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posted on 17/1/24

comment by Real Fans Don't WUM (U23132)
posted 46 minutes ago
The fact you've even brought up root cause is a damning indictment of your childish 'he started it' mentality when it comes to murdering people. Really show that you have complete disregard for human life.
I didn't bring up root cause you cockwomble.

And root cause is relevant in any conflict. You can't solve a problem without establishing it's origin. You want root cause ignored because Israel is at fault. You want to start on Oct 7th. Facking brain $pastiçity afflicted caaant.

posted on 17/1/24

comment by Real Fans Don't WUM (U23132)
posted 1 hour, 2 minutes ago
comment by Robb - Glenn Maxwell. Legend. Hero. Icon. (U22716)

Did Hamas have the autonomy not to attack and rape civilians at a music festival? Or push Palestinians off buildings?

Are Israeli attacking Hamas or 12000 children?

I was under the impression that Israel were a civilised first world nation where they could perhaps show the humanity and stop military action when thousands of innocent children are being killed. Perhaps they just don’t care which is why millions around the world are marching against the genocide.
I already said it's wrong and they have the autonomy

Amazing how you and Thorgen literally cannot answer the question above.
Hamas are a reaction to decades of Israeli apartheid, rapes, murders, racism, denial of basic rights etc, a situation which leads to violent resistance every single time.

They have as much autonomy as Israel.

posted on 17/1/24

comment by Thorgen Kloppinson

Hamas are a reaction to decades of Israeli apartheid, rapes, murders, racism, denial of basic rights etc, a situation which leads to violent resistance every single time.

Hamas are a terrorist organisation that murdered innocent Palestinians to gain power. Their agenda is nothing to do with the rights of Palestine

Martin Luther King was a reaction to decades of inequality, oppression, racism, denial of basic rights etc.

Perhaps you should pick up a history book and read about nonviolent resistance instead of talking crap about violence always occurring.

It's simply your justificiation for the slaughter of innocent people. Like I say you have little regard for human life and I condemn anyone on both sides that thinks like this.

posted on 17/1/24

comment by Thorgen Kloppinson - "When the facts are in your favour, you argue the facts. When facts are not in your favour you argue the process." (U1282)
posted 4 hours, 31 minutes ago

How many times do they need reminding about the root cause if the conflict and why there is resistant in Palestine?


comment by Thorgen Kloppinson - "When the facts are in your favour, you argue the facts. When facts are not in your favour you argue the process." (U1282)
posted 51 minutes ago

I didn't bring up root cause you cockwomble.

posted on 17/1/24

comment by Thorgen Kloppinson - "When the facts are in your favour, you argue the facts. When facts are not in your favour you argue the process." (U1282)
posted 52 minutes ago

And root cause is relevant in any conflict. You can't solve a problem without establishing it's origin. You want root cause ignored because Israel is at fault. You want to start on Oct 7th. Facking brain $pastiçity afflicted caaant.

In any conflict both sides think the other is the root cause which is why nothing gets solved till people get past it and negotiate you d1pshit

posted on 17/1/24

This twaat can justify Al Qaeda as a perfectly rational entity in his own mind

posted on 18/1/24

comment by Real Fans Don't WUM (U23132)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Thorgen Kloppinson - "When the facts are in your favour, you argue the facts. When facts are not in your favour you argue the process." (U1282)
posted 52 minutes ago

And root cause is relevant in any conflict. You can't solve a problem without establishing it's origin. You want root cause ignored because Israel is at fault. You want to start on Oct 7th. Facking brain $pastiçity afflicted caaant.

In any conflict both sides think the other is the root cause which is why nothing gets solved till people get past it and negotiate you d1pshit
You're all the same you Israel sympathisers. Thick as fack and coming out will all sorts of stupid notions. Conflicts are never solves until the reason they started is removed. Furthermore, this both sides bullsheet doesn't apply to occupiers like Israel. There's no both sides when one side is occupying and the other occupied. This is why root cause is vital. You're an idiot of nuclear proportions.

Your poor cognitive complexity explains your stance you little pipsqueak.

posted on 18/1/24

comment by Real Fans Don't WUM (U23132)
posted 9 minutes ago
This twaat can justify Al Qaeda as a perfectly rational entity in his own mind
You're justifying 75 years of murders, racism, apartheid, displacement, imprisonment without trial and all the worst sheet the world has ever seen. The atrocities of Israel pale in comparison to those of Al Qaeda.

