Kung Fu
There is a tendency to see muslim's violence as terrorism,all the time,and that may be due to the amount of terror and violence from that quarter,globally.
The US,UK and nearly all states have used terror/violence,on each other,in the Independence war,between the States and us Brit's,often led by my Ulster Scot ancestors.who loved violence,singing,drinking and individual freedom.
comment by thebluebellsareblue (U9292)
posted 5 minutes ago
Kung Fu
I read some at work,but dare not go on as folk were sacked from our building,for using their computer for non-work related matters.
Reading some of your posts,and they were informative,but I was under the impression people going to join isis would regard themselves as muslim followers of islam,going to fight for an Islamic caliphate.
Now,we can debate their understanding of the Quran and Islam,but surely that is central to their action,and they are defending muslim's against the evil western infidel's,cross worshippers and Israel?
People used the bible to justify slavery,homophobia,and some misunderstand the bible,or focus on old testament teaching,so muslim's may misunderstand or distort text,when it suits.
I think islamists are religious/political bigots,and not just political animals.
The only thing is mate is that they have no religious basis to attack Christians etc.
Did you read the comment in which I included the letter of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to Christians and the Islamic rules of engagement during war?
If not I can write them out again.
If you read them, it is clear there is no room for manoeuvre, to find away to kill non Muslims who haven't harmed Muslims.
IS etc bend the truth for power, as simple as that.
People would never trust there opinion on anything but they seem to trust there opinions on Islamic jurisprudence. Its crazy.
No worries,and have a good one.
comment by thebluebellsareblue (U9292)
posted 1 minute ago
Kung Fu
There is a tendency to see muslim's violence as terrorism,all the time,and that may be due to the amount of terror and violence from that quarter,globally.
The US,UK and nearly all states have used terror/violence,on each other,in the Independence war,between the States and us Brit's,often led by my Ulster Scot ancestors.who loved violence,singing,drinking and individual freedom.
Where ever there is oppression there will be extremism.
The middle-east has been oppressed since we carved out the middle-east and handed it over to the corrupt.
I think we can all agree that God needs to get a move on and release a sequel.
Even a reboot of the original would do, to clear up some of the ambiguities.
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by thebluebellsareblue (U9292)
posted 1 minute ago
Kung Fu
There is a tendency to see muslim's violence as terrorism,all the time,and that may be due to the amount of terror and violence from that quarter,globally.
The US,UK and nearly all states have used terror/violence,on each other,in the Independence war,between the States and us Brit's,often led by my Ulster Scot ancestors.who loved violence,singing,drinking and individual freedom.
Where ever there is oppression there will be extremism.
The middle-east has been oppressed since we carved out the middle-east and handed it over to the corrupt.
Whose we? I had nothing to do with that...why people feel the need to categorise is beyond me...people died this week...why people care about the semantics and vocabulary used to describe the killer is beyond me. He's a murderer. A murderer is bad enough in my book.
I am heading off Kung Fu,but if you get a chance,could you give me your opinion on how young white,black and Asian people in the UK are getting into the cult of isis,even after a few months,when they convert here,in High Wycombe,for example?
I am saddened when young men.women and kids head off to join isil,only to die,murder,or live in poverty,so the islamist social media skills,and local brainwashers here,must be good at their work.
Peace be with you.
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by thebluebellsareblue (U9292)
posted 5 minutes ago
Kung Fu
I read some at work,but dare not go on as folk were sacked from our building,for using their computer for non-work related matters.
Reading some of your posts,and they were informative,but I was under the impression people going to join isis would regard themselves as muslim followers of islam,going to fight for an Islamic caliphate.
Now,we can debate their understanding of the Quran and Islam,but surely that is central to their action,and they are defending muslim's against the evil western infidel's,cross worshippers and Israel?
People used the bible to justify slavery,homophobia,and some misunderstand the bible,or focus on old testament teaching,so muslim's may misunderstand or distort text,when it suits.
I think islamists are religious/political bigots,and not just political animals.
The only thing is mate is that they have no religious basis to attack Christians etc.
Did you read the comment in which I included the letter of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to Christians and the Islamic rules of engagement during war?
If not I can write them out again.
If you read them, it is clear there is no room for manoeuvre, to find away to kill non Muslims who haven't harmed Muslims.
IS etc bend the truth for power, as simple as that.
