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GoT final season

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posted on 7/5/19

comment by (kash) I'm the Mané (U1108)
posted 2 hours, 49 minutes ago
Cersi had the chance to wipe them out there and then.
It perfectly encapsulated the decline in the shows quality because it was completely out of character for Cersei to not end the war right there and then.

We've been shown she's evil with a win at all costs attitude as evidenced when she blew up the sept, killing hundreds of innocent people in order to also kill her enemies. She doesn't care about what's fair or right in order to advance her own agenda.

So to then have Dany, Tyrion and the last remaining dragon all within range of her army and defences, and only choose to kill a translator/advisor is just ridiculous and not like Cersei at all.

The war would have been won if she had simply given the order.

posted on 7/5/19

Thought it was the worst episode they’ve ever made

posted on 7/5/19

What about my man Bronn

Just happened to find the Lannister brothers alone in a room the day after the battle...did he wait nearby until it was over? Was he hiding in the castle the whole time? Did he luckily get the just as the NK was killed? Would have been pretty awkward if they lost

posted on 7/5/19

comment by The Welsh Xavi (U15412)
posted 42 minutes ago
comment by (kash) I'm the Mané (U1108)
posted 2 hours, 49 minutes ago
Cersi had the chance to wipe them out there and then.
It perfectly encapsulated the decline in the shows quality because it was completely out of character for Cersei to not end the war right there and then.

We've been shown she's evil with a win at all costs attitude as evidenced when she blew up the sept, killing hundreds of innocent people in order to also kill her enemies. She doesn't care about what's fair or right in order to advance her own agenda.

So to then have Dany, Tyrion and the last remaining dragon all within range of her army and defences, and only choose to kill a translator/advisor is just ridiculous and not like Cersei at all.

The war would have been won if she had simply given the order.
Exactly they were acting like it was the Vikings fighting the Saxons or something.

posted on 7/5/19

how did tyrion know cersei was pregnant, and considering she only told euron not long before he should have been extremely suspicious

posted on 7/5/19

comment by Adam 'The interview' Lallana (U20650)
posted 3 minutes ago
how did tyrion know cersei was pregnant, and considering she only told euron not long before he should have been extremely suspicious
She told Tyrion in season 7. Or Tyrion figured it out. He definitely knew though.

You're right about Euron though, he should definitely have figured out from there that the baby wasnt his. Surprised we saw no reaction there, although I thought Tyrion spilling this was what prompted Cersei to get pīssed and kill the girl?

posted on 7/5/19

Right couldnt remember whether he already knew.

I think she was going to kill her anyway, maybe would have been locked away for abit but dont see her keeping her alive, but then she may aswell have just tried to kill them all there and then


posted on 7/5/19

'bran tell them who i really am...'

Scene ends

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 7/5/19


Clearly you haven't been paying attention my friend. Have you not seen the way Dany can dodge spears while riding Drogon? If any of them are flying without her on board forget about it, but when she's at the wheel... full on Matrix level dodging

posted on 7/5/19

Someone on twitter said they should have tied sam to rhaegal to give him some good plot armour

still 3 perfect shots one after the other then a complete volley misses if they wanted him gone just fire the full volley first, it would atleast be slightly more believable than 3 singles

posted on 7/5/19

Having had a chance to think about it I'm starting to wonder if the writers of (dare I say it) The Last Jedi might have got involved with writing season 8.

That face off between team Daenerys and team Cersei at the end of the last episode was quite laughable. Daenerys would never have agreed to meet like that in a million years. Unless she's an utter imbecile. Cersei would and should have wiped them all out.

They could have rolled out a few of those big spear gun things from behind those big door and finished the war in about ten seconds. Cersei is either losing her touch or she's become a good character. How else to explain this huge inconsistency ??

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 7/5/19

In fairness where all things Cersci are concerned the writers have earned the benefit of the doubt. They've got an awful lot wrong with so many characters up till now, but Cersci is the one shining light from HBO taking full control - they've made her character even better than GRRM did.

If she killed Dany there and then to end the war, then what? She still has no support of any other house around her, as long as the Stark line lives she'll never have control of the north, all she'd have is Euron who doesn't hold the Iron Islands anymore. She's playing the long game, she wants Dany to attack King's Landing.

Aegon's destruction of the Seven Kingdoms was a big deal, if she can bait Dany into replicating it and survive the carnage - hence invited the citizens into the red keep to act as a shield (big gamble), history will condemn the Targaryen name (and Stark by association) as villains ensuring all future rulers once the dust settles align with her not out of fear, which is necessary but fragile, but respect and power as well.

