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posted on 18/1/24

I wonder which right wing leader is responsible for the existence of Hamas? 🤔

posted on 18/1/24

comment by Real Fans Don't WUM (U23132)
posted 31 minutes ago
comment by Robb - Glenn Maxwell. Legend. Hero. Icon. (U22716)
posted 8 minutes ago
The 9/11 example is great. When after a terrorist attack a superior military then overreacted in response and murdered a huge number of innocent people.

You’d think Israel would have learnt the lessons…

Both Israel and Hamas should have learned their lessons

It's possible to sympathise with and condemn both, but some people just like to stoke division and want you to pick a side.

They'll even put you on one if you're not on theirs.

If you'd have posted the same thread about Hamas's actions after their attack on civilians I'd have pointed out that Israel were also culpable in this mess.

I think you might both be misreading the situation by presuming that neither of the parties you mention wanted the current escalation.

posted on 18/1/24

comment by Robb - Glenn Maxwell. Legend. Hero. Icon. (U22716)
posted 21 minutes ago
comment by Real Fans Don't WUM (U23132)
posted 14 minutes ago
And lets face it Robb, most of the division occurs on your threads, no coincidence.

‘Division’ is just another way of saying that you don’t wanna hear uncomfortable truths
That's funny, because you asked a question about how people can defend them in this article

People have pointed out that most people in the West aren't defending Israel but find it difficult to have sympathy after Hamas made an attack on civilians. You've labelled this Israel defending, even though it isn't.

Clearly you didn't come on here for an answer to your question.

posted on 18/1/24

comment by Real Fans Don't WUM (U23132)
posted 48 seconds ago
comment by Robb - Glenn Maxwell. Legend. Hero. Icon. (U22716)
posted 21 minutes ago
comment by Real Fans Don't WUM (U23132)
posted 14 minutes ago
And lets face it Robb, most of the division occurs on your threads, no coincidence.

‘Division’ is just another way of saying that you don’t wanna hear uncomfortable truths
That's funny, because you asked a question about how people can defend them in this article

People have pointed out that most people in the West aren't defending Israel but find it difficult to have sympathy after Hamas made an attack on civilians. You've labelled this Israel defending, even though it isn't.

Clearly you didn't come on here for an answer to your question.


You’ve spent the whole thread defending Israel. To say otherwise is disingenuous.

posted on 18/1/24

comment by Ding! Dong! Mourinho's gone! LAJM! (U6426)
posted 3 minutes ago

I think you might both be misreading the situation by presuming that neither of the parties you mention wanted the current escalation.

That's quite possible, even likely. And with Pakistan attacking Iran now, it seems that quite a few more may be ready and willing to escalate.

posted on 18/1/24

comment by Robb - Glenn Maxwell. Legend. Hero. Icon. (U22716)
posted 1 minute ago


You’ve spent the whole thread defending Israel. To say otherwise is disingenuous.
I'm not going to condemn them again when you clearly just want to take your anger out on people. You do like to make these threads on here, let people argue then dip back in when you feel like it to stoke it up again.

posted on 18/1/24

comment by Real Fans Don't WUM (U23132)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Robb - Glenn Maxwell. Legend. Hero. Icon. (U22716)
posted 1 minute ago


You’ve spent the whole thread defending Israel. To say otherwise is disingenuous.
I'm not going to condemn them again when you clearly just want to take your anger out on people. You do like to make these threads on here, let people argue then dip back in when you feel like it to stoke it up again.

You’ve literally spent the entire thread getting facts thrown in your face by many other people than me. But yes, let’s pretend I’m the one who’s the black sheep here 🤔

posted on 18/1/24

comment by Robb - Glenn Maxwell. Legend. Hero. Icon. (U22716)
posted 15 seconds ago


You’ve literally spent the entire thread getting facts thrown in your face by many other people than me. But yes, let’s pretend I’m the one who’s the black sheep here 🤔
I'm honoured that you want to make me your imaginary Israel defendings demon scapegoat. But it's really not doing you any favours other than making you more angry about all of this.

posted on 18/1/24

comment by Real Fans Don't WUM (U23132)
posted 14 seconds ago
comment by Robb - Glenn Maxwell. Legend. Hero. Icon. (U22716)
posted 15 seconds ago


You’ve literally spent the entire thread getting facts thrown in your face by many other people than me. But yes, let’s pretend I’m the one who’s the black sheep here 🤔
I'm honoured that you want to make me your imaginary Israel defendings demon scapegoat. But it's really not doing you any favours other than making you more angry about all of this.

