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Ross Barkley

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posted on 2/1/14

Ignore that fool. Haha I remember him telling me Feillani would waltz into the Arsenal team and be our best player a year ago. Delusional ain't the word.

posted on 2/1/14

Sheriff has just blown alas away there...

posted on 2/1/14

Ignore that fool. Haha I remember him telling me Feillani would waltz into the Arsenal team and be our best player a year ago. Delusional ain't the word.

Didn't you know? Fellaini "bossed" us once or twice throwing around his body and hair and famous elbows around our box when Everton hoofed it up the pitch. We must have been "envious" of him if we dared point out he was overhyped and overpriced at the time. That's what you must be if you don't admit Barkley is the new Messi.

posted on 2/1/14

I guess RVP costing Arsenal £2.5m shows how pants he was. Or that Coleman fella at Everton that cost a packet of crisps.

Little was known of RVP when Arsenal bought him and Feyenoord wanted shut because of his bad behaviour.Hardly anyone outside Sligo Rovers knew about Coleman that's why he only cost a mere £60k.You're claiming you knew of Coutinho when he was at Inter (bullsh-it). If he was that good at such an early age then why was he loaned out and sold so cheap?

posted on 2/1/14

Barkley's a good player. But how good would the likes of Wilshere, Januzaj and Coutinho look at Everton? One has to take that into account.

posted on 2/1/14

Little was known of RVP when Arsenal bought him and Feyenoord wanted shut because of his bad behaviour.Hardly anyone outside Sligo Rovers knew about Coleman that's why he only cost a mere £60k.You're claiming you knew of Coutinho when he was at Inter (bullsh-it). If he was that good at such an early age then why was he loaned out and sold so cheap?

YOU knew nothing about RVP. I knew plenty. You musn't ascribe your knowledge (or lack of) to everyone with such assumptions. And I knew PLENTY about Coutinho at Inter - particularly in Benitez' early months there before he became one of the most obvious victims when results collapsed. Again ascribing your ignorance to others.

Coutinho was loaned to Espanyol for the same reason Barkley was loaned to Wednesday and Leeds. He was sold for a non-crazy sum cos he's not an overhyped English man. South American transfers are complicated things. And it's a decision a good number of Inter officials have expressed regret for. Tons of players are discarded from certain clubs and fluorish elsewhere. The greatest player in our history from Juve is an easy example. Even Dennis Bergkamp was discarded as a flop by the same Inter and mesmerized the Premiership ahortly after.

posted on 2/1/14

But how good would the likes of Wilshere, Januzaj and Coutinho look at Everton? One has to take that into account.

I could see Coutinho and Januzaj getting into the Everton side,but I doubt Wilshere could displacing Barry or McCarthy.

posted on 2/1/14

Barkley's a good player. But how good would the likes of Wilshere, Januzaj and Coutinho look at Everton? One has to take that into account.

There's no doubt those players would stand out in Everton, both based on their quality and also the much less pressured atmosphere at Everton. Tbf, they play some great stuff. There's not much individual genius but there's great cohesion and balance throughout the team. There's no real weaknesses and Arsenal could learn from their intensity and workrate.

posted on 2/1/14

I could see Coutinho and Januzaj getting into the Everton side,but I doubt Wilshere could displacing Barry or McCarthy.

Wilshere is better than Mccarthy. Easily. He and Barry are different players. Barry can only displace Wilshere in the holding role in midfield which Wilshere doesn't play. Wilshere struggles to start ahead of Ramsey or Ozil or Cazorla and the like but suggesting Mccarthy is better is stretching it. And I'm actually a fan of Mccarthy.

posted on 2/1/14

Wilshire would easily get into the Everton side.

posted on 2/1/14

I think people struggle to understand the difference between the pressures of playing for a team like Everton or Newcastle and playing for an Arsenal or Liverpool or Chelsea (no disrespect intended). Wilshere has got some deserved stick this season by the very high standards expected of him but he's scored some crackers and put in some inspiring performances - just like yesterday. Mccarthy wouldn't get near Arsenal's team. Fellaini's struggles at United where even Cleverley makes him look so pitifully average should illustrate the difference in mentality at the clubs.

posted on 2/1/14

Coutinho was loaned to Espanyol for the same reason Barkley was loaned to Wednesday and Leeds.