People would never trust there opinion on anything but they seem to trust there opinions on Islamic jurisprudence. Its crazy.
So ISIS are heretical in your view?
I tend to agree,and I am not responsible for carving up the middle-east,but I think Kung Fu was using "we" as a general western term.
Since time began,man has fought,and I do not bear the guilt of others,as almost every race,religion and nationality has tried to put one over on the next tribe,village,state or nation.
The idea that the so called west is to blame for all the problems in the world is insane,as the middle east has been fighting among themselves,just as Europe,Africa,USSR/Russia,India,Pakistan has fought.
The west also fought each other in world wars,divided up Europe,made peace and fell out again,so it is not simply colonial,or oil based imperialism.
comment by thebluebellsareblue (U9292)
posted 5 minutes ago
I am heading off Kung Fu,but if you get a chance,could you give me your opinion on how young white,black and Asian people in the UK are getting into the cult of isis,even after a few months,when they convert here,in High Wycombe,for example?
I am saddened when young men.women and kids head off to join isil,only to die,murder,or live in poverty,so the islamist social media skills,and local brainwashers here,must be good at their work.
Peace be with you.
Easily led, don't know when they've got it good, ungrateful traitors who should be shot
Many muslim scholars say isis are not good muslim's,and indeed are going against what the prophet,pbuh,says.
Isis are power crazy,full of bloodlust,and use religion and politic's to attract weak minded thugs,and outcasts,to the black flag of hate.
The far right racist groups and extreme islamists tend to draw in losers,and odd types,who need a reason for being,group bonding,sense of belonging,and someone/something to blame everything on.
Sadly,a few educated haters also get into the culture of bigoted "we are right" extremists.......in the far right and islamsit world.
Quick final thought on the OP........ALL reports have been clear on the racist nature of the shooting,and the evil involved,and in no way is the mainstream media/press or public opinion trying to say this is in someway a lesser crime.
OP is looking for something that is not there.
Wasting time and letting other evil doer's off the hook.
Regarding blaming the West/USA,we do know it is a relatively new country,and only influenced events in the 20th century?
There were a few bad boys about before that,such as the Romans.Viking's,Spanish invaders,Turk and Greek imperialists,Khan,Crusaders v muslim armies,100 years European wars, etc etc.
Bush and Blair are not the first,nor will they be the last.
Those with a narrow anti-US,anti-UK narrative,need to study more.
comment by thebluebellsareblue (U9292)
posted 1 hour, 3 minutes ago
I am heading off Kung Fu,but if you get a chance,could you give me your opinion on how young white,black and Asian people in the UK are getting into the cult of isis,even after a few months,when they convert here,in High Wycombe,for example?
I am saddened when young men.women and kids head off to join isil,only to die,murder,or live in poverty,so the islamist social media skills,and local brainwashers here,must be good at their work.
Peace be with you.
There are loads of reasons, some are angry at Western foreign policy.
Some are extreme in nature... I used to record a program for middle-eastern tv about western converts to Islam. This ones guy had been in and out of prison and was a gang member, he became Muslim ad carried on being extreme.
Others don't feel they belong here and people like Farage, Cameron or the Chief of police stating that young Muslims not drinking is a sign of extremism doesn't help.
Some of them are just idiots, these people that some how are representatives of Islam had to buy Islam for dummies books...
There are many more reasons, none of these though are an excuse to do what they are doing because what they are doing is disgusting. Muslims being the biggest victims of terrorism.
Oh and thebluebellsareblue, Wa'alikum Salaam Wa-Alaikum-Salaam (and upon you Peace)
comment by Blarmy (U14547)
posted 1 hour, 13 minutes ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by thebluebellsareblue (U9292)
posted 5 minutes ago
Kung Fu
I read some at work,but dare not go on as folk were sacked from our building,for using their computer for non-work related matters.
Reading some of your posts,and they were informative,but I was under the impression people going to join isis would regard themselves as muslim followers of islam,going to fight for an Islamic caliphate.
Now,we can debate their understanding of the Quran and Islam,but surely that is central to their action,and they are defending muslim's against the evil western infidel's,cross worshippers and Israel?
People used the bible to justify slavery,homophobia,and some misunderstand the bible,or focus on old testament teaching,so muslim's may misunderstand or distort text,when it suits.
I think islamists are religious/political bigots,and not just political animals.
