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Media Bias. #CharlestonShooting

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comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 19/6/15

comment by ► Detective Inspector Maria | NEXT UP: Bebe's Got Talent (U13709)
posted 4 minutes ago
With all due respect, I don't know how anyone can not call this a terrorist attack after my point about the violence aimed at black communities by people like this for the last hundred years.
Was this mans attack politically motivated? (I genuinely know little about it).

posted on 19/6/15

Less Than 2 Percent Of Terrorist Attacks In The E.U. Are Religiously Motivated.

The murdering spree by two gunmen on the offices of a French satirical magazine have incited horror across the world. That’s completely justified. But what’s been lost in the mass outpourings of solidarity and condemnations of barbarity is the fact that so few of the terrorist attacks carried out in European Union countries are related to Islamist militancy. In fact, in the last five year, less than 2 percent of all terrorist attacks in the E.U. have been “religiously motivated."

In 2013, there were 152 terrorist attacks in the EU. Two of them were “religiously motivated." In 2012, there were 219 terrorist attacks in EU countries, six of them were “religiously motivated."

In 2011, not one of the 174 terrorist attacks in EU countries in 2011 were “affiliated or inspired" by terrorist organizations. 2010, 249 terrorist attacks, three of them were considered by Europol to be “Islamist." In 2009, of 294 terrorist attacks, only one was related to Islamist militancy – though Europol added the caveat, “Islamist terrorists still aim to cause mass casualties."

The vast majority of terrorist attacks in E.U. countries have for years been perpetrated by separatist organizations.

Of 152 terrorist attacks in 2013, 84 of were motivated by ethno-nationalist or separatist beliefs. That’s more than 55 percent. That’s down from 76 percent the year before. While the report notes this decline, it also states that a number of separatist groups are showing “greater sophistication, incremental learning and lethal intent."

Religious motivations makes up just a slightly larger portion of terrorist attacks in the U.S.

Islamist militants lag far behind other groups when it comes to carrying out terrorist attacks in the U.S. too. According to FBI data compiled by the Princeton University’s Loon Watch, Islamist extremists were responsible for just 6 percent of terrorist attacks between 1980 and 2005 — falling behind Latino groups, Extreme left-wing groups, and Jewish extremists.

Charles Kurzman, a sociology professor at the University of North Carolina, has called Muslim Americans “a minuscule threat to public safety."

In his most recent report tracking Islamist militancy in America, he included this startling figure. “The United States suffered approximately 14,000 murders in 2013. Since 9/11, Muslim-American terrorism has claimed 37 lives in the United States, out of more than 190,000 murders during this period."

Despite the low frequency of Islamist militant attacks, fears around them are continually stokes by politicians, law enforcement officials, and even the media which tends to highlight religiously-motivated attacks over political or environmental ones.

“These incidents get much more attention because of the rhetoric of Islamist extremism that’s used," Ken Sofer, Associate Director for National Security and International Policy at Center for American Progress told ThinkProgress in a phone interview.

“People have a desire to explain [these incidents] as some sort of connected phenomenon," he says, “but what caused an individual to [commit acts of terrorism] is so different in each scenario."

Sofer adds that by conflating different incidents in different countries, the threat of Islamist violence seem larger than it is.

posted on 19/6/15

comment by yeah yeah (U17250)
posted 8 seconds ago
NON MUSLIMS are responsible for 90% of terror attacks NOT MUSLIMS **

Okayso the people that are leaving Britain to join IS are not muslims then, sure....

Yeah all 500 of them, thats a major majority. Read a book.

comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 19/6/15

comment by Mr Chelsea ✪ (U3579)
posted 2 minutes ago
Busby in ill-informed and ignorant post, shocker
Actually, it's Kung-Fu with the ill-informed post.

He changed the goalposts or at the very least misread my comment

posted on 19/6/15

comment by Busby (U19985)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 37 seconds ago
comment by Busby (U19985)
posted 10 minutes ago
ManUtdDaredevil (U9612)
posted 14 seconds ago
What a lot of people have missed here is that if this guy was a muslim, he would have been called a terrorist first. To suggest otherwise is nonsense.

Correct, this is type of stereotyping is build into the human mind though.

I believe something like 90% of terror attacks are committed by Muslim folk, meaning 9/10 times a terror attack is Islam related.

