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Arguing w/strangers cause I'm lonely thread

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posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Hector (U3606)
posted less than a minute ago
Guy that threw stones at Nigel Farage given a suspended sentence.

Two tier policing.

He did what?


What did he expect?

Who’d even want to be a politician these days?
Nigel Farage obviously, it only took him 8 attempts to get elected. Wonder what attracted known grifter Nige to the £80k, plus expenses, job guaranteed for 5 years?

It was either that or back to Cameo videos praising the 1RA at £50 a pop.

posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 4 minutes ago
At least put a ban on dividends until they're solvent.

Absolutely this. My own take has always been that dividends should only be payable when certain criteria is met.

Profitable; and by that I mean a cover of 2x
Meet the obligations of the industry and fulfil its moral and legislative requirements
Fair industry pay for staff that is comparable with industry peers

Furthermore, board directors held accountable for negligence of duties required of them and to face criminal proceedings as they would for serious breaches of health and safety.

posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Hector (U3606)
posted less than a minute ago
Guy that threw stones at Nigel Farage given a suspended sentence.

Two tier policing.

He did what?


What did he expect?

Who’d even want to be a politician these days?
Nigel Farage obviously, it only took him 8 attempts to get elected. Wonder what attracted known grifter Nige to the £80k, plus expenses, job guaranteed for 5 years?

It was either that or back to Cameo videos praising the 1RA at £50 a pop.

I’ve no idea why he does what he does. To be so castigated in his own country and yet still try and somehow give credence to his prejudices is just beyond my thinking. It’s not rational.

posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

comment by Robbing Hoody - keepy up arbiter. Don’t talk to me unless you can do ten (U6374)
posted 14 minutes ago

Thames Water need to increase bills 59% to ’survive’.

Absolute grifters who should face criminal prosecution.
They definitely should. Sadly there’t too many billionaire bootlickers in this country for it to actually happen.

It should be a national scandal what’s been happening.

posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

comment by Joshua The King Of Kings Zirkzee (U10026)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - keepy up arbiter. Don’t talk to me unless you can do ten (U6374)
posted 14 minutes ago

Thames Water need to increase bills 59% to ’survive’.

Absolute grifters who should face criminal prosecution.
They definitely should. Sadly there’t too many billionaire bootlickers in this country for it to actually happen.

It should be a national scandal what’s been happening.

The legal means isn’t in statute so they can’t be prosecuted. It is a national scandal.

Interestingly when a business is in “distress”, shareholders will usually prop it up if they see a return on investment. This time they’ve chosen not to and hence why they are asking for increases to bills. My gut feeling is they know that time is up and legislation will come about along with far stronger enforcement of checks and significant fines. Remove the self policing and they’ll let the business go under.

I’d like to see the government refuse to bail them out or allow them to increase bills higher than inflation. Then the government if it chooses can pick up the remnants and build back in the infrastructure by using any profits wisely.

posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

‘Labour’s Austerity Is a Choice

Despite what Keir Starmer claims, there's nothing inevitable about another round of harsh cuts — it is a deliberate decision to avoid confronting the powerful.’


An excellent summary of where we’re at paradigmatically in UK politics by Grace Blakeley.

I’ve just finished her latest book, Vulture Capitalism, which explains how we ended up in this neoliberal economic mire, in which politicians of all colours approaching power find themselves entirely beholden to turbo-capitalist vested interests, and how well never get out of it without systemic changes. Highly recommended.

posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

*we’ll never get out of it

posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 3 hours, 26 minutes ago
comment by The Welsh Xavi (U15412)
posted 2 hours, 24 minutes ago
They've been in power for what, 8 weeks? and parliament hasn't even sat for half of that due to summer recess. I don't get what people expect them to have done in this timeframe.

The budget will be the one where we can finally issue some judgement but even then, it's their first one with 4.5 more years to go so writing them off solely on that seems silly, well unless it's a Truss V2 that crashes the economy

And in that time they've given way above wage increases to the railways and junior doctors with no return on improvement other than the guarantee of further strikes 9I suppose someone might call that an improvement) , whilst depriving all but the very poorest of pensioners of a paltry heating allowance which means everything to the vast majority of them.