Facking dickwad.

posted on 18/1/24

comment by Real Fans Don't WUM (U23132)
posted 19 minutes ago
comment by Thorgen Kloppinson - "When the facts are in your favour, you argue the facts. When facts are not in your favour you argue the process." (U1282)
posted 4 hours, 31 minutes ago

How many times do they need reminding about the root cause if the conflict and why there is resistant in Palestine?


comment by Thorgen Kloppinson - "When the facts are in your favour, you argue the facts. When facts are not in your favour you argue the process." (U1282)
posted 51 minutes ago

I didn't bring up root cause you cockwomble.
Oh my days, read the thread before that. It wasn't me that brought up root cause.

Holy crap you are extremely stupid and reckless, can't read and need a visit to specsavers, which explains your ree tarded view of the world, situations and circumstances.

posted on 18/1/24

Hamas are a terrorist organisation that murdered innocent Palestinians to gain power. Their agenda is nothing to do with the rights of Palestine
What a ree tard.

posted on 18/1/24

comment by Thorgen Kloppinson - "When the facts are in your favour, you argue the facts. When facts are not in your favour you argue the process." (U1282)

I didn't bring up root cause you cockwomble.
Oh my days, read the thread before that. It wasn't me that brought up root cause.

Holy crap you are extremely stupid and reckless, can't read and need a visit to specsavers, which explains your ree tarded view of the world, situations and circumstances.
Reminding people of the root cause multiple times isn't bringing it up

posted on 18/1/24

comment by Thorgen Kloppinson - "When the facts are in your favour, you argue the facts. When facts are not in your favour you argue the process." (U1282)
posted 2 hours, 38 minutes ago
comment by Real Fans Don't WUM (U23132)
posted 9 minutes ago
This twaat can justify Al Qaeda as a perfectly rational entity in his own mind
You're justifying 75 years of murders, racism, apartheid, displacement, imprisonment without trial and all the worst sheet the world has ever seen. The atrocities of Israel pale in comparison to those of Al Qaeda.

Facking dickwad.
Look at him go, wouldn't surprise me if he clapped on the day of 9/11.

posted on 18/1/24

comment by Thorgen Kloppinson - "When the facts are in your favour, you argue the facts. When facts are not in your favour you argue the process." (U1282)
posted 2 hours, 44 minutes ago
Hamas are a terrorist organisation that murdered innocent Palestinians to gain power. Their agenda is nothing to do with the rights of Palestine
What a ree tard.
Why is is that around half of Palestinians don't believe that these kind of attacks serve any purpose in bringing peace?

Are they just a disability slur to you?

Why is it that Mandela altered his course from violence to peaceful resistance? Which path do you believe achieved more for the people he cared about?

Why is it that you can't believe that Hamas can be as corrupt in their goals as other leaderships all around the World? Is there something particularly special about them that makes you believe they're holier than other human beings?

posted on 18/1/24

comment by Thorgen Kloppinson - "When the facts are ... (U1282)
posted 4 hours, 21 minutes ago
comment by Real Fans Don't WUM (U23132)
posted 9 minutes ago
This twaat can justify Al Qaeda as a perfectly rational entity in his own mind
You're justifying 75 years of murders, racism, apartheid, displacement, imprisonment without trial and all the worst sheet the world has ever seen. The atrocities of Israel pale in comparison to those of Al Qaeda.

Facking dickwad.

Christ, some pretty outrageous nonsense right here.

Outside of this tedious argument I do love how the same people get so defensive over any criticism of the muslim world and that it is always the west at fault for any terrorism that has come to be. We better not get into racism, as that would become quite an awkward topic. #18millionslaves

posted on 18/1/24

comment by Real Fans Don't WUM (U23132)
posted 8 hours, 30 minutes ago
comment by Thorgen Kloppinson - "When the facts are in your favour, you argue the facts. When facts are not in your favour you argue the process." (U1282)
posted 52 minutes ago

And root cause is relevant in any conflict. You can't solve a problem without establishing it's origin. You want root cause ignored because Israel is at fault. You want to start on Oct 7th. Facking brain $pastiçity afflicted caaant.

In any conflict both sides think the other is the root cause which is why nothing gets solved till people get past it and negotiate you d1pshit
An Arab's idea of negotiating is trying to con you in
to buying tat for a fortune in a filthy flea market

posted on 18/1/24

comment by Real Fans Don't WUM (U23132)
posted 5 hours, 29 minutes ago

Look at him go, wouldn't surprise me if he clapped on the day of 9/11.

I know plenty of Latin Americans here in Spain, and you might be surprised at how many of them reacted to the news.