Does this mean all Muslims are terrorists? No.

The difference between a mass homicide like this and a terror attack is that one has political aims and the other does not.

Thats the biggest load of (I wish I could swear but it's Ramadan and I'm trying to be better than that)

Uneducated folk like you are a major problem when it comes to tackling racism.

NON MUSLIMS are responsible for 90% of terror attacks NOT MUSLIMS.


FYI Hindu Tamil Tigers hold the record for and are the pioneers of terrorist suicide attacks.



Also see this
And 90% of terror attacks are still from Muslims. Look it up.

Fortunately Europe and America see very few terror attacks, it's an every day thing in Africa and the M.E

I have looked it up and I've shown you what I found.

Why don't you show us where this information is???

posted on 19/6/15

comment by Busby (U19985)
posted 11 seconds ago
comment by ► Detective Inspector Maria | NEXT UP: Bebe's Got Talent (U13709)
posted 4 minutes ago
With all due respect, I don't know how anyone can not call this a terrorist attack after my point about the violence aimed at black communities by people like this for the last hundred years.
Was this mans attack politically motivated? (I genuinely know little about it).

He said and I am paraphrasing, you are taking over our country, raping our women. etc

Right Wing Politics 101

The hate groups have been celebrating the deaths and mocking the senator that died as well

The attack was obviously committed by a lone wolf with no support

posted on 19/6/15

Yeah all 500 of them, thats a major majority. Read a book**

It doesnt matter if its 5 or 500 and judging by your response you dont like people pointing out the truth - knock that chip off your shoulder pal

posted on 19/6/15

There are extremists all over the world - religious and non religious. The scariest ones are the religious ones because they would kill innocent people like me or my family because they believe in some magical wizard in the sky

posted on 19/6/15

you've got to be pretty damn stupid to think you will go to paradise for committing Murder

posted on 19/6/15

Thats because it is only looking at half of the Europol reports. There were more convictions for religiously inspired terrorism offences everywhere apart from Spain and France where it was separatist by a mile. Right wing was nowhere near either of them.

I agree with your sentiment completely, but I'm not keen on the use of the word factually without putting them into their proper context.

comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 19/6/15

comment by ManUtdDaredevil (U9612)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Busby (U19985)
posted 11 seconds ago
comment by ► Detective Inspector Maria | NEXT UP: Bebe's Got Talent (U13709)
posted 4 minutes ago
With all due respect, I don't know how anyone can not call this a terrorist attack after my point about the violence aimed at black communities by people like this for the last hundred years.
Was this mans attack politically motivated? (I genuinely know little about it).

He said and I am paraphrasing, you are taking over our country, raping our women. etc

Right Wing Politics 101

The hate groups have been celebrating the deaths and mocking the senator that died as well

The attack was obviously committed by a lone wolf with no support
Then yes, I would put this in the terror attack bracket.

posted on 19/6/15

comment by yeah yeah (U17250)
posted 4 minutes ago
Yeah all 500 of them, thats a major majority. Read a book**

It doesnt matter if its 5 or 500 and judging by your response you dont like people pointing out the truth - knock that chip off your shoulder pal

Do you have anything to back up this "truth".

Or is it just your hate for Muslims and Islam that is the cause for the absence of facts.

posted on 19/6/15

comment by Robb Lannister - King of the Wildlings (U20351)
posted 3 minutes ago
There are extremists all over the world - religious and non religious. The scariest ones are the religious ones because they would kill innocent people like me or my family because they believe in some magical wizard in the sky

Those guys are nutters. That is it. It is not their religion that makes them kill, it is because they are psychos.

If it was the religion, you would have a far greater number of the adherents to that faith involved in the killing.

For me, the scariest terrorists are the ones who murder people under the guise of "liberation" and democracy whilst stealing their resources because they believe their way of life is superior to everyone elses.

posted on 19/6/15

Do you have anything to back up this "truth".

Or is it just your hate for Muslims and Islam that is the cause for the absence of facts.?

What are you talking about now precious? dont try and widen the discussion - I asked you if the people that were leaving Britan to join IS were also not muslims and you've spat the dummy out get over it.....

posted on 19/6/15

It's interesting that when discussing terrorism and 'who does most', no one seems to mention state terrorism committed (and supported) but the US, the UK, Israel etc...

