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posted on 16/1/24

comment by Robbing Hoody - I taught Szoboszlai how to cushion half volleys (U6374)
posted 1 minute ago


No one is occupying Israel, not sure why you can’t get your head around this very simple fact.
Is this your mitigation for Hamas murdering Palestinians? Or are you going to deny they did that in order to gain power?

posted on 16/1/24

comment by Real Fans Don't WUM (U23132)
posted 38 seconds ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - I taught Szoboszlai how to cushion half volleys (U6374)
posted 1 minute ago


No one is occupying Israel, not sure why you can’t get your head around this very simple fact.
Is this your mitigation for Hamas murdering Palestinians? Or are you going to deny they did that in order to gain power?

I’m saying if you forcibly take people homes, create an apartheid state, commit war crimes and kill people at a ratio of 200/1 you get people fighting back.

It’s an apartheid state committing war crimes and our country helps fund it. Give your head a wobble ffs, you look a complete Pratt.

posted on 16/1/24

comment by Robbing Hoody - I taught Szoboszlai how to cushion half volleys (U6374)
posted 1 minute ago

Is this your mitigation for Hamas murdering Palestinians? Or are you going to deny they did that in order to gain power?

I’m saying if you forcibly take people homes, create an apartheid state, commit war crimes and kill people at a ratio of 200/1 you get people fighting back.

It’s an apartheid state committing war crimes and our country helps fund it. Give your head a wobble ffs, you look a complete Pratt.
Fighting back involves killing innocent Palestinians? Did you not know that's what they did in 2007 or are you mitigating them for it?

posted on 16/1/24

RDD trying his best to save SE85 from the title of biggest twaaaat on the thread.

posted on 16/1/24

Oh fvck is this beIlend RDD?

I should have known.

posted on 16/1/24

Looks like you just lost the argument. Well done for defending Hamas murdering Palestinians guys.

Robbing gets voted consistently for surfer of the year every year yet never takes it on board. Tells you what you need to know about this guy.

posted on 16/1/24

Robbing gets voted consistently for surfer of the year every year

I’ve been in it once, where I actually only got one nomination so shouldn’t have been in. Feel free to check you fvcking lying dunce.

RDD humiliated YET AGAIN

posted on 16/1/24

Just to get everyone to nail their colours to the mast on this, could the people participating in this thread please state their position (agree or disagree) on the following two statements:

Hamas is and has been guilty of crimes against humanity, since well before the October 7th attacks.

Israel is and has been guilty of crimes against humanity, since well before the October 7th attacks and on an even bigger scale.

Agree with both:


Agree with 1, disagree with 2:

Agree with 2, disagree with 1:

Disagree with both:

Thanks for taking part.

posted on 16/1/24

Lets' wrap this up..

Hamas = unts
Isreal Government = unts
RDD = unt

posted on 16/1/24

Agree with both IOAG

posted on 16/1/24

comment by Ji Sung Park's Cousin - Return of the despair squid (U2958)
posted 12 seconds ago
Lets' wrap this up..

Hamas =unts
Isreal Government =unts
RDD =unt


posted on 16/1/24

comment by Robbing Hoody - I taught Szoboszlai how to cushion half volleys (U6374)
posted 5 seconds ago
comment by Ji Sung Park's Cousin - Return of the despair squid (U2958)
posted 12 seconds ago
Lets' wrap this up..

Hamas =unts
Isreal Government =unts
RDD =unt

Same, but mr 25 votes for surfer of the year here is lying because he thinks Hamas murdering palestinians in 2007 is due to Israel's apartheid

posted on 16/1/24

comment by it'sonlyaludus (U6426)
posted 2 minutes ago
Just to get everyone to nail their colours to the mast on this, could the people participating in this thread please state their position (agree or disagree) on the following two statements:

Hamas is and has been guilty of crimes against humanity, since well before the October 7th attacks.

Israel is and has been guilty of crimes against humanity, since well before the October 7th attacks and on an even bigger scale.

Agree with both:

it'sonlyagame; hoody

Agree with 1, disagree with 2:

Agree with 2, disagree with 1:

Disagree with both:

Thanks for taking part.

posted on 16/1/24

comment by Robbing Hoody - I taught Szoboszlai how to cushion half volleys (U6374)
posted 12 minutes ago
Robbing gets voted consistently for surfer of the year every year

I’ve been in it once, where I actually only got one nomination so shouldn’t have been in. Feel free to check you fvcking lying dunce.

RDD humiliated YET AGAIN

I'm not RDD

And here's your humiliation. Only been in it once, he says, doesn't even recognise his own cvntishness.


posted on 16/1/24

Sorry twice then. So not every year, so we’re both wrong.

