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These 180 comments are related to an article called:

Suarez is an Angel

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posted on 22/4/13

Well said. Sadly some planks on this forum are intent on making it out that you are defending him 100%. Its funny because there's been more "outrage" from fans of every other club apart from Chelsea fans, on this site, atleast.

comment by 5x (U5488)

posted on 22/4/13

Well said.

He should be punished accordingly and it looks like he will be, by both the club and the FA.

Then the club should stand by a player who has given his all for the club. We should try to help him as he deos clearly have some issues. Anger management might be a good thing for him. We should support him and help him to stop these types of actions. Not boot him out of the club!


posted on 22/4/13

Five stars.

Agree 100%.

posted on 22/4/13

Bloody hell TOOR, you'll need to go for a lie down, no ones argued with you (yet!)

posted on 22/4/13

And I've been saying the same thing all morning. Every one of us condemned it as soon as it happened, yet people went on and on. I likened it to poking a dog with a stick. Basically they weren't happy that we didn't stick up for him, so they started twisting everything to illicit a response. Quite sad when you think about it...

posted on 22/4/13

He's got the silky skills of an angel. The way he just ran past 5 or 6 Chelsea players before shooting at Cech.

posted on 22/4/13

Terminator, thats just it. They wanted you to defend him. As you didnt, they stil carried on saying "pathetic scousers defending him again". Laughable really how people get their kicks on here.

posted on 22/4/13

Best article ever from TOOR

posted on 22/4/13


Most United fans celebrated the Suarez incident more than they will when they win the title!

posted on 22/4/13

comment by (kash) Coutinho's Through Ball (U1108) posted 37 seconds ago
Best article ever from TOOR
I'll have you know that I once wrote an article displaying my outrage of selling Charlie Adam and buying Allen.

posted on 22/4/13

Well said TOOR.

posted on 22/4/13

My word TOOR very balanced indeed

posted on 22/4/13

I wonder what would have happened had social media been more developed when cantona took to kicking innocent bystanders in the crowd,

I distinctly remember all the man utd fans i know trying to hound him out of england afterwards... NOT

Suarez was an idiot.. it happens, but hes also a genius

posted on 22/4/13

a 2 year ban will sort him out

posted on 22/4/13

Insert random username

Well it only takes one idiot to ruin a good article, well done son.

posted on 22/4/13

I've just seen this, from a United fan, on another article;

"comment by RedReason (U5677)
posted 2 minutes ago
If you watched the highlights last night you will see that Ivanovic had suarez in his pocket most of the game and suarez was taking 'pot shots' or swipes at him earlier too.

This needs to be looked in its entirety and suarez punished based on that not just the biting.

Also I dont know about anyone else but the tweet re give the fine to Hillsborough victims is just low IMO"

Honestly .

posted on 22/4/13

RedReason is an absolute idiot who is ridiculed everytime he comes on the Liverpool board with his ridiculous comments. He reminds me of Raj.

There is a guy on there called RedRussian, who I believe he's trying to emulate but gets nowhere close, unfortunately for him.

posted on 22/4/13

Good article TOOR.

The only thing I might add is that Liverpool could do themselves a favour and certainly earn some PR points by banning him themselves before the FA do it.

posted on 22/4/13

comment by Vidicschin (U3584) posted 2 minutes ago
Good article TOOR.

The only thing I might add is that Liverpool could do themselves a favour and certainly earn some PR points by banning him themselves before the FA do it.
I think the club have handled this very well. I agree, I also think they should go one further and hand him a five game ban or something.

posted on 22/4/13

Good article by OP, agree completely. No Fred "most" United fans don't think its more exciting than winning the league. Pool will get some stick over it but I think if it was Rooney there may be a little bit coming Uniteds way from Pool fans.

comment by FSB (U11355)

posted on 22/4/13

Well said TOOR

posted on 22/4/13

Sorry manusince

I should say SOME not MOST. But undoubtably some have been over this like bird crap on my car.

posted on 22/4/13


Yea, I reckon the club should have suspended him too. Shows that they're coming down hard on him and at the same time he's probably going to get a ban anyway so it would hardly matter.

But I still can't get my head around what would compel a person to do that. Like TOOR said, why not just punch him or kick him if you've got a problem with him...but to actually bite the person like that is just mental.

posted on 22/4/13

I'd love to see him on Anger Management with Charlie Sheen, that'd be hilarious!

posted on 22/4/13


I agree with you. I'm not outraged by what he's done - he'll take his punishment and we'll move on. I try and save my outrage for the many worse things going on in this world.

I think puzzlement is more what I feel. Like you say, what thought process compelled him to actually bite him? It's very bizarre. Physically it's no worse than stamping on another players foot, or pinching in a crowded area. I think biting looks worse, more blatant....

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