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posted on 20/1/24

What is he saying? That Israel is like a serial killer or paedo rapist who does what they do because of a tough childhood or having been the victim of the same while growing up?

This is some serious psychological analysis from Cinci.

posted on 20/1/24

This ‘conflict’ has really exposed the true colours of a lot of people on here. Cinci’s decade long mask have finally dropped.

posted on 20/1/24

He's not usually this unhinged or stupid, but the topic of Israel does something to people. Amazing that 10,000 children can be killed and people are more concerned sheet like this.

How the fack is that facking possible?

posted on 20/1/24

I know it shouldn’t be funny but describing Israel as having a ‘chip on it’s shoulder’ is peak 606.

posted on 20/1/24

comment by Thorgen Kloppinson - "When the facts are in your favour, you argue the facts. When facts are not in your favour you argue the process." (U1282)
posted 11 minutes ago
He's not usually this unhinged or stupid, but the topic of Israel does something to people. Amazing that 10,000 children can be killed and people are more concerned sheet like this.

How the fack is that facking possible?

Incredibly dumb people hide behind lame and vapid statements like ‘both sides are to blame’ as if there isn’t a huge power imbalance.

posted on 20/1/24

comment by Robb - Glenn Maxwell. Legend. Hero. Icon. (U22716)
posted 13 minutes ago
comment by Thorgen Kloppinson - "When the facts are in your favour, you argue the facts. When facts are not in your favour you argue the process." (U1282)
posted 11 minutes ago
He's not usually this unhinged or stupid, but the topic of Israel does something to people. Amazing that 10,000 children can be killed and people are more concerned sheet like this.

How the fack is that facking possible?

Incredibly dumb people hide behind lame and vapid statements like ‘both sides are to blame’ as if there isn’t a huge power imbalance.
They have managed to confuse and alter the narrative so much that many people think they're both actually to blame. The propaganda is strong in this one.

posted on 20/1/24


Won't hear much about this until later or at all on the likes of the British press such as BBC or Sky.

posted on 20/1/24

Without social media and the videos coming out, many people have the media as a source. Western media, to be allowed in places like Gaza have to hand over everything to Israel so they can comb through the videos before they broadcast them. So we're not getting uncensored news.


Then you have lies like the BBC is biased against Israel when you look at reports and how they are reported to show bias in favour of Israel.

posted on 20/1/24

comment by CurrentlyInPoland (U11181)
posted 6 minutes ago

Won't hear much about this until later or at all on the likes of the British press such as BBC or Sky.
Israel executing innocent civilians is no more newsworthy than the weather when it comes to Western media. In fact the weather got more coverage during the heatwave last Summer.

posted on 20/1/24

comment by Vladimikel Artutin - committing war crimes against football since 2019 (U18355)
posted 2 hours, 18 minutes ago
This ‘conflict’ has really exposed the true colours of a lot of people on here. Cinci’s decade long mask have finally dropped.
Eh? He’s always been a stupid cuuuuunt.

posted on 20/1/24

I agree but his mask had others fooled

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 20/1/24

Jews suffer genocide - Israel chip on its shoulder

Palestinians suffer genocide - Hamas evil

posted on 20/1/24

The BBC generally comes across as being more biased to Israel, not massively though..

At least C4 News states they are not allowed to enter Gaza before most bulletins.

posted on 20/1/24

*towards Israel.

posted on 20/1/24

Free Palestine march in Nottingham today.

I presume the police have solved all the murders cos I’ve just seen them arrest a couple of peaceful protestors

posted on 20/1/24

comment by Thorgen Kloppinson - "When the facts are ... (U1282)
posted 5 hours, 12 minutes ago
comment by Cinciwolf----JA06 NFL Fantasy CHAMP 2023 (U11551)
posted 12 hours, 59 minutes ago
comment by Thorgen Kloppinson - "When the facts are ... (U1282)
posted 14 hours, 10 minutes ago
comment by Ding! Dong! Mourinho's gone!LAJM!(U6426)
posted 9 hours, 6 minutes ago
comment by Thorgen Kloppinson - "When the facts are in your favour, you argue the facts. When facts are not in your favour you argue the process." (U1282)
posted 2 hours, 3 minutes ago

Israel had over 69 years to stop their racism and apartheid before Hamas came into existence.

Furthermore, there is no Hamas in the West Bank and they too are under apartheid. Instead there is the PLO which recognises Israel and seeks a two state solution but are ignored by Israel because Israel has other motives. Where is the support from the world's most advanced democracies for the West Bank? The West Bank's oath to regaining their land isn't getting any shorter.

I thought this issue had been deeply discussed already. I'm surprise there's still people talking about passive resistance and peaceful protest. That didn't work before Hamas. Read up on the issue bed commenting.

Hi Mamba. How old are you, out of curiosity?

Because I'm more than old enough to remember the times well before Hamas. Old enough to remember when Fatah were the predominant militia. Old enough to remember the times before the Palestinian National Authority, and old enough to remember the PLO way before the Oslo accords.

Palestinian didn't suddenly become violent with Hamas.

Here, take a look at Fatah's party emblem, and tell me just how pacifist it looks to you:

At no time as far back as my memory stretches, which goes back to when I was a kid and first started paying attention to the news in the roughly the late 1970s, do I remember a sustained period of non-violent passive resistance without terrorist violence. (The Entebbe raid is possibly the oldest related event I recall being covered on the news when I was a kid.)

I'm not saying they haven't existed, but I've long been interested in this conflict and can't remember them.

