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posted on 15/1/24

Very well said.
The ignorant will continue to ignore

posted on 15/1/24

If Israel sat back and did nothing in response to that hamas attack would you be joining marches against the palestianian hamas?

Are there marches against Iran who backed them to do this? Do you attend those if so? We just gonna ignore the initial atrocities that started this?

quick scroll through ur posted articles since that think i counted 3/4 articles on the matter not one condemning hamas?

Also what should Israel do, how should they respond to a threat capable of doing what they did backed by Iran sat on their doorstep? Not condoning Israel at all, two wrongs dont make a right but what exactly should they be doing in response?

posted on 15/1/24

Stop targeting journalists, schools and hospitals for starters.

posted on 15/1/24

I will try half heartedly.
I've no intention of going back to the formation of Israel.
So it began with the Hamas attack on a holiday event, killing over a thousand civilians, taking three hundred hostages, and reportedly using rapes as a weapon.
This gave legitimacy to an Israeli response.
As the Hamas fighters hid below ground they were content for the civilians above ground to be killed in an attempt to get to them.
The Hamas leaders hid in other countries.

So that is a partial defence. However in my view Israel should have long since agreed to a ceasefire.

And my own observation is that Israel would have peace and security if they turned the notions on its head, and acted with kindness to the Palestinians, provided aid, gave them their own country, stopped taking their homes and helped them rebuild.

posted on 15/1/24

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 7 minutes ago
Stop targeting journalists, schools and hospitals for starters.
And then?

posted on 15/1/24

comment by manusince52 (U9692)
posted 20 seconds ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 7 minutes ago
Stop targeting journalists, schools and hospitals for starters.
And then?
Take Israel to court for War Crimes would be my choice.

Non of the journos, kids or the sick that have been deliberately targeted played any part in the atrocities of Oct 7th.

posted on 15/1/24

it surely is waking people up to the evils being done in the name of a right wing Zionist government


You were doing so well until this bit Robb and had me agreeing with many points.

You cant make a comment like that given it's literally a militant group who commit absolutely deplorable atrocities themselves on the other side and expect to be taken seriously.

I'm officially neither neither. I am team preserve human lives though and for that alone the bombardment needs to stop I agree with you.

posted on 15/1/24

comment by manusince52 (U9692)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 7 minutes ago
Stop targeting journalists, schools and hospitals for starters.
And then?

posted on 15/1/24

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 25 seconds ago
comment by manusince52 (U9692)
posted 20 seconds ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 7 minutes ago
Stop targeting journalists, schools and hospitals for starters.
And then?
Take Israel to court for War Crimes would be my choice.

Non of the journos, kids or the sick that have been deliberately targeted played any part in the atrocities of Oct 7th.
If its proven then yh they should be done for war crimes 1000 %. The only thing i read as i dont particularly follow the news of it all was that hospital blast, and it was looking like it was caused by hamas from within gaza or w.e?

posted on 15/1/24

Dont know the full story....but to me it seems both sides are killing innocents in the name of religion. There is no winner......only losers and death.

comment by Tomkins (U1116)

posted on 15/1/24

What an absolute weapon you are op

posted on 15/1/24

I think the best thing for everyone to do is pick a side and then use some things that the other side has done against the people who support the other side. So you all support terrorism do you??

posted on 15/1/24

Either side taking the moral high ground is frankly laughable.
Been sides are murdering cants

posted on 15/1/24

The Jews were there first as far as I'm concerned. Judaism is literally 3000 years older than Islam.

Maybe the Muslims should be happy with Medina and Mecca and take the 2-1 advantage and be happy? Everyone goes happy. See I just solved the most complex religious conflict on the planet in two minutes. 😜

posted on 15/1/24

comment by Gafter Pranky (U22336)
posted 3 minutes ago
Either side taking the moral high ground is frankly laughable.
Been sides are murdering cants
Translation: I support Israel but will never own any viewpoint incase criticised

posted on 15/1/24

Why did the media livestream Israel’s ‘defence’ in the ICJ but not South Africa’s prosecution?

Many people can see what’s going on but unfortunately the media still has a major influence on people and it’s clear whose side they are on.

posted on 15/1/24

comment by Frank van Eijs (U1734)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Gafter Pranky (U22336)
posted 3 minutes ago
Either side taking the moral high ground is frankly laughable.
Been sides are murdering cants
Translation: I support Israel but will never own any viewpoint incase criticised

posted on 15/1/24

comment by Got_Better (U6241)
posted 19 minutes ago
Dont know the full story....but to me it seems both sides are killing innocents in the name of religion. There is no winner......only losers and death.
It sounds like you know a lot less than the full story tbh

posted on 15/1/24

comment by Frank van Eijs (U1734)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Gafter Pranky (U22336)
posted 3 minutes ago
Either side taking the moral high ground is frankly laughable.
Been sides are murdering cants
Translation: I support Israel but will never own any viewpoint incase criticised
+and the tories and republicans good old Ron De Pranksis.

posted on 15/1/24

One of the most damning things in relation to the argument it's 'legitimate to go to war with Hamas considering its aims and actions' is that we have a plethora of statements by the command of the IDF, Israeli government ministers, and Israel's PM himself baldly informing us that this is about much more than that. They've told us they see every Palestinian as a terrorist. They've told us it's about destroying Gaza. We have countless videos of wanton cruelty conducted face to face with impunity, in addition to thousands of children killed as supposed collateral damage from a distance.

Israel elected a government coalition of nationalist right + extreme right parties. Long before the despicable Hamas attack government ministers had said the most shocking dehumanising things about Palestinians. It's no mystery what ideology is driving this slaughter. I find it hard to describe it as anything other than a genocidal impulse.

posted on 15/1/24

comment by Tomkins (U1116)
posted 18 minutes ago
What an absolute weapon you are op

Thanks for your input there genocide supporting NPC

posted on 15/1/24

There are those who support genocide, oppression, occupation and apartheid rule and there are those that don’t. It really shouldn’t be that difficult to pick a side but 🤷‍♂️

posted on 15/1/24

They are an apartheid state guilty of numerous war crimes and the UK/US have been at best complicit. That simple thing should be enough to have them stopped, but it won’t.

posted on 15/1/24

12000 children murdered by the IDF

‘Yeah but both sides are equally to blame’

posted on 15/1/24

comment by Robbing Hoody - I taught Szoboszlai how to cushion half volleys (U6374)
posted 2 seconds ago
They are an apartheid state guilty of numerous war crimes and the UK/US have been at best complicit. That simple thing should be enough to have them stopped, but it won’t.

And Hamas are what then? A bunch of cute and friendly folk who make daisy chains? They are literally a militant group who commit terrible atrocities themselves.

At least Israel can vote their leader out. What hope do the Palestinians have really? A military coup? Last time I checked Hamas didn't believe in Elections. The last one was nearly 20 years ago. 😂

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