Don't have faith with anything GoT's related regarding anything else, but where Cersci's concerned faith is justified. Lets see if they live up to it

posted on 8/5/19

comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 20 hours, 24 minutes ago
What about my man Bronn

Just happened to find the Lannister brothers alone in a room the day after the battle...did he wait nearby until it was over? Was he hiding in the castle the whole time? Did he luckily get the just as the NK was killed? Would have been pretty awkward if they lost

I saw this scene and thougth the same (I will admit that I really enjoyed seeing Bronn who has had enough of being told to go this place and that for the Lannisters and just got straight down to business)

I can just imagine him carrying the crossbow up to Winterfell and the guards just letting him through as they are that inept.

posted on 10/5/19

I saw this scene and thougth the same (I will admit that I really enjoyed seeing Bronn who has had enough of being told to go this place and that for the Lannisters and just got straight down to business)

I can just imagine him carrying the crossbow up to Winterfell and the guards just letting him through as they are that inept
such an idiotic scene, yeah just walk past several thousand people unnoticed, threaten 2 people upon punishment of death and then just walk out as if nothing happened, the series as a whole is becoming catastrophic and really dropping got down the list of best tv programmes

posted on 10/5/19

They're not in Winterfell in that scene

posted on 10/5/19

seasons summed up


posted on 10/5/19

comment by Adam 'The interview' Lallana (U20650)
posted 1 hour, 3 minutes ago
seasons summed up


posted on 13/5/19

How come these God damn ballista's had a lock on feature in the last episode when the plot demanded it but now are absolutely useless

posted on 13/5/19

Lol they couldn't even come up with a way to justify the "Dany goes crazy" arc so they just decided to have her hate bells

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 13/5/19

comment by Moussa Chrissoko (U20930)
posted 5 hours, 34 minutes ago
Lol they couldn't even come up with a way to justify the "Dany goes crazy" arc so they just decided to have her hate bells

posted on 13/5/19

comment by Moussa Chrissoko (U20930)
posted 6 hours, 58 minutes ago
How come these God damn ballista's had a lock on feature in the last episode when the plot demanded it but now are absolutely useless

My guess is that the guy who was in charge of aiming last week was on holiday or something.

I also think its worth mentioning that the scriptwriters have nothing to hide behind. HBO offered them the chance to extend the last season to 10 episodes but they turned it down AND budget was never an obstacle either according to interviews.

The music for this season has been great, as has the acting and cinematography..shame the script was woeful

posted on 13/5/19

What was the point? What's the point in build up to an epic battle when all they needed was a single dragon? What's the point of an army that enters the first 100 meters of a city and does nothing else? What was the point of Jon Snow and Arya in this episode when they just enter a city to a certain point and then turn around and walk back? What was the point of showing small bursts of wildfire when it lead to nothing? What was the point of Euron's fleet killing a dragon in a previous episode when in this one they could even hit him once before getting completely wrecked? What was the point of Dany's madness when you built her up as a mercyful and intelligent leader for 7 seasons? What was the point of Jaime leaving Cersei and showing character development just to have him go back and die with her? What was the point in having Cersei this mean badass villain that even gets to be the final boss after Night king, just to have her stand around doing nothing until she dies.

What was the point of any of this?

posted on 13/5/19

I also think its worth mentioning that the scriptwriters have nothing to hide behind. HBO offered them the chance to extend the last season to 10 episodes but they turned it down AND budget was never an obstacle either according to interviews.
It's because they're going off to do the new star wars and clearly don't care anymore, they just wanted it wrapped up as quick as possible.

They've completely ruined so many characters by rushing it. A lot of the things that happened will probably happen in the books but they'll feel a lot more earned. Dany snapping in 1 episode is dumb because we've not been shown any build up, and no idea how she still has this massive army when we watched them all get slaughtered just 2 episodes ago.

Jaimie's 7 season of development was also undone for literally no reason.

posted on 13/5/19

D&D (scriptwriters) just gave up and wanted to move on I think

They were fantastic at adapting the books to screen bit have been awful once they didn't have much of a source material to go on

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 13/5/19


I'm with everyone else now, this series is terrible. Writers pulling too many shock value twists out of their @rses without the time or the writing skill to make them work.

Dany going Mad Queen is a pretty cool idea in principle but how on earth do you write it with four episodes of build up? (technically three as you can't count E3). It's the only character whose story we've seen in it's entirety, since S1, you can't con fans where she's concerned. Losing the stronger claim to the Throne, being betrayed by a close adviser/another killed & believing she can't command love among Westerlo's people based of how Jon's army treat him (not even her), is a pathetically weak writing trigger to go against everything that characters been about for seven seasons. Kind of like TNK it's tainted any scene with her upon re-watches in future, she came across as a bloodthirsty tyrant who threw her toys out the pram cos she felt an absence of power for a short spell of time (she's basically no better than Joffrey).

And they botched the f*** out of Cleganebowl. Fighting on stairs screwed up the visuals of it. Having Sandor stab him once to show his undeadness, fair enough (was kinda cool actually). Stabbing him multiple times screaming 'why won't you die'?, getting a bit silly now - reminding me of Freddy vs. Jason. Getting stabbed between the eyes without dropping? Now your not taking it seriously what so ever. Having them both die by Sandor pushing them into fire..... brilliant ending in principle executed terribly. Only really great thing about it was replicating the Oberyn eye gouge - that was cool, my jaw was on the floor

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