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These 235 comments are related to an article called:

Imagine What 606 Would Look Like Now...

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posted on 1/2/12

So will there eventually be a yearly membership fee to use JA?

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 1/2/12

NWO, I doubt it very much.

posted on 1/2/12

If I pay £100 a year, can NWO be banned from using smilies?

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 1/2/12

is JA606 membership growing steadily?

posted on 1/2/12

Tbh Admin, it does seem to me that you create work for yourselves with your very hands-on approach to the site. The way you respond to all questions so quickly and then get involved with discussions must multiply your workload massively

BTW, I do appreciate the effort and responses you put in

Three cheers for the admins!

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 1/2/12

comment by 8bit, (U2653)
is JA606 membership growing steadily?

Yeah but growth tails off as the old606 becomes a distant memory.

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 1/2/12

Da Bomb - Kenneth's Puppeteer (U8994) - No worries, it was a big day yesterday. Ended up with less than 5 hours sleep, so the code editor has been closed today.

comment by (U10788)

posted on 1/2/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 1/2/12

I heard a rumour Admin 1 that you don't actually know any coding but use freewebs to edit the site. Just saying.

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 1/2/12

That was a rumour started by Admin2

posted on 1/2/12

posted on 1/2/12

I passed myself off as a computer whiz for two years after using freewebs. I had a site which included films and series'. Sooo time-consuming so I can only imagine how much time is taken up doing this.

posted on 1/2/12

hahaha. are there any plans to smooth out the blue bars above comments? I don't like sharp corners

Kids can hurt themselves

posted on 1/2/12

I'm sorry, but I don't agree with this article.

I'm usually the first to criticise a website launch but I really like what the BBC have done here and I think it will grown on each of you.

As for the yellow, BBC Sport has always been branded in yellow, much like how Sky Sports is always blue and red.

I think it looks slick, classy and modern, perfect time to launch too. Looking forward to see what it does for the Euro's.

posted on 1/2/12

There'sOnlyOneReds (U1721)

posted 10 seconds ago

I passed myself off as a computer whiz for two years after using freewebs. I had a site which included films and series'. Sooo time-consuming so I can only imagine how much time is taken up doing this.


Better not let the feds know about that. they'll lock you up and throw away the key! (assuming it was less than legal)

posted on 1/2/12

Yes it has always included yellow but not yellow which makes you unable to look at it.

Although I do agree it will grow on me more, as I get used to the idea that the site has been made worse.

posted on 1/2/12

comment by Da Bomb - Kenneth's Puppeteer (U8994)
posted less than a minute ago
There'sOnlyOneReds (U1721)

posted 10 seconds ago

I passed myself off as a computer whiz for two years after using freewebs. I had a site which included films and series'. Sooo time-consuming so I can only imagine how much time is taken up doing this.


Better not let the feds know about that. they'll lock you up and throw away the key! (assuming it was less than legal)
Well I didn't make the videos, I only pointed people in the right direction.

posted on 1/2/12

I won't tell

posted on 1/2/12

@Admin1 - fair enough, that's probably where I got the view that its wasn't going to be that sort of site originally

@There'sOnlyOneReds (U1721)
I've never seen that it's both Admins full time jobs, and as I said above I wouldn't expect the site to be run for free at all, but theres covering your running costs including any salaries and then there's maximising the profits from the members, which is a different thing. I always thought the intention was the former. Anyway Admin has explained the situation.

Re every other site having banner ads that's not true at all, and I agree with Admin that it would be bad move if everyone was forced to see them.

The BBC site we are discussing now doesnt have banner ads, because it gets money another way, and there are lots of ways of doing things without banners. It's not even true to say there are always banner ads in the forum world. Arguably one of the biggest and best forum sites on the web is AV Forums and that didnt have any ads for years, but then it got so massive they needed to cover spiralling costs etc, so they let some small relevant unobtrusive banners on, but members can still choose to switch them off if they want, and if they do it just meant that members lose some bits of functionality e.g. the ability to buy and sell stuff on the classifieds section.

If there was a solution like AV Forums I'd be happy, and noone would be working for free, but as Admin said you need to bump up the volume of members and provide extra content first, so they are doing the right thing.

posted on 1/2/12

The BBC site don't have ads because we(not me pfft) pay for their ridiculous license fee. I'm sure if the admin here were receiving a license fee from 100's of millions of people they wouldn't even contemplate any form of ads.

posted on 1/2/12

sooo much yellow

posted on 1/2/12

haha TOOR. Fancy incriminating yourself any more?

posted on 1/2/12

I don't watch live TV, unless it's football which I either watch online, on a foreign channel or at the pub. So therefore I don't need to pay the ridiculous fee.

comment by Diggler (U4142)

posted on 1/2/12

Thank frick, I thought my phone was broken. I couldnt even get the BBC site to load last night and today it took ages to load up the main football page.

It looks awful and loads, oh so slowly. Might have to find myself a different site to get my news...

Also, whos bright idea was it to change on transfer deadline day with Premier League football being played (especially as all the top teams were involved).

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 1/2/12


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