The only thing is mate is that they have no religious basis to attack Christians etc.
Did you read the comment in which I included the letter of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to Christians and the Islamic rules of engagement during war?
If not I can write them out again.
If you read them, it is clear there is no room for manoeuvre, to find away to kill non Muslims who haven't harmed Muslims.
IS etc bend the truth for power, as simple as that.
People would never trust there opinion on anything but they seem to trust there opinions on Islamic jurisprudence. Its crazy.
So ISIS are heretical in your view?
YES! Exactly!
The sooner some non-Muslims realise this, the sooner we can band together and fight them.
The only problem is some people hate religion so much they want it to be evil so they can carry on hating it. They'ed prefer to trust the interpretations of psychos rather than that of a legitimate source.
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 54 minutes ago
comment by Blarmy (U14547)
posted 1 hour, 13 minutes ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by thebluebellsareblue (U9292)
posted 5 minutes ago
Kung Fu
I read some at work,but dare not go on as folk were sacked from our building,for using their computer for non-work related matters.
Reading some of your posts,and they were informative,but I was under the impression people going to join isis would regard themselves as muslim followers of islam,going to fight for an Islamic caliphate.
Now,we can debate their understanding of the Quran and Islam,but surely that is central to their action,and they are defending muslim's against the evil western infidel's,cross worshippers and Israel?
People used the bible to justify slavery,homophobia,and some misunderstand the bible,or focus on old testament teaching,so muslim's may misunderstand or distort text,when it suits.
I think islamists are religious/political bigots,and not just political animals.
The only thing is mate is that they have no religious basis to attack Christians etc.
Did you read the comment in which I included the letter of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to Christians and the Islamic rules of engagement during war?
If not I can write them out again.
If you read them, it is clear there is no room for manoeuvre, to find away to kill non Muslims who haven't harmed Muslims.
IS etc bend the truth for power, as simple as that.
People would never trust there opinion on anything but they seem to trust there opinions on Islamic jurisprudence. Its crazy.
So ISIS are heretical in your view?
YES! Exactly!
The sooner some non-Muslims realise this, the sooner we can band together and fight them.
The only problem is some people hate religion so much they want it to be evil so they can carry on hating it. They'ed prefer to trust the interpretations of psychos rather than that of a legitimate source.
Cant really band together and fight them given that western support is not welcome. I do sympathise though with Muslims on the issue of being labelled sympathisers because the forces fighting Isis and dying in the struggle are overwhelmingly Muslim themselves
Some far-right guys bring shame by having chants and badges insulting Allah and islam,due to their racist and sectarian views.
Lumping all muslim's together is insane,and is similar to saying all white's are supporting the nutter who shot 9 innocents dead in a church.
As stated by blarmy,the muslim men and women are also fighting isis,while we sit back.
I salute the brave men and women of the Kurdish militia,who are driving isis back.
Just watching the news about the young white guy,brainwashed by hate,and out to murder black African's,based on his hateful political views.
That white guy was from England,and dies fighting for islamists in N Africa,and like Roof,this English hater.
Agree with the article; but it's not only black minorities treated like this. This is prevelant between Muslim terrorists vs islamaphobic attacks. The bottom line is, if it's a crime by a member of the majority against the minority, well that's sad (and how sad depends on how the media and public feel about the minority in issue - see crimes against Muslims or travellers fro prime examples). But if it's a crime by a member of a minority against the majority, well now you're screwed, cause you're a terrorist and the weight of the country will be coming down on you and everyone who looks like you.
Undermines your victim mentality when the guys black mate infers it wasn't racially motivated...
Roof told his victims, “You all rape women and you’re taking over the country,” according to Sylvia Johnson, who spoke to a survivor after the shooting.
For anybody interested around around the 6 minute mark, in the link, in my comment above this one, you hear the victims families forgive Roof to his face.
Going as far as inviting him to there bible study group, they said this through tears.
This is the flip side of religion and it's pretty powerful, give it a watch.
*to his face over live video
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Media Bias. #CharlestonShooting
Page 15 of 17
13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17
posted on 19/6/15
Kung Fu
There is a tendency to see muslim's violence as terrorism,all the time,and that may be due to the amount of terror and violence from that quarter,globally.
