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Tackling Extremism

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comment by wump (U5046)

posted on 22/7/15

Honestly those stats don't mean anything if there isn't any other set of stats to compare with. In fact the face they exist in such a manner is pretty discriminatory. How about stats on the catholics in the UK and their attitudes towards homosexuality. What does sympathetic towards the attackers even mean? Like I said, those stats are meaningless.

posted on 22/7/15


I chatted with Falmaria recently,and he said being gay was a choice and not natural,and you can click on my name to verify this.
This is from a guy who has done community work in relation to extremism,and not a random stat.

The way gay men and women are treated by islamists is appaling,and even having to worship separately is sexist,surely.

A member of Belfast Islamic centre praised isis for what they had achieved in Mosul,and this is recorded fact,not BBC reporting,or stat's.

There was minor support for the murder of cartoon staff in Paris among muslim's as some are bigots,and brainwashed into believing their faith and prophet are sacred,above all else.

While I am accused of being too pro-western,I fear some are blind to muslim bigotry and extremism,although you have justly admitted to your Kenyan brothers being anti-Somali....and we all know arab muslim's look down on black African's,in Africa,as do Asian and black people in the UK.

posted on 22/7/15


The whole quotes changes what in your opinion?

The quote says muslim's radicalize after wars abroad,seen as attacks on islam,so muslim's base their view on how they feel islam is being treated,making it religious and sectarian thinking,right?

Anyone here know what religion folk are in Ukraine or Crimea when pro-Russian forces use violence,or as it is not muslim related,do muslim's care,or is life just one big muslim issue,as that is how it appears.

Weird seeing isis attack hamas in the Gaza,by the way,and Israel must be watching with interest.
Who is to blame for isis hating hamas,I wonder?

posted on 22/7/15

Would it be easier if we all converted to islam,or just left the UK,and went to live where the immigrants are coming from,to be alienated and oppressed by whitey?

Only problem is,us white folk are not welcome in Africa,or the middle east,so I guess we are stuck here,having to change and see the UK alter dramatically,whether we want this or not.
Living in the Belfast area,I see a slow change,and immigrants are largely welcome,and I enjoy the current mix,but I think things develop negatively when people feel alienated in their own area,as it is not simply newcomers who can feel alien or a minority.
I have interviewed people who left England as they were racially abused for being white English,and that is as bad as any racism,going the pther way,don't we agree.That is the big problem,and not lazy comment about not liking folk in a park due to colour,as Mudd twisted General's words.

Numbers and speed of demographic change will create problems the world over and is not a white British only issue.

posted on 22/7/15

I read how living in a diverse area reduced racism,but before immigration took place,was the UK racist,then?

I liked living in Brixton,Perivale,Befont Green and Hounslow,but was aware of race,and my white minority status,in a way that never crossed my mind in Belfast.
We went to Wembley market,and it was all Asian,with no other group,beside the national stadium,so if you were a tourist,it would confuse one,don't ya fink?No black or Chinese folk either,btw.

The world is small,and life is short,so we have to live together with mutual respect in peace,free from all extremism and inhumanity.

comment by wump (U5046)

posted on 22/7/15

"Only problem is,us white folk are not welcome in

Eh before I address the rest of your comment, this is simply not true, at least not here! White guys are very very welcome. There are a few negative attitudes towards white guys if any. Move to Kenya and if you have white skin, you'll most likely find yourself living like a king.

comment by wump (U5046)

posted on 22/7/15

I think I need to verify where I am coming from with all this. My world view is heavily influenced by Bill Hicks school of thinking where all this cr.a.p on race, tribe, religion, nationality, color, etc are all just constructs to diivide us for the benefit of the powerful few. My skin color may be as dark as coal but I don't try to confine myself within stupid boundaries and behaviour that are said to be black. I love my country yes, but not any more than I love Uganda or, UK, or Finland etc. We all just a human race. I don't get my identity from being a black, christian, Kenyan but from being a HUMAN BEING!! I hate when people try to divide us into small sub-groupings and it annoys me even more when people fall for that and confine themselves within that nonsense. Call me a freespirited, wide-eyed idealist I don't care. It is an attitude that has made me open to other people and made me very very approachable no matter where I go

posted on 22/7/15

Totally agree with you Wum,and when I spoke of whitey in Africa,I was referring to the SA and Rhodesia/Zimbabwe experience...............