He was already a first team player for Inter,so why loan him out if he was as good as you make out? On a previous post you mentioned Deulofeu, when exactly have you seen Gerard play? Are you also an expert on Barcelona B team players as well?

He was sold for a non-crazy sum cos he's not an overhyped English man. South American transfers are complicated things.

Cavani is South American and he went for a mint.

The fact you claimed Lallana may compete for PFA award just shows you don't know as much about football as you think you do.

posted on 2/1/14

Fellaini's struggles at United where even Cleverley makes him look so pitifully average should illustrate the difference in mentality at the clubs.

What team did you sign Arteta from? If Mikel can get into the Arsenal side, them McCarthy would walk in.

posted on 2/1/14

And there pops the old Arteta dig. This Alas clown kept saying the same thing about Feillani and how he'd get in ahead of Arteta at Arsenal, emphasising the point the Spaniard wouldn't get a sniff at Everton. The guy's insane.

posted on 2/1/14

What team did you sign Arteta from? If Mikel can get into the Arsenal side, them McCarthy would walk in.

Difference being Arteta was far better than Mccarthy is at the time. He was pretty much your version of Fabregas. He's not good enough to play attacking midfield for us so we put him in the holding role to recycle possession. You're a comedian if you think Mccarthy would get anywhere near or team. Even our perennially injured Diaby is a class above him.

posted on 2/1/14

"He was already a first team player for Inter,so why loan him out if he was as good as you make out? On a previous post you mentioned Deulofeu, when exactly have you seen Gerard play? Are you also an expert on Barcelona B team players as well?"

Coutinho was a first team player for a matter of months and lost his place. His loan to mid-table Espanyol in La Liga was a successful one. I'm not even judging him based on his Inter form but his Liverpool form. The Spanish trio of Mata, Cazorla and Silva were the only attacking mids/playmakers better than Coutinho in the league last season. Watch his form in the 2nd half of last season. It's FAR better than Barkley's half-season for which he's being made to look like Zidane.

I saw a couple of Deulofeu appearances for Barca as a sub. Along with Sergi Roberto, he's their highest rated recent academy product. I was judging his talent based on what I've seen in Everton so I can't get whatever point you're attempting to make. You may have to try harder.

posted on 2/1/14

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posted on 2/1/14

when exactly have you seen Gerard play? Are you also an expert on Barcelona B team players as well?

I'm no expert but saw Deulofeu play for the Spanish u20/u21 side.

posted on 2/1/14

The fact you claimed Lallana may compete for PFA award just shows you don't know as much about football as you think you do.

Forgive me for not cramming the age of every player in the league. What a shocker.
And I vaguely remember Milner won the Young Player award at a similar age. So what is the age limit exactly?

posted on 2/1/14

Yes. I wasn't Ramsey 's biggest fan. But I did concede he had potential and could become better. Obviously no one expected him to improve so quickly. How is this relevant exactly?

posted on 2/1/14

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posted on 2/1/14

I was judging his talent based on what I've seen in Everton so I can't get whatever point you're attempting to make. You may have to try harder.

You watch a few matches then start claiming you know the ins and outs of a ducks ar-se.

posted on 2/1/14

Yes. I wasn't Ramsey 's biggest fan. But I did concede he had potential and could become better.

Barkley's younger than all the players mentioned,but his ability is being dismissed. Sheriff has already formed an opinion on Barkley after a mere 20 games. His football knowledge is far greater than ex pro's like Carragher,Owen,Neville,Lineker and even your own Thierry Henry

posted on 2/1/14

"You watch a few matches then start claiming you know the ins and outs of a ducks ar-se."

It's why it's called "talent". I don't know how good Deulofeu would be but a dozen or so games of watching him is enough to guage his potential. His Stoke destruction alone is better than anything I've seen Barkley do.

posted on 2/1/14

So why bring up me supposedly not rating Ramsey? Are you really that dense?

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