Like hundreds of millions of people around the world, their nations have suffered and died at the hands of the henchmen of the American Empire, so it really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone to learn that many of the people they victimised didn't commiserate with America on 9/11.

I do agree with you on a different point, though, which I'll reply to in a separate post.

posted on 18/1/24

IDF blowing up Palestine University


Let’s see what the ethnic cleansers on this thread make of this

posted on 18/1/24

comment by Real Fans Don't WUM (U23132)
posted 5 hours, 25 minutes ago

Why is it that Mandela altered his course from violence to peaceful resistance? Which path do you believe achieved more for the people he cared about?

Why is it that you can't believe that Hamas can be as corrupt in their goals as other leaderships all around the World? Is there something particularly special about them that makes you believe they're holier than other human beings?

All of this I agree with.

I know the idea has been floated many times, and that those who rule it out are completely sceptical about the chances of it working, I do believe that peaceful resistance might very well be the best course of action for Palestine.

Israeli Zionists clearly have no intention of returning Palestinians their lands. They're actually colonising more and more of it.

I really don't think they have very much support at all for that in the West, certainly not among the public opinion.

Outside of the countless UN resolutions condemning Israel for their treatment of Palestinians, I honestly have no idea what legal pathways the Palestinians have attempted to find solutions in legal recourse.

Having said that, I think there could be two clear paths of action they could take.

On the one hand, focus on having individual property rights on their land recognised by the state of Israel. International institutions pour billions into Palestine to try to restore everything that gets destroyed with every escalation of the conflict. Without armed conflict, many more millions could be pumped into fighting for Palestinian rights through Israel's own justice system.

That would really test the nation's standing as a democracy, because for all that their advocates harp on about Israeli democracy, true democracy has three arms: executive, legislative and judiciary.

So the second course of action ought to focus on obtaining recognition as citizens with full voting rights. A truly democratic Israel that recognised all of the people born inside its borders - including the lands it has illegally occupied - would obviously tip the scales in favour of the Palestinians and their Israeli allies.

Were they were to resort to non-violent, passive resistance and peaceful protest, taking the above points as the cornerstones of their struggle, I think they'd receive far more support from the world's most advanced democracies, and the path to them regaining their lands might end up being much shorter.

posted on 18/1/24

Ding! Dong! Mourinho's gone! LAJM! (U6426)


Absolutely agree with everything in that post. Most people in the West don't actually support Israel's actions, but most also find it hard to sympathise with the actions of Hamas, particularly after 9/11.

Even Starmer knows he has his hands tied about what he can say about this.

posted on 18/1/24

The 9/11 example is great. When after a terrorist attack a superior military then overreacted in response and murdered a huge number of innocent people.

You’d think Israel would have learnt the lessons…

posted on 18/1/24

comment by Robb - Glenn Maxwell. Legend. Hero. Icon. (U22716)
posted 8 minutes ago
The 9/11 example is great. When after a terrorist attack a superior military then overreacted in response and murdered a huge number of innocent people.

You’d think Israel would have learnt the lessons…

Both Israel and Hamas should have learned their lessons

It's possible to sympathise with and condemn both, but some people just like to stoke division and want you to pick a side.

They'll even put you on one if you're not on theirs.

If you'd have posted the same thread about Hamas's actions after their attack on civilians I'd have pointed out that Israel were also culpable in this mess.

posted on 18/1/24

And lets face it Robb, most of the division occurs on your threads, no coincidence.

posted on 18/1/24

Comment deleted by Article Creator

posted on 18/1/24

comment by Real Fans Don't WUM (U23132)
posted 14 minutes ago
And lets face it Robb, most of the division occurs on your threads, no coincidence.

‘Division’ is just another way of saying that you don’t wanna hear uncomfortable truths

posted on 18/1/24

Were they were to resort to non-violent, passive resistance and peaceful protest, taking the above points as the cornerstones of their struggle, I think they'd receive far more support from the world's most advanced democracies, and the path to them regaining their lands might end up being much shorter.

You have hit the nail on the head, it wasn’t a satisfactory situation when Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005 but at least an opportunity to use the aid money to put in place the infrastructure to become an independent state.

Instead Hamas have used the Gaza Strip to fire rockets at Israel over the last 15 years while instigating a war which has sent the area back to the Stone Age.

Hamas were nicely satirised in this clip on X


Israelis would generally rather have the hostages back than carry on with war, as Palestinians would like to go back home but both leaderships are being utter aholes!

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