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These 368 comments are related to an article called:

Reasons behind OS Decision Delay?

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posted on 30/11/12


Sour grapes..

posted on 1/12/12

stadium may not be ready to host sport again until 2016


How many times will Yoyo FC go down by then?

posted on 1/12/12

Will Spurs are able to place a first brick for their new stadium by that time?

posted on 1/12/12

Will West Ham ever play a Premiership game in the OS?

posted on 1/12/12

Will Spurs ever come out of that jpeg stadium?

posted on 1/12/12

Will West Ham ever move out of Upton Dump?

posted on 1/12/12

You just said 2016..

Let me know when you put down the first brick..

posted on 1/12/12

You just said 2016..


LIAR!! It was a copy & paste from the report.

posted on 1/12/12

So, what's the point in copy &pasting?

Will you let me know when you put down the first brick.

posted on 1/12/12

Spurs 3-1 s

posted on 1/12/12

Still, you didn't answer my FIRST BRICK question..

posted on 1/12/12

You didnt answer my West Ham ever move out of Upton Dump question?

posted on 3/12/12

Because the s STILL apparently cannot afford to pay their way (according to BBC London 5 mins ago) .

posted on 3/12/12


It's funny and I don't mean it rudely, but I listened to that report and interpreted it completely differently.

I thought they were simply reporting West Ham were still trying to negotiate the best possible deal.

Your interpretation may be correct, as may mine, but it's funny that we all hear what we want to hear.

posted on 3/12/12

Just watched it again.
The emphasis is on the s not meeting whatever the legacy company want.

And Boris saying they won't be rushed to a deal on the cheap because of perceived time pressures.
And the reporter saying they are quite prepared to "walk away from football" at the OS.


posted on 3/12/12

I agree in the main, but I don't get the impression West Ham can't afford it, more that both sides are playing "hardball" on the numbers, I would guess they will meet it the middle.

Oh and YMMV?

posted on 3/12/12

Given the quoted 200m for the seating, and the fact the s couldn't even contribute less than half of that sum on their own for the original OS bid, methinks one side can play much harder ball than the other.

Your mileage may vary.

posted on 3/12/12

"Couldn't" or did not wish to contribute more? Of course West Ham will try to pay the minimum they can get away with. I'd be far more upset if they met the original demand without any negotiation.

Go in low, claim you are a near pauper and get the best deal you can. Good dealing as far as O can see

posted on 3/12/12

If the s can come up with half of the quoted 200m in the current market (last time they required Newham council to provide 45m - "State Aid" in EC competition law - of a 90m total) , fair dos.

posted on 3/12/12

There seems to be an awful lot of wishful thinking on the part of Spurs fans re the OS. For example:

* There will never be retractable seating.
* There is a good chance it'll go to an NFL team.
* West Ham will have to pay £100m.

It'll be very interesting when/if West Ham get it and the full details are made public.

posted on 3/12/12

The only thing I do know is whatever the cost, if the s cannot do it without begging Newham council to pitch in, tis unlikely to happen.

posted on 3/12/12

One question, why the silly smiley? because other than that this has been a sensible and adult discussion.

posted on 4/12/12

One question, why the silly smiley?

Because he is an egoistical

posted on 4/12/12

One question, why the silly smiley?


Why not?

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 4/12/12

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