The savings on the fuel allowance are some £1.5bn reportedly whilst the cost of the increased wages are some £10bn. All to prevent the cost and disruption caused by strikes which they have spectacularly failed at.

All capped off with the gloomiest prediction of significant austerity and taxation to come in a couple of months because of the black hole which half comprises the results of their own political choices.

An auspicious 8 weeks indeed.

posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

Austerity is always a choice

Even when implemented, the measures go on for too long because the country is by then used to it and don’t readily recognise or accept the signs that things are improving. Osborne being the prime example

posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 2 seconds ago
Austerity is always a choice

Even when implemented, the measures go on for too long because the country is by then used to it and don’t readily recognise or accept the signs that things are improving. Osborne being the prime example
Anyone who has read any or all of Profs Mark Blyth, Paul Krugman, Florian Schui, David Stuckler… will know it is literally always a bad choice.

posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago


Who was it on here yesterday making a big thing of Trump attending this and Biden not?

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 57 seconds ago

Who was it on here yesterday making a big thing of Trump attending this and Biden not?
Oscar of coarse

posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

Oscar's off to buy Trump Digital Trading Cards.

posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 15 minutes ago

Who was it on here yesterday making a big thing of Trump attending this and Biden not?
It was always going to be controversial. Only popping up for a photo op on election year.

posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

comment by #4zA (U22472)
posted 27 minutes ago
comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 57 seconds ago

Who was it on here yesterday making a big thing of Trump attending this and Biden not?
Oscar of coarse
Por supuesto

posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

Embarrassing this clown is my MP, well done Vic show them up for the hypocrites they are


posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

"Colonialism gets a bad rap"

A woman from Texas who's moved to Israel and now wants to ethnically cleanse Palestinians from Gaza in order to settle there.


What the hell do you say to this?

posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

She’s just representing the Founding Fathers.

posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

comment by Sydney Sweeney (U11781)
posted 42 seconds ago
"Colonialism gets a bad rap"

A woman from Texas who's moved to Israel and now wants to ethnically cleanse Palestinians from Gaza in order to settle there.


What the hell do you say to this?
Not the first time Texans have embraced ethnic cleansing.

posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

comment by Sydney Sweeney (U11781)
posted 15 minutes ago
"Colonialism gets a bad rap"

A woman from Texas who's moved to Israel and now wants to ethnically cleanse Palestinians from Gaza in order to settle there.


What the hell do you say to this?

I hope she gets anal cancer

posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

comment by Robb Raygun (U22716)
posted 31 minutes ago
comment by Sydney Sweeney (U11781)
posted 15 minutes ago
"Colonialism gets a bad rap"

A woman from Texas who's moved to Israel and now wants to ethnically cleanse Palestinians from Gaza in order to settle there.


What the hell do you say to this?

I hope she gets anal cancer
what the....?

posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

comment by Sydney Sweeney (U11781)
posted 1 hour, 2 minutes ago
"Colonialism gets a bad rap"

A woman from Texas who's moved to Israel and now wants to ethnically cleanse Palestinians from Gaza in order to settle there.


What the hell do you say to this?
She was on C4 news last night, complete weirdo.

posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

It seems the illegal settlers think that Gaza's in the bag, time to move on to the West Bank.

posted 3 weeks, 2 days ago

comment by mancWoohoo- maximus mardius cob-onius (U10676)
posted 12 minutes ago
comment by Robb Raygun (U22716)
posted 31 minutes ago
comment by Sydney Sweeney (U11781)
posted 15 minutes ago
"Colonialism gets a bad rap"

A woman from Texas who's moved to Israel and now wants to ethnically cleanse Palestinians from Gaza in order to settle there.


What the hell do you say to this?

I hope she gets anal cancer
what the....?
He went there

posted 3 weeks, 1 day ago

A think tank has blamed "woeful budgeting" at the Home Office for repeated overspending on asylum support.

Over the last three years, the department's initial estimated budgets for asylum, border, visa and passport operations amounted to £320m.

But the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) said it had ended up spending £7.9bn over the period, £7.6bn more than forecast.

The IFS also warned the department had submitted figures it "knows to be insufficient" for this year.

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