The US,UK and nearly all states have used terror/violence,on each other,in the Independence war,between the States and us Brit's,often led by my Ulster Scot ancestors.who loved violence,singing,drinking and individual freedom.
posted on 19/6/15
comment by thebluebellsareblue (U9292)
posted 5 minutes ago
Kung Fu
I read some at work,but dare not go on as folk were sacked from our building,for using their computer for non-work related matters.
Reading some of your posts,and they were informative,but I was under the impression people going to join isis would regard themselves as muslim followers of islam,going to fight for an Islamic caliphate.
Now,we can debate their understanding of the Quran and Islam,but surely that is central to their action,and they are defending muslim's against the evil western infidel's,cross worshippers and Israel?
People used the bible to justify slavery,homophobia,and some misunderstand the bible,or focus on old testament teaching,so muslim's may misunderstand or distort text,when it suits.
I think islamists are religious/political bigots,and not just political animals.
The only thing is mate is that they have no religious basis to attack Christians etc.
Did you read the comment in which I included the letter of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to Christians and the Islamic rules of engagement during war?
If not I can write them out again.
If you read them, it is clear there is no room for manoeuvre, to find away to kill non Muslims who haven't harmed Muslims.
IS etc bend the truth for power, as simple as that.
People would never trust there opinion on anything but they seem to trust there opinions on Islamic jurisprudence. Its crazy.
posted on 19/6/15
No worries,and have a good one.
posted on 19/6/15
comment by thebluebellsareblue (U9292)
posted 1 minute ago
Kung Fu
There is a tendency to see muslim's violence as terrorism,all the time,and that may be due to the amount of terror and violence from that quarter,globally.
The US,UK and nearly all states have used terror/violence,on each other,in the Independence war,between the States and us Brit's,often led by my Ulster Scot ancestors.who loved violence,singing,drinking and individual freedom.
Where ever there is oppression there will be extremism.
The middle-east has been oppressed since we carved out the middle-east and handed it over to the corrupt.
posted on 19/6/15
I think we can all agree that God needs to get a move on and release a sequel.
Even a reboot of the original would do, to clear up some of the ambiguities.
posted on 19/6/15
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by thebluebellsareblue (U9292)
posted 1 minute ago
Kung Fu
There is a tendency to see muslim's violence as terrorism,all the time,and that may be due to the amount of terror and violence from that quarter,globally.
The US,UK and nearly all states have used terror/violence,on each other,in the Independence war,between the States and us Brit's,often led by my Ulster Scot ancestors.who loved violence,singing,drinking and individual freedom.
Where ever there is oppression there will be extremism.
The middle-east has been oppressed since we carved out the middle-east and handed it over to the corrupt.
Whose we? I had nothing to do with that...why people feel the need to categorise is beyond me...people died this week...why people care about the semantics and vocabulary used to describe the killer is beyond me. He's a murderer. A murderer is bad enough in my book.
posted on 19/6/15
I am heading off Kung Fu,but if you get a chance,could you give me your opinion on how young white,black and Asian people in the UK are getting into the cult of isis,even after a few months,when they convert here,in High Wycombe,for example?
I am saddened when young men.women and kids head off to join isil,only to die,murder,or live in poverty,so the islamist social media skills,and local brainwashers here,must be good at their work.
Peace be with you.
posted on 19/6/15
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by thebluebellsareblue (U9292)
posted 5 minutes ago
Kung Fu
I read some at work,but dare not go on as folk were sacked from our building,for using their computer for non-work related matters.
Reading some of your posts,and they were informative,but I was under the impression people going to join isis would regard themselves as muslim followers of islam,going to fight for an Islamic caliphate.
Now,we can debate their understanding of the Quran and Islam,but surely that is central to their action,and they are defending muslim's against the evil western infidel's,cross worshippers and Israel?
People used the bible to justify slavery,homophobia,and some misunderstand the bible,or focus on old testament teaching,so muslim's may misunderstand or distort text,when it suits.
I think islamists are religious/political bigots,and not just political animals.
The only thing is mate is that they have no religious basis to attack Christians etc.
Did you read the comment in which I included the letter of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to Christians and the Islamic rules of engagement during war?
If not I can write them out again.
If you read them, it is clear there is no room for manoeuvre, to find away to kill non Muslims who haven't harmed Muslims.
IS etc bend the truth for power, as simple as that.
People would never trust there opinion on anything but they seem to trust there opinions on Islamic jurisprudence. Its crazy.
