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The 606 Juice Bar

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posted on 18/5/15

Yeah, and push ups and planks and australians and pull ups and lunges. In fact it's a nice way to load extra weight for a front squat as well.

posted on 18/5/15

I'm a week and a half into the Blaha 5x5 workout as I've plateaued for a while and with a one year old son and another on the way, getting to the gym 5 or 6 times a week is impossible. Enjoying it so far - squats and deadlifts have been exercises I've avoided for the most part. Seeing improvements so far, so hoping it'll continue. Decided to start bulking and I'm vegan so lots of beans, lentils and cous cous for me.

posted on 18/5/15

Blarmy will be pleased with you, he's a Blaha fanboy. Do you find it hard to get high protein as a vegan?

comment by Blarmy (U14547)

posted on 18/5/15

comment by Respected Darwin's Bullfrog (U6515)
posted 1 minute ago
I'm a week and a half into the Blaha 5x5 workout as I've plateaued for a while and with a one year old son and another on the way, getting to the gym 5 or 6 times a week is impossible. Enjoying it so far - squats and deadlifts have been exercises I've avoided for the most part. Seeing improvements so far, so hoping it'll continue. Decided to start bulking and I'm vegan so lots of beans, lentils and cous cous for me.
im also on that programme, switching to a lower more strength orientated one soon though as there is a very obvious limit you hit only doing 5x5

posted on 18/5/15

I've moved into a higher range myself. Start off at 6-8 and then bang out some supersets. Time to get a bit more pump and sweat I think. And I have to strengthen my core big time now my rehab for lower back is nearly over.

I've also started lunging and squatting at low weight now my glute is firing a bit better. I have to work high rep range though because

Haven't done a deadlift in many months

posted on 18/5/15

Na, it's a common question though, one of my simple go to meals is cous cous with peas and lentils and that yields about 35g protein alone. I'm focusing on overall calories while bulking so not worried about high protein, obviously I keep it higher while cutting.

comment by Blarmy (U14547)

posted on 18/5/15

I actually worry more about macros when bulking tbh.

posted on 18/5/15

You have to keep a closer eye on what you eat if you're looking to not put on too much fat. I sometimes feel guilty about what I can eat and still not gain weight. Though it can be annoying from a muscle building perspective.

posted on 18/5/15

Also, what can vegans cheat with?

Practically everything aimed at them is a health product off the top of my head.

Darwin what do you cheat with? I guess vegans can still drink, smoke and take crack

posted on 18/5/15

Ice cream, cheese, chocolate, pretty much everything you can think of has a vegan alternative - it can be very healthy when done properly and very unhealthy when not! I only eat a few hundred calories over maintenance when bulking to keep fat gain as low as possible.

posted on 18/5/15

I've had vegan cheese, and it definitely is not good stuff. My mum was vegan for a while, trying it out to see if it helped with her rheumatoid. It didn't. Mind you I don't think she was really that healthy with it. Too many quorn products swimming sauce. Y'know, quorn sausages and beans. Quorn chicken in curry. That sort of vegan.

She's healthier as a carnivore really. More vegetables, more variety.

posted on 18/5/15

And quorn's not vegan! Yeah I know the type though! There are some really good but cheeses now, I was very wary of vegan cheeses after earlier experiences but not anymore. It's easy to substitute meat with fake meat but a good look at changing eating habits helps, varying dishes, lots of food varieties etc. I've been vegan 10 years now and feel good.

posted on 18/5/15

It's damn near vegan though. Mushroom protein fed on cereal run off bound with egg albumen. Not enough for the ethicist perhaps but certainly enough for a woman desperate to be able to eat something which wasn't chickpeas, lentils or rice.

posted on 18/5/15

Yeah vegetarian and vegan diets, when done properly, very very bloody healthy. Though my man Paul Chek reckons that high quality organic meats from less overbred species should be in nearly everyone's diet. He is a bit of a headcase.

comment by Blarmy (U14547)

posted on 18/5/15

Speaking of Jason Blaha he was vegan when i started watching, then he got divroced from his wife who by all accounts dragged him into it. Now he has gone back to Texas, meat eating and hunting.

He is getting a sh't load of trolling for it now

posted on 18/5/15

According to the wiki page quorn have produced products bound with potato starch instead of egg albumen so they can get it vegan in theory. Also, and I already knew this, I should call it mycoprotein rather than mushroom protein.

posted on 18/5/15

Yeah they've started making vegan quorn's products too. Yeah I heard Blaha's has given up veganism, a shame from my point of view! I don't accept that meat is necessary but I'm certainly not going to preach.

posted on 18/5/15

I think it's pretty clear it isn't.

posted on 19/5/15

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posted on 19/5/15

You can get pea protein supplements if you're having trouble. Smells a bit wrong though, and i've never tasted it.

I have doms in my lats I almost forgot you could even get doms in your lats.

posted on 19/5/15

As for macros, you can still have nuts and rice and fruit and sheet.

posted on 19/5/15

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posted on 19/5/15

Ooh, I did do SA pulldowns. But I also just moved my rep range back up and reintroduced supersets so probably a mix

posted on 19/5/15

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posted on 20/5/15

My osteopath just tore my chest a new one. Christ on a bike.

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