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These 463 comments are related to an article called:

E- petition

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posted on 6/8/12

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posted on 6/8/12

Give me a shout once you put down the first brick for this stadium..

posted on 6/8/12

Let us know when you can get a tenth of the required signatures.

posted on 6/8/12

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posted on 6/8/12


Cant you get all West Ham season ticket holders to sign it to increase the number by at least a couple of hundred?

posted on 6/8/12

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posted on 6/8/12

Can't you lot beg all the Poles in Tottenham to build one lego building just for the entertainment purpose.

posted on 6/8/12


Would you create another petition if we did?

posted on 6/8/12

oh yes for infringements of copyright laws from near by school kids.

posted on 6/8/12

Look how confident Maf was at the start:

MafiaBoy - Moore than a Football Club (U8613)
posted on 10/11/11

What's the count Chicken?
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And thats when it was at 2562.

posted on 6/8/12

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posted on 4/9/12

I would just like to make one last ditch attempt to get another 92,065 signatures by tomorrow.

Maf already has 7,935 so we just need one more push before the deadline tomorrow.

posted on 4/9/12

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posted on 4/9/12

Gosh, is it going so badly for Spurs that they drag out such out articles?

Nothing to laugh about in the here and now, is there Spurs boys?

posted on 4/9/12


The petition ends tomorrow, so you better hurry up & get your signature on it.

As for me digging it out. If the obsession wasn't there to write such articles, i wouldnt be able to dig them out - would i?

Think about it.

posted on 4/9/12

Muffy asked his Irish builder to do the petition and came back to find his cell had been made into 2 rooms.

posted on 4/9/12

thought about it and have decided I will still not be going back into article histories to look at anything stupid Spurs fans have said.

I bet there are some great ones, before you blew third place or when you were a couple of goals up on the Gooners, but I will not be looking. I'm a bigger man than that.

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 4/9/12

the petition was a success, Spurs' new stadium still hasn't been build so it's done the job.

posted on 4/9/12


Spurs want a new Stadium, so far all they will be getting is a new Sainsbury’s.

Spurs state “The next phase will see the tender process begin for the stadium itself.”

Not moving very fast is it?

posted on 4/9/12


thought about it and have decided I will still not be going back into article histories to look at anything stupid Spurs fans have said.


You might want to put that giant rock down whilst standing so close to that large glass house.

This article was written by a West Ham fan, on the West Ham & Arsenal boards, about Tottenham.

Dramatic = my new stalker.

posted on 4/9/12

I don't understand what you mean, “new stalker” this article was (as you bumped it) the third most recently commented article on the West Ham board. So I commented upon it.

I'm a West Ham fan, you spend a great deal of time on the West Ham board, so we are going to be on the same articles more often than not.

If you think West Ham fans on the West Ham board are stalking you I suggest you are a little paranoid.

posted on 4/9/12


you spend a great deal of time on the West Ham board


Dont blame me if your resident poster Mafia posts a ridiculous amount of Spurs related articles on other boards (becuase he is banned from writing them on the Spurs board).

posted on 4/9/12

Post where you like Chicken old boy, but if it's on the West Ham board me responding is not stalking, it's posting on the board of the club I support.

posted on 4/9/12

Post where you like Chicken old boy


Even though i first posted on this article 10/11/11 (9 months before you even joined), i appreciate your permission to carry on.

posted on 4/9/12

That's the ticket.

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