The OP id correct in his analysis, except that this happens every day. When a muslim is suspected of committing the crime, it is by default referred to or speculated as being 'terrorism'. By the same token, try and find a single reference to Israeli terrorism, or US/British terrorism in the corporate press or broadcast media.

These acts, which are unquestionably terrorism (by our own standards), are by default called something else - something benign and well meaning, at worst a 'mistake', much in the same way that 'their' actions are by default, 'terrorism'.

posted on 19/6/15

comment by ManUtdDaredevil (U9612)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Robb Lannister - King of the Wildlings (U20351)
posted 3 minutes ago
There are extremists all over the world - religious and non religious. The scariest ones are the religious ones because they would kill innocent people like me or my family because they believe in some magical wizard in the sky

Those guys are nutters. That is it. It is not their religion that makes them kill, it is because they are psychos.

If it was the religion, you would have a far greater number of the adherents to that faith involved in the killing.

For me, the scariest terrorists are the ones who murder people under the guise of "liberation" and democracy whilst stealing their resources because they believe their way of life is superior to everyone elses.
One of the best posts of the day. Couldn't have said it better myself.

Unfortunately it will fall on deaf ears.

posted on 19/6/15

I don't know anyone that hates Islam. But it along with all religion is pretty silly. If there is a God (and I think there may well be) I doubt he wants anyone spending their time worshipping him. If he exists he created us to go out and be good but also be our own people.

If the world believed that we would all get on much better

posted on 19/6/15

comment by BerbaKing11 (U6256)
posted 9 seconds ago
It's interesting that when discussing terrorism and 'who does most', no one seems to mention state terrorism committed (and supported) but the US, the UK, Israel etc...

The OP id correct in his analysis, except that this happens every day. When a muslim is suspected of committing the crime, it is by default referred to or speculated as being 'terrorism'. By the same token, try and find a single reference to Israeli terrorism, or US/British terrorism in the corporate press or broadcast media.

These acts, which are unquestionably terrorism (by our own standards), are by default called something else - something benign and well meaning, at worst a 'mistake', much in the same way that 'their' actions are by default, 'terrorism'.
Spot on again.

comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 19/6/15

I have looked it up and I've shown you what I found.

Why don't you show us where this information is???

A quick google search into global terrorism will show you that. Sunni extremists accounts for over 70% of all terror related deaths in the last decade.

posted on 19/6/15

comment by Robb Lannister - King of the Wildlings (U20351)
posted 1 minute ago
I don't know anyone that hates Islam. But it along with all religion is pretty silly. If there is a God (and I think there may well be) I doubt he wants anyone spending their time worshipping him. If he exists he created us to go out and be good but also be our own people.

If the world believed that we would all get on much better
I am a Christian and I am talking to you right now without murdering or worshiping my God. Just because your religious doesn't mean you're on your knees worshiping or judging people 24/7.

In fact, life is a lot less stressful for the most-part.

posted on 19/6/15

all religion is pretty silly**

absolutely called it - ban it tomorrow and solve 99% of the problems and prejudices that exist

posted on 19/6/15

There are incidents where black cops have shot unarmed white people in amercia fyi, it just doesnt make the news

comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 19/6/15

For me, the scariest terrorists are the ones who murder people under the guise of "liberation" and democracy whilst stealing their resources because they believe their way of life is superior to everyone elses."

For me it's those who go from town to town cutting people's heads off if they don't convert to their extreme views or pay them a ransom.

Although I would agree, the U.S and U.K had no need to go into Iraq.

posted on 19/6/15

comment by yeah yeah (U17250)
posted 5 seconds ago
all religion is pretty silly**

absolutely called it - ban it tomorrow and solve 99% of the problems and prejudices that exist
If the world's leaders were truly religious, we would all be living in harmony and not on the brink of extinction, that's for sure.

posted on 19/6/15

comment by Busby (U19985)
posted 8 seconds ago
For me, the scariest terrorists are the ones who murder people under the guise of "liberation" and democracy whilst stealing their resources because they believe their way of life is superior to everyone elses."

For me it's those who go from town to town cutting people's heads off if they don't convert to their extreme views or pay them a ransom.

Although I would agree, the U.S and U.K had no need to go into Iraq.
They also had not need to go into Afghanistan the first time, actions which have had a direct effect on terrorism as we know it today.

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