most of his career but I have to give him credit for the unexpectedly good tactical performance.

Barry instructed Dessers drop into midfield and mark Hatate and Engels at different times.

Sterling to get tight to Maeda and the police to press the Green brigade high.

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

comment by HB Fash (U21935)
posted 12 minutes ago
In part I agree. They are known bawbags and that's taken into account.

That said from a civil liberties perspective it's not a good look. It looks very much like they have a legal case.

Also from an atmosphere perspective the home fans were silenced from the first goal until the second half with some almost eerily quiet periods, those bangers would have at least made it a better spectacle, possibly by making a spectacle of themselves right enough.

And that’s the issue. It’s always about themselves.

comment by Silver (U6112)

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

comment by HB Fash (U21935)
posted 8 minutes ago
In part I agree. They are known bawbags and that's taken into account.

That said from a civil liberties perspective it's not a good look. It looks very much like they have a legal case.

As I said, the polis telegraphed their intent and the bawbags were not smart enough and are now greeting.

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