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These 368 comments are related to an article called:

Reasons behind OS Decision Delay?

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comment by HRH (U15236)

posted on 15/10/12

I'm imagining scenes like this to fill the ground...


posted on 15/10/12

Or this:


posted on 15/10/12

A lot of local kids will probably get in for free- not even a penny- thereby securing a future fanbase. Makes good business sense to me.

posted on 15/10/12

Makes good business sense to me.


Thats where you're wrong. There is no business sense to giving a product away for free.

Free tickets = no revenue = no business.

comment by HRH (U15236)

posted on 15/10/12

Will they be charged for the binocular hire though? The devil is in the detail

posted on 15/10/12

chicken: That's a very simplistic analysis, which I would strongly dispute.

comment by HRH (U15236)

posted on 15/10/12

Perhaps a giant magnifying lens would do the trick? Or just buy bigger players and play with a bigger ball?

posted on 16/10/12

Binocular hire

posted on 16/10/12

as has been established many times the views and closeness from the upper tiers is superior to many grounds in current use. The difficulty has always been with the distance from the pitch of the lower tier, as one of the major arguments is now over who will pay to solve this the "joke" has now run its course.

posted on 16/10/12

The real issue now seems to be the question of "state aid" which I imagine can be solved by simply proving any rent is fair and meets market prices. Also I don't believe the question of potential aid for the new Spurs ground will now not simply go away. If part of the conditions for the new north London ground is to improve local infrastructure then any government grant could be argued to constitute aid to the club. As always

posted on 16/10/12

it will be the lawyers who will win big on this.

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 16/10/12

Just buy bigger players

comment by HRH (U15236)

posted on 16/10/12

How about this team:

Van der Sar

Zat Knight



An attacking 334 of tall players and fat players

posted on 16/10/12

Zigic & Crouch up front, can you imagine West Ham's tactics then?

Actually, probably no change at all.

posted on 16/10/12

No, not necessary to buy big players, fully retractable seating will now happen

See new article.

posted on 16/10/12

This part is interesting:

Should the target date of 2015 be hit it would allow the stadium to also host matches in that year’s Rugby World Cup.

Isn't the Rugby WC around September/October? How would that fit in with a football club?

posted on 16/10/12

Lauded by Boris.

Still far too expensive for the s / Newham.

And all unspent 2012 monies had to be returned to HM Treasury, no ??

posted on 16/10/12


Unspent monies returned? I thought that, but reading the article it looks like Boris thinks he may be able to use some.

As it says, options to finance are being looked at.

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 16/10/12

Sounds like West Ham won't be able to afford it

posted on 16/10/12

What gives you that idea? The highest estimated cost is £200m, the LLDC have £95m to put in, Newham say they will put in £40m. So even if West Ham do have to put up the rest it's only £65m not a great deal of money for what they would be getting, If the move is approved there would be no issue raising that relatively small sum.

posted on 16/10/12

I mean, who would want to invest in a club that was moving to the iconic Olympic Stadium, a stadium now altered to include proper fully retractable seating?

Oh that will be everyone, won't it.

posted on 16/10/12

I mean, who would want to invest in a club that was moving to the iconic Olympic Stadium


No-one, if by myhammers theory, you'll be having to give away free tickets every fixture, just to fill the damn thing.

posted on 16/10/12

"even if West Ham do have to put up the rest it's only £65m not a great deal of money"

So why wasn't the original OS bid 65:25 rather than the (4545m Newham council were being asked to cough up ??

posted on 16/10/12

If retractable seating is put in, the OS will represent a massive investment opportunity.

The cost of retractable seating and adding finishing touches to the OS will probably surpass the value of White Hart Lane

posted on 16/10/12

The cost of retractable seating and adding finishing touches to the OS will probably surpass the value of White Hart Lane


What good is the value to West Ham though? They are tennants - not owners. It doesn't matter if they gold plate it, its still not West Ham's asset.

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