I realize we only recently began chatting,and I have a strange sense of humour.....what I meant was,immigrants are coming from Africa and ME,where our involvement has been,let's say dodgy,and we should go there,in a mass exchange,as the weather is better.

Tens of thousands of people are coming here,and it must be ok,whereas,who is moving en masse to areas islamsits are active in,apart from jihadi dreg's.
Simplistic,but eluminating?

posted on 22/7/15

Plenty of westerners slating our bad side,but not many muslim's seem willing to counter the bigotry in that community,such as resentment if a muslim is to marry a black guy,for instance.

Bigotry towards gay people,FGM,forced marriage,child brides,attitudes to those converting from islam,the role of women,views on Jews,and I am not talking about isis here,which most condemn.

Islam may be a religion pf peace,but many worshipping islam are hate filled bigots,hiding being PC skirts,and like all bigot's,white and western and all the rest,they need to be exposed and educated.

Just sayin like.

posted on 22/7/15

comment by Wumpatrol (U5046)
posted 6 hours, 53 minutes ago
Honestly those stats don't mean anything if there isn't any other set of stats to compare with. In fact the face they exist in such a manner is pretty discriminatory. How about stats on the catholics in the UK and their attitudes towards homosexuality. What does sympathetic towards the attackers even mean? Like I said, those stats are meaningless.
They are not meaningless, but like MUDD's stats before my post, they are certainly not conclusive.

Your point about comparisons is puzzling; people vote and the split of votes creates comparative percentages.

comment by wump (U5046)

posted on 22/7/15

"They are not meaningless, but like MUDD's stats
before my post, they are certainly not conclusive."

But you have clearly formed a lot of opinions about the Muslims due to stats and figures like those ones.

comment by wump (U5046)

posted on 22/7/15

The Southern African countries are openly racist towards whites it shocks me! The wounds of apartheid are still fresh I think.

posted on 22/7/15

But you have clearly formed a lot of opinions about the Muslims due to stats and figures like those ones.
As I stated before, there are a number of factors of which the media/polls is one. Conversations with Muslims over the years is also a big factor for me personally.

Would your critique of polls and how they're 'meaningless' apply to other people who post poll results?

posted on 22/7/15

Anyone suggesting whites are not welcome in Africa is just clueless.

Who are these people? Even in SA the issues they have are due to apartheid and Zimbabwe is as a result of Mugabe.

There are over 50 countries in Africa and most of them have significant white populations and they are welcomed and given the best homes and maids, etc to make them feel comfortable.

I really wonder where people get their information from.

comment by wump (U5046)

posted on 22/7/15

He didnt mean it that way MUDD.

posted on 22/7/15

Plenty of westerners slating our bad side,but not many muslim's seem willing to counter the bigotry in that community,such as resentment if a muslim is to marry a black guy,for instance.
What a ridiculous comment. There are millions of black Muslims. You clearly do not know what you are talking about by claiming Islam is racist when it has NO colour.

Now there might be a racist white or brown dad who does not want there daughter to marry a black man but to bring religion into it has made you look desperate once again

posted on 23/7/15

comment by (Kash) Mario Balle Balle Balotelli - Justice4Gaza (U1108)
posted 8 hours, 18 minutes ago
Plenty of westerners slating our bad side,but not many muslim's seem willing to counter the bigotry in that community,such as resentment if a muslim is to marry a black guy,for instance.
What a ridiculous comment. There are millions of black Muslims. You clearly do not know what you are talking about by claiming Islam is racist when it has NO colour.

Now there might be a racist white or brown dad who does not want there daughter to marry a black man but to bring religion into it has made you look desperate once again

I honestly wonder where he formulates his opinions from and the logic behind the thought process.

Regarding interracial marriage, in every single race/creed you will find people who do not want their kids marrying from another race.

Speaking from experience as my wife is black, it took my grandparents on my mothers side an eternity to accept her. All they say was black, they did not see she was a doctor who saved lives every day in this country where migrants like her are considered the enemy.

She still gets dirty looks mostly from white women though when they see us together.

Even my kids get dirty looks ffs

It is indeed tragic to see so much ignorance on this thread and in the country. It is as a result of people not putting themselves in another persons position.

posted on 23/7/15

"Tackling Extremism"

Ask Paul Scholes?

comment by wump (U5046)

posted on 23/7/15

It is why I found that General said thay my comparison comment puzzling to be puzzling in itself. How can you just single out a community and their beliefs without providing evidence that they are unique with those beliefs. It is unfair and doesn't really paint a clear picture on why those stats should be a cause for alarm. Without any comparison stats, they are meaningless.

posted on 23/7/15

What General and TBAB do not see is that they are currently being manipulated to hate people they do not understand.