So ISIS are heretical in your view?
posted on 19/6/15
I tend to agree,and I am not responsible for carving up the middle-east,but I think Kung Fu was using "we" as a general western term.
Since time began,man has fought,and I do not bear the guilt of others,as almost every race,religion and nationality has tried to put one over on the next tribe,village,state or nation.
The idea that the so called west is to blame for all the problems in the world is insane,as the middle east has been fighting among themselves,just as Europe,Africa,USSR/Russia,India,Pakistan has fought.
The west also fought each other in world wars,divided up Europe,made peace and fell out again,so it is not simply colonial,or oil based imperialism.
posted on 19/6/15
comment by thebluebellsareblue (U9292)
posted 5 minutes ago
I am heading off Kung Fu,but if you get a chance,could you give me your opinion on how young white,black and Asian people in the UK are getting into the cult of isis,even after a few months,when they convert here,in High Wycombe,for example?
I am saddened when young men.women and kids head off to join isil,only to die,murder,or live in poverty,so the islamist social media skills,and local brainwashers here,must be good at their work.
Peace be with you.
Easily led, don't know when they've got it good, ungrateful traitors who should be shot
posted on 19/6/15
Many muslim scholars say isis are not good muslim's,and indeed are going against what the prophet,pbuh,says.
Isis are power crazy,full of bloodlust,and use religion and politic's to attract weak minded thugs,and outcasts,to the black flag of hate.
posted on 19/6/15
The far right racist groups and extreme islamists tend to draw in losers,and odd types,who need a reason for being,group bonding,sense of belonging,and someone/something to blame everything on.
Sadly,a few educated haters also get into the culture of bigoted "we are right" extremists.......in the far right and islamsit world.
posted on 19/6/15
Quick final thought on the OP........ALL reports have been clear on the racist nature of the shooting,and the evil involved,and in no way is the mainstream media/press or public opinion trying to say this is in someway a lesser crime.
OP is looking for something that is not there.
Wasting time and letting other evil doer's off the hook.
posted on 19/6/15
Regarding blaming the West/USA,we do know it is a relatively new country,and only influenced events in the 20th century?
There were a few bad boys about before that,such as the Romans.Viking's,Spanish invaders,Turk and Greek imperialists,Khan,Crusaders v muslim armies,100 years European wars, etc etc.
Bush and Blair are not the first,nor will they be the last.
Those with a narrow anti-US,anti-UK narrative,need to study more.
posted on 19/6/15
comment by thebluebellsareblue (U9292)
posted 1 hour, 3 minutes ago
I am heading off Kung Fu,but if you get a chance,could you give me your opinion on how young white,black and Asian people in the UK are getting into the cult of isis,even after a few months,when they convert here,in High Wycombe,for example?
I am saddened when young men.women and kids head off to join isil,only to die,murder,or live in poverty,so the islamist social media skills,and local brainwashers here,must be good at their work.
Peace be with you.
There are loads of reasons, some are angry at Western foreign policy.
Some are extreme in nature... I used to record a program for middle-eastern tv about western converts to Islam. This ones guy had been in and out of prison and was a gang member, he became Muslim ad carried on being extreme.
Others don't feel they belong here and people like Farage, Cameron or the Chief of police stating that young Muslims not drinking is a sign of extremism doesn't help.
Some of them are just idiots, these people that some how are representatives of Islam had to buy Islam for dummies books...
There are many more reasons, none of these though are an excuse to do what they are doing because what they are doing is disgusting. Muslims being the biggest victims of terrorism.
posted on 19/6/15
Oh and thebluebellsareblue, Wa'alikum Salaam Wa-Alaikum-Salaam (and upon you Peace)
posted on 19/6/15
comment by Blarmy (U14547)
posted 1 hour, 13 minutes ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by thebluebellsareblue (U9292)
posted 5 minutes ago
Kung Fu
I read some at work,but dare not go on as folk were sacked from our building,for using their computer for non-work related matters.
Reading some of your posts,and they were informative,but I was under the impression people going to join isis would regard themselves as muslim followers of islam,going to fight for an Islamic caliphate.
Now,we can debate their understanding of the Quran and Islam,but surely that is central to their action,and they are defending muslim's against the evil western infidel's,cross worshippers and Israel?