Perhaps you can illuminate me?
I am not claiming such periods have existed. I'm sure they have but that's not my point.

The point is the ridiculousness of being occupied by Israel and placed under apartheid and then hearing the people that are supposed to help you fight for freedom instead saying that you'd be better off if you just accepted the occupation and apartheid and played nice.

What is your point? That Israel continues to oppress Palestine for 75 years because Palestine fights back? And if Palestine had never fought back they'd be free by now?

As I said earlier, the mental gymnastics and general ridiculousness around Israel is unprecedented by any other form of propaganda I am aware of in history. Everything's is upside down and in reverse.

You talk about 75 years ago as if Israel were some power that just decided they were gonna occupy and bully neighbours.

I am fuzzy on this but 75 years ago something was happening to Israel and the jews if I remember correctly, something about millions being slaughtered for being Jewish.

Can't think for the life of me why Israel may have had a chip on its shoulder can you?
Arguably the mist stupid comment I've seen on this topic.

So they go and oversee apartheid over people who had nothing to do with their troubles? By your logic, they should be killing Germans, not Palestinians.

And furthermore, they're doing almost exactly what happened to them to the Palestinians. If you feel sorry for them for what happened 75 years ago well it's happening right now to Palestinians.

I just can't understand the stupidity, weirdness of opinions and everything being in reverse when it comes to Israel. It's like magic.

I mean, did Cinci even think through this comment or does defend Israel at all costs, even if it means making yourself look stupid, come naturally to these Israel sympathisers?

Congrats, along with everybody else on completely missing the point of the comment. The point being you and others constantly make out Israel is some sinister piece of shat happily in control of its destiny when 75 years ago it was the complete opposite and Israel was on its knees and in a severe state of paranoia. It is fairly clear to see why Israel has this chip on its shoulder. I didn't for one second say it was right but that doesn't matter to any of you guys as your narrative on this subject is fairly clear in every post.

posted on 20/1/24

And for the record, I am as anti religion as you will ever find so i have zero love for Israel and what it stands for.

Both sides are cants but the only real difference is Israel have the finances to get away with more. Don't kid yourself for one second Palestine would not do the some if the roles were reversed.

posted on 20/1/24

comment by Cinciwolf----JA06 NFL Fantasy CHAMP 2023 (U11551)
posted 14 minutes ago
And for the record, I am as anti religion as you will ever find so i have zero love for Israel and what it stands for.

Both sides are cants but the only real difference is Israel have the finances to get away with more. Don't kid yourself for one second Palestine would not do the some if the roles were reversed.
I think you don't know what you're babbling about. Answer the question that's been asked by multiple posters.
Why did/do Palestinians have to pay for the crimes of Europeans?

posted on 20/1/24

Both sides are cants but the only real difference is Israel have the finances to get away with more
Whatever you say boss.

posted on 20/1/24

comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Cinciwolf----JA06 NFL Fantasy CHAMP 2023 (U11551)
posted 14 minutes ago
And for the record, I am as anti religion as you will ever find so i have zero love for Israel and what it stands for.

Both sides are cants but the only real difference is Israel have the finances to get away with more. Don't kid yourself for one second Palestine would not do the some if the roles were reversed.
I think you don't know what you're babbling about. Answer the question that's been asked by multiple posters.
Why did/do Palestinians have to pay for the crimes of Europeans?

Eh? They don't. Who said they did?

posted on 20/1/24

comment by Cinciwolf----JA06 NFL Fantasy CHAMP 2023 (U11551)
posted 24 minutes ago
And for the record, I am as anti religion as you will ever find so i have zero love for Israel and what it stands for.

Both sides are cants but the only real difference is Israel have the finances to get away with more. Don't kid yourself for one second Palestine would not do the some if the roles were reversed.
That’s a stupid argument. You can’t use silly hypotheticals to deflect from the realities.

posted on 20/1/24

comment by Thorgen Kloppinson - "When the facts are in your favour, you argue the facts. When facts are not in your favour you argue the process." (U1282)
posted 1 day, 5 hours ago
Palestine is not Hamas. Hamas is a dictatorship that conveniently misrepresents the wishes of a majority of Palestinians. Everything they do helps Israel and hurts Palestine.
*Follows this up in the next post by providing a link to middle east monitor - an openly pro-Hamas site*

posted on 20/1/24

comment by Thorgen Kloppinson - "When the facts are in your favour, you argue the facts. When facts are not in your favour you argue the process." (U1282)
posted 2 days, 15 hours ago
Hamas are a terrorist organisation that murdered innocent Palestinians to gain power. Their agenda is nothing to do with the rights of Palestine
What a ree tard.
*follows this up by later on in the thread agreeing with it *

posted on 20/1/24

Israel was set up to ensure strategic control of the region (via an allied Israeli state) to protect the approaches to the Suez Canal and the fastest route to colonial India. It's needed to keep global trade flowing as quickly and cheaply as possible.

The Hamas attack was a well timed proxy to destabilise the West by the Countries which want to destroy it. The West is teetering on the brink right now. Most people in the West don't want their own Country to get f*cked up. it's only a minority of people who think Palestine is more important than their own Country and are either clueless or actively want the destruction of the West.

You can p1ss and whine and protest as much as you like, it won't change anything.

posted on 20/1/24

comment by Robbing Hoody - I taught Szoboszlai how to cushion half volleys (U6374)
posted 1 hour, 20 minutes ago
Free Palestine march in Nottingham today.

I presume the police have solved all the murders cos I’ve just seen them arrest a couple of peaceful protestors
Doubt they were peaceful

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