Okay Stretty 😂

posted on 18/1/24

I believe you're laughing, honest.

posted on 18/1/24

comment by Aggers Right Elbow (U3402)
posted 10 minutes ago

Israelis would generally rather have the hostages back than carry on with war, as Palestinians would like to go back home but both leaderships are being utter aholes!


Back in the late '90s I worked for a humanitarian organisation that had a presence in Palestine. Even back then returning workers would liken Gaza to an open air prison camp that was subdivided into several sectors between which the IDF would restrict movement at will.

They also told of a population permanently subjected to IDF harassment, arbitrary detentions, random killings, random shutdown of universities and other infrastructures, and a long litany of human rights abuses.

So yeah, I'm in no doubt Israel would much rather return to a similar status quo where its roughly 9 million inhabitants enjoy the 21st highest human development index in the world, while the 5 million people whose territories they occupy, oppress and hold under a blockade for such a long time lag way back in 104th.

And that's actually before considering huge numbers of Gazans will have barely anything left to go home to.

As much as I can see why that parties have their legitimate desires and grievances, I think we should always bear in mind just how asymmetric this conflict is and just how thick and thin the respective ends of the wedge are.

posted on 18/1/24

OP did you get involved in the death to jews chants?

posted on 18/1/24

comment by Taki Minamino (U20650)
posted 1 minute ago
OP did you get involved in the death to jews chants?

I never heard a single chant like that. I did see plenty of Jewish people in the marches asking for the genocide not to be done in their name.

posted on 18/1/24

comment by Ding! Dong! Mourinho's gone! LAJM! (U6426)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Aggers Right Elbow (U3402)
posted 10 minutes ago

Israelis would generally rather have the hostages back than carry on with war, as Palestinians would like to go back home but both leaderships are being utter aholes!


Back in the late '90s I worked for a humanitarian organisation that had a presence in Palestine. Even back then returning workers would liken Gaza to an open air prison camp that was subdivided into several sectors between which the IDF would restrict movement at will.

They also told of a population permanently subjected to IDF harassment, arbitrary detentions, random killings, random shutdown of universities and other infrastructures, and a long litany of human rights abuses.

So yeah, I'm in no doubt Israel would much rather return to a similar status quo where its roughly 9 million inhabitants enjoy the 21st highest human development index in the world, while the 5 million people whose territories they occupy, oppress and hold under a blockade for such a long time lag way back in 104th.

And that's actually before considering huge numbers of Gazans will have barely anything left to go home to.

As much as I can see why that parties have their legitimate desires and grievances, I think we should always bear in mind just how asymmetric this conflict is and just how thick and thin the respective ends of the wedge are.
Agree with this. There's over 2'000 West Bank Palestinians incarcerated by Israel without charge, due process or even a sentence. 350 Palestinians have died in the West Bank since Oct 7th. Israel has also sponsored the settler programme, kicking Palestinians off their land using violence. This gets ignored by not just Israeli authorities but by western governments who are quick to tub thump about Hama's, Hezbollah et al.

All of the above is both under reported and conveniently ignored.

posted on 18/1/24

comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Ding! Dong! Mourinho's gone!LAJM!(U6426)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Aggers Right Elbow (U3402)
posted 10 minutes ago

Israelis would generally rather have the hostages back than carry on with war, as Palestinians would like to go back home but both leaderships are being utter aholes!


Back in the late '90s I worked for a humanitarian organisation that had a presence in Palestine. Even back then returning workers would liken Gaza to an open air prison camp that was subdivided into several sectors between which the IDF would restrict movement at will.

They also told of a population permanently subjected to IDF harassment, arbitrary detentions, random killings, random shutdown of universities and other infrastructures, and a long litany of human rights abuses.

So yeah, I'm in no doubt Israel would much rather return to a similar status quo where its roughly 9 million inhabitants enjoy the 21st highest human development index in the world, while the 5 million people whose territories they occupy, oppress and hold under a blockade for such a long time lag way back in 104th.

And that's actually before considering huge numbers of Gazans will have barely anything left to go home to.