People used the bible to justify slavery,homophobia,and some misunderstand the bible,or focus on old testament teaching,so muslim's may misunderstand or distort text,when it suits.
I think islamists are religious/political bigots,and not just political animals.
The only thing is mate is that they have no religious basis to attack Christians etc.
Did you read the comment in which I included the letter of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to Christians and the Islamic rules of engagement during war?
If not I can write them out again.
If you read them, it is clear there is no room for manoeuvre, to find away to kill non Muslims who haven't harmed Muslims.
IS etc bend the truth for power, as simple as that.
People would never trust there opinion on anything but they seem to trust there opinions on Islamic jurisprudence. Its crazy.
So ISIS are heretical in your view?
YES! Exactly!
The sooner some non-Muslims realise this, the sooner we can band together and fight them.
The only problem is some people hate religion so much they want it to be evil so they can carry on hating it. They'ed prefer to trust the interpretations of psychos rather than that of a legitimate source.
posted on 19/6/15
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 54 minutes ago
comment by Blarmy (U14547)
posted 1 hour, 13 minutes ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by thebluebellsareblue (U9292)
posted 5 minutes ago
Kung Fu
I read some at work,but dare not go on as folk were sacked from our building,for using their computer for non-work related matters.
Reading some of your posts,and they were informative,but I was under the impression people going to join isis would regard themselves as muslim followers of islam,going to fight for an Islamic caliphate.
Now,we can debate their understanding of the Quran and Islam,but surely that is central to their action,and they are defending muslim's against the evil western infidel's,cross worshippers and Israel?
People used the bible to justify slavery,homophobia,and some misunderstand the bible,or focus on old testament teaching,so muslim's may misunderstand or distort text,when it suits.
I think islamists are religious/political bigots,and not just political animals.
The only thing is mate is that they have no religious basis to attack Christians etc.
Did you read the comment in which I included the letter of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to Christians and the Islamic rules of engagement during war?
If not I can write them out again.
If you read them, it is clear there is no room for manoeuvre, to find away to kill non Muslims who haven't harmed Muslims.
IS etc bend the truth for power, as simple as that.
People would never trust there opinion on anything but they seem to trust there opinions on Islamic jurisprudence. Its crazy.
So ISIS are heretical in your view?
YES! Exactly!
The sooner some non-Muslims realise this, the sooner we can band together and fight them.
The only problem is some people hate religion so much they want it to be evil so they can carry on hating it. They'ed prefer to trust the interpretations of psychos rather than that of a legitimate source.
Cant really band together and fight them given that western support is not welcome. I do sympathise though with Muslims on the issue of being labelled sympathisers because the forces fighting Isis and dying in the struggle are overwhelmingly Muslim themselves
posted on 20/6/15
Some far-right guys bring shame by having chants and badges insulting Allah and islam,due to their racist and sectarian views.
Lumping all muslim's together is insane,and is similar to saying all white's are supporting the nutter who shot 9 innocents dead in a church.
As stated by blarmy,the muslim men and women are also fighting isis,while we sit back.
I salute the brave men and women of the Kurdish militia,who are driving isis back.
posted on 20/6/15
Just watching the news about the young white guy,brainwashed by hate,and out to murder black African's,based on his hateful political views.
That white guy was from England,and dies fighting for islamists in N Africa,and like Roof,this English hater.
posted on 20/6/15
Agree with the article; but it's not only black minorities treated like this. This is prevelant between Muslim terrorists vs islamaphobic attacks. The bottom line is, if it's a crime by a member of the majority against the minority, well that's sad (and how sad depends on how the media and public feel about the minority in issue - see crimes against Muslims or travellers fro prime examples). But if it's a crime by a member of a minority against the majority, well now you're screwed, cause you're a terrorist and the weight of the country will be coming down on you and everyone who looks like you.
posted on 20/6/15
Undermines your victim mentality when the guys black mate infers it wasn't racially motivated...
posted on 20/6/15
Roof told his victims, “You all rape women and you’re taking over the country,” according to Sylvia Johnson, who spoke to a survivor after the shooting.
posted on 20/6/15
For anybody interested around around the 6 minute mark, in the link, in my comment above this one, you hear the victims families forgive Roof to his face.
Going as far as inviting him to there bible study group, they said this through tears.
This is the flip side of religion and it's pretty powerful, give it a watch.
posted on 20/6/15
*to his face over live video
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