This has happened multiple times throughout history; with Blacks, Jews, etc.

Now it is the muslims. What I cannot get my head around is why muslims and their religion are to blame for terror attacks but christianity, judaism and atheism are exempt.

Christians, Jews and Atheists have murdered people in the name of their faith/system of thought but no one asks them to apologise or fix the problem, it is just the muslims.

There is an underlying "racism" at play here and the sad thing is people do not see it.

posted on 23/7/15

Mudd and Kash

I cannot speak for General,but from what he posted I would not conclude he hates muslim's,and neither do I.Why would I hate muslim's?I hate what isis and islamists do,just as I hate what Roof did to black worshippers in Charleston.

Are you aware that you are being quite intolerant,ignorant and offensive?Strange for one pushing respect,understanding and tolerance.

posted on 23/7/15


You and I know what I meant,and there is tension betweem the Asian muslim community,and black community,such as the Brum riots,suspicion on both sides etc.
Arab muslim's and black African's also dislike each other,and Wum has spoke of this,in Kenya with Somali's,but you prefer to purposely twist my words,by pointing out the bleeding obvious,that there are black muslim's.
There are also shia and sunni muslim's slaughtering each other,but I suppose I have brought religion into that issue too............rather than a dispute over the prophet being behind muslim civil war.

I also notice my comments on how many muslim's feel about homosexual's,women's right's,FGM,child brides,infidels,muslim's who convert,views about Jews,forcing people to convert to islam or pay taxes to live under muslim sharia laws etc.

I oppose fundamentalism from all sourses,be they islamist,Catholic,evangelical,zionist Judaism and even modern secular humanist fundamentalism,that is as bigoted as any religion.

posted on 23/7/15


You say Christian's,Jews and Athiests murder in the name of their faith...............so you admit muslim's do this,at last.
I have no doubt the Spanish Inquistion were a Catholic murder squad,and we have seen Protestant and Catholic gangs here killing for sectarian reasons,mixed with politic's,but at times religious.
I have no doubt some extreme Zionists use violence in the name of their faith,but you do not admit muslim's murder in the name of islam,as you have no bottle.At least I am honest and open.

Who asks all muslim's to apologize for isis etc,as I have never heard anyone do this,and it is a tired old chant,to deflect from the guilty.

Many westerners do counter what the west does,openly protesting,but there has been limited public protests,or not in my name,from muslim's,globally,even if under reported elsewhere.
Many protest about what Israel does too.

Sadly,islamists actually organise support for isis etc in Europe,and justify beheadings and throwing gay men of roof tops,as they see it as good v evil,islam against the infidel.

posted on 23/7/15

I have actively campaigned against bigotry within my Protestant and loyalist community,and see my posts about uvf songs and sectarianism in Scotland and NI.
I opposed the attitude of evangelicals in NI in relation to gay marriage and homosexuality,and this applies to Catholic anti-gay elements too.........I backed gay equality in marriage in Eire,and I have two gay brothers.
Where do you think the hatred towards gay people comes from is muslim quarters,leading to isis having support for throwing men off buildings?

I oppose racism among a minority of my fellow Chelsea and Rangers fans,and have posted on this subject.
I oppose racism,sexism,sectarianism and thuggery in all forms.

I am not what you think I am,or what you want me to be.to fit your labelling,and your agenda.
Perhaps go and find some real racists and bigots to educate,guys,as hatred is not in my DNA.

Peace and may your God go with you.

posted on 23/7/15

On a personal note,I am sorry to hear you have endured racism Mudd,regarding your black partner,and I fear it is generational,as my parents,born in the 1930's have racist views,I am always trying to correct.
Only a sick person would give you and your family grief,based on skin tone,bud.

I have enjoyed reading Wumpatrol,and his idealistic mantra's,and long may they continue,as we need idealists,more than ever.

I post in a certain way,that may be harsh,direct,and even misguided and ill informed,but I do so based on individual free thinking,void of political,party,racial or religious line..............believe it or not.I am a Christian,from an Ulster Protestant and loyalist background,who now wishes we were all human,first and foremost,rather than any other label.

We are all equal under God,and if we treated each other as we want to be treated ourselves,the world would be a nicer place.

Love thy neighbour,and we have hope for the future.

God Bless

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