As much as I can see why that parties have their legitimate desires and grievances, I think we should always bear in mind just how asymmetric this conflict is and just how thick and thin the respective ends of the wedge are.
Agree with this. There's over 2'000 West Bank Palestinians incarcerated by Israel without charge, due process or even a sentence. 350 Palestinians have died in the West Bank since Oct 7th. Israel has also sponsored the settler programme, kicking Palestinians off their land using violence. This gets ignored by not just Israeli authorities but by western governments who are quick to tub thump about Hama's, Hezbollah et al.

All of the above is both under reported and conveniently ignored.
Israel is a settler colonial project. So of course they're going to ignore that. It's why the latest is conveniently spoken about Oct 7 ignoring decades of oppression, ethnic cleansing and population displacement along with everything else that has happened.

The US, UK and Israel and their supporters make up the Axis of Genocide here.

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 18/1/24

Palestinians have tried peaceful protesting, Israeli forces still shot them

posted on 18/1/24

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)
posted 30 minutes ago
Palestinians have tried peaceful protesting, Israeli forces still shot them
And will do so again, without a doubt, but I still think that there's a lot that passive resistance could achieve if it were deployed as a sustained, concerted strategy.

What ought to be clear by now is that the perpetual cycle of violence in which both sides are engaged doesn't seem to be leading anywhere. If anything, it provides Israeli Zionists with a convenient alibi and cover under which to pursue their colonialist expansion.

I would love to be mistaken, but I don't think the current escalation is going to move them any closer to a lasting peace and coexistence of the communities in conflict.

posted on 18/1/24

We're heading for WW3 quite obviously so it doesn't make much difference at this stage. Russia-Ukraine, Israel-Palestine, Pakistan-Iran

Likely China Taiwan to be the next one that kicks off in the early part of this year

posted on 18/1/24

Canary Islands seem relatively safe. Morocco would have their hands full just trying to take Ceuta and Melilla.

posted on 18/1/24

comment by Lucious Lyon (U11781)
posted 8 hours, 25 minutes ago
IDF blowing up Palestine University


Let’s see what the ethnic cleansers on this thread make of this
It was Terrorist Uni

posted on 18/1/24

comment by Ding! Dong! Mourinho's gone! LAJM! (U6426)
posted 3 hours, 9 minutes ago
Canary Islands seem relatively safe. Morocco would have their hands full just trying to take Ceuta and Melilla.
I’m moving to Marbella full time in March so Morocco need to close all their ports and stay out of this shiiit

posted on 18/1/24

comment by Real Fans Don't WUM (U23132)
posted 4 hours, 45 minutes ago
We're heading for WW3 quite obviously so it doesn't make much difference at this stage. Russia-Ukraine, Israel-Palestine, Pakistan-Iran

Likely China Taiwan to be the next one that kicks off in the early part of this year

Let’s not forget West Africa, half their governments have been overthrown and all aligned themselves with Putin

And fack knows what the repercussions of what’s going on in Ecuador will be, especially with America’s wide open borders

posted on 18/1/24


Any other country and there would be sanctions and all sorts.

posted on 18/1/24

comment by Aggers Right Elbow (U3402)
posted 8 hours, 23 minutes ago
Were they were to resort to non-violent, passive resistance and peaceful protest, taking the above points as the cornerstones of their struggle, I think they'd receive far more support from the world's most advanced democracies, and the path to them regaining their lands might end up being much shorter.

You have hit the nail on the head, it wasn’t a satisfactory situation when Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005 but at least an opportunity to use the aid money to put in place the infrastructure to become an independent state.

Instead Hamas have used the Gaza Strip to fire rockets at Israel over the last 15 years while instigating a war which has sent the area back to the Stone Age.

Hamas were nicely satirised in this clip on X


Israelis would generally rather have the hostages back than carry on with war, as Palestinians would like to go back home but both leaderships are being utter aholes!

Israel had over 69 years to stop their racism and apartheid before Hamas came into existence.

Furthermore, there is no Hamas in the West Bank and they too are under apartheid. Instead there is the PLO which recognises Israel and seeks a two state solution but are ignored by Israel because Israel has other motives. Where is the support from the world's most advanced democracies for the West Bank? The West Bank's oath to regaining their land isn't getting any shorter.

I thought this issue had been deeply discussed already. I'm surprise there's still people talking about passive resistance and peaceful protest. That didn't work before Hamas. Read up on the issue bed commenting.

posted on 18/1/24


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