You’re still RDD, resident bottom feeder who will never have children thankfully. There is some justice in this world at least.

posted on 16/1/24

I don't think that is RDD tbf. He seems literate if nothing else.

posted on 16/1/24

comment by InBefore (U20589)
posted 13 hours, 48 minutes ago
If Israel sat back and did nothing in response to that hamas attack would you be joining marches against the palestianian hamas?

Are there marches against Iran who backed them to do this? Do you attend those if so? We just gonna ignore the initial atrocities that started this?

quick scroll through ur posted articles since that think i counted 3/4 articles on the matter not one condemning hamas?

Also what should Israel do, how should they respond to a threat capable of doing what they did backed by Iran sat on their doorstep? Not condoning Israel at all, two wrongs dont make a right but what exactly should they be doing in response?

Second comment on the thread.

Why don't people actually learn about this conflict before commenting?

posted on 16/1/24

comment by it'sonlyaludus (U6426)
posted 25 minutes ago
comment by it'sonlyaludus (U6426)
posted 2 minutes ago
Just to get everyone to nail their colours to the mast on this, could the people participating in this thread please state their position (agree or disagree) on the following two statements:

Hamas is and has been guilty of crimes against humanity, since well before the October 7th attacks.

Israel is and has been guilty of crimes against humanity, since well before the October 7th attacks and on an even bigger scale.

Agree with both:

it'sonlyagame; hoody

Agree with 1, disagree with 2:

Agree with 2, disagree with 1:

Disagree with both:

Thanks for taking part.

Still lacking context. Hamas came into existence in 1987 as a response to Israel's apartheid. In fact, everything Palestine does, justified or not, is a response to occupation and apartheid by Israel.

One is an inevitable reaction to the other. Vital bit of context there.

posted on 16/1/24

This doesn't strike me as that morally complicated.

1. Hamas = nasty, corrupt and murderous organisation, which deploys terror and indiscriminate slaughter against civilians, uses deadly coercion to impose rule over Palestinians in Gaza, and whose political aims involve treating Jewish inhabitants of the disputed territories at least as badly as Israel treats the Palestinian inhabitants.

2. The Palestinian people as a whole are not Hamas. Hamas maintains rule of Gaza through oppressive and deadly force. The median Palestinian is considerably more secular than the Islamist Hamas (and a good proportion of Palestinians aren't Muslim).

3. The State of Israel has enjoyed hegemony over Gaza and the West Bank for decades, controls access to power, water and goods, has frequently cut these off among a habitual pattern of brutalisation, humiliation and dispossession of ordinary Palestinians. They are second-class citizens within the territory Israel controls and at the same time denied the opportunity to self-determination within the territories to which Israel does not claim. Meanwhile, informal expansion of Israel continually takes place, with the eviction of Palestinians from their homes and land by violent Israelis acting with impunity and protection by the state.

4. Since the horrific and morally despicable acts carried out in October by Hamas (not by Palestinians in general, nor even by their legitimate representatives), Israel has slaughtered tens of thousands of civilians, and rendering whole neighbourhoods unfit to be resettled. While using self-defence, return of hostages, and the need to wipe out Hamas's military capabilities as a pretext, Israel's armed forces and government have barely concealed the fact that this is a campaign of maximalist collective punishment, which by design would obliterate the lives of thousands of children. We have statements from government ministers (representing nationalist and quasi-fascist parties) calling all Palestinians terrorists, and alluding to depopulating Gaza. It's scarcely credible that the scale of bombardment of homes, schools and hospitals was justified by military objectives. Meanwhile, at close range there have been countless instances (many recorded by Israeli soldiers themselves, apparently not ashamed to be seen or concerned about reprimand) of the IDF perpetrating acts of humiliation and expressions of colonial conquest. Israeli snipers have killed women and children.

I don't recognise Hamas as legitimate freedom fighters. But I don't have any time for the argument that the existence of Hamas legitimises what Israel has done to the people of Gaza since October - nor does it make this picture morally complicated.

posted on 16/1/24

I would really like to appeal the people who justify Israel's current actions in Palestine (even their initial actions following the Oct. 7th attacks) to consider checking any of the reports published by Human Rights Watch over the past couple of decades.

Here's a snippet from one of them:

“Whether it’s a child imprisoned by a military court or shot unjustifiably, or a house demolished for lack of an elusive permit, or checkpoints where only settlers are allowed to pass, few Palestinians have escaped serious rights abuses during this 50-year occupation. Israel today maintains an entrenched system of institutionalized discrimination against Palestinians in the occupied territory – repression that extends far beyond any security rationale.”

- Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. (2017)

Human Rights Watch was founded by Robert L. Bernstein, Jeri Laber, and Aryeh Neier.

Are all of these people anti-Jewish, or do you think they're genuinely concerned with Israel's approach to the human rights of the people who's lands they have occupied?

Pursuant to the excerpt printed above, do all of these years of abuses and killings somehow justify Hamas' attacks on 7th Oct?

And if not (which is the logical answer, by the way), then why or how do the October 7th attacks justify Israel's response?

posted on 16/1/24

There is some highly misinformed numpties commenting on this article.

Some of you should just stop posting, go and do some research (that includes information before October 2023) and then come back once you're clued up.

Free Friendly advice

posted on 16/1/24

comment by Red Russian (U4715)
posted 16 minutes ago
This doesn't strike me as that morally complicated.

1. Hamas = nasty, corrupt and murderous organisation, which deploys terror and indiscriminate slaughter against civilians, uses deadly coercion to impose rule over Palestinians in Gaza, and whose political aims involve treating Jewish inhabitants of the disputed territories at least as badly as Israel treats the Palestinian inhabitants.

2. The Palestinian people as a whole are not Hamas. Hamas maintains rule of Gaza through oppressive and deadly force. The median Palestinian is considerably more secular than the Islamist Hamas (and a good proportion of Palestinians aren't Muslim).

3. The State of Israel has enjoyed hegemony over Gaza and the West Bank for decades, controls access to power, water and goods, has frequently cut these off among a habitual pattern of brutalisation, humiliation and dispossession of ordinary Palestinians. They are second-class citizens within the territory Israel controls and at the same time denied the opportunity to self-determination within the territories to which Israel does not claim. Meanwhile, informal expansion of Israel continually takes place, with the eviction of Palestinians from their homes and land by violent Israelis acting with impunity and protection by the state.

4. Since the horrific and morally despicable acts carried out in October by Hamas (not by Palestinians in general, nor even by their legitimate representatives), Israel has slaughtered tens of thousands of civilians, and rendering whole neighbourhoods unfit to be resettled. While using self-defence, return of hostages, and the need to wipe out Hamas's military capabilities as a pretext, Israel's armed forces and government have barely concealed the fact that this is a campaign of maximalist collective punishment, which by design would obliterate the lives of thousands of children. We have statements from government ministers (representing nationalist and quasi-fascist parties) calling all Palestinians terrorists, and alluding to depopulating Gaza. It's scarcely credible that the scale of bombardment of homes, schools and hospitals was justified by military objectives. Meanwhile, at close range there have been countless instances (many recorded by Israeli soldiers themselves, apparently not ashamed to be seen or concerned about reprimand) of the IDF perpetrating acts of humiliation and expressions of colonial conquest. Israeli snipers have killed women and children.

I don't recognise Hamas as legitimate freedom fighters. But I don't have any time for the argument that the existence of Hamas legitimises what Israel has done to the people of Gaza since October - nor does it make this picture morally complicated.
The fact that it's even a debate shows just how strong pro-Israel propaganda is. You'd be forgiven for thinking it's Palestine occupying Israel.

posted on 16/1/24

comment by Robbing Hoody - I taught Szoboszlai how to cushion half volleys (U6374)
posted 1 hour, 1 minute ago
comment by Vladimikel Artutin - committing war crimes against football since 2019 (U18355)
posted 1 minute ago
I honestly think people do it to be edgy or something. Find it hard to believe that they could be that ignorant

They discuss many places to place the new Israel apparently. Places like Uganda for example.

You know if you displaced 700,000 Texans, then slowing took more of their homes, and then placed the rest in an open air prison over the decades I’m fairly certain those Texans would shoot you.
Ern... North American natives... Australian natives. Kill them enough and it becomes your land.

Palestine Hoopla tires me. Somebody kicked out "Jews" a while ago. Palestine must coexist and on the terms of those in power, till you get the power to change the narrative. The examples are numerous.

posted on 16/1/24

Palestine must coexist and on the terms of those in power, till you get the power to change the narrative. The examples are numerous.
Humanity never coexists with occupation, oppression and apartheid.

It has never happened in the history of the world. Resistance and non-conformism is inevitable no matter how insurmountable the odds.

posted on 16/1/24

comment by -bloodred- (U1222)
posted 53 minutes ago
I don't think that is RDD tbf. He seems literate if nothing else.
I did think that. But he makes the same stupid arguments, which is why I suspect.

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