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These 279 comments are related to an article called:

Less than 2% of Terrorist Attacks in EU

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posted on 13/1/15

No real surprise here.

An example I would use is that a plane crash gets more coverage than a car crash as it is a much rarer event but is more 'sensational'.

posted on 13/1/15

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posted on 13/1/15

Agreed mate but the issue here is, what happens afterwards.What happens to the public

posted on 13/1/15

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posted on 13/1/15

Top top article boss man.

posted on 13/1/15

Some of the criteria included property damage, for example that Polish guy that set a bomb in a mosque.

posted on 13/1/15

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posted on 13/1/15

comment by Di Maria's Left Foot - The Holy Trinity (U11781)
posted 11 seconds ago
Top top article boss man.

No worries, the truth is always important to share with everyone

posted on 13/1/15

An intelligent and well informed article

posted on 13/1/15

The mass hysteria has got to everyone. my wife last night was buying into all the media coverage and she is normally very cynical about this sort of thing. When you sit back and watch the onslaught of coverage we have seen it does make you see why some people have views lifted straight from the media bias. In many different areas not just this... worrying times IMO.

posted on 13/1/15

comment by ManUtdDaredevil (U9612)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Di Maria's Left Foot - The Holy Trinity (U11781)
posted 11 seconds ago
Top top article boss man.

No worries, the truth is always important to share with everyone
You are the one with the cape... it is your duty!

posted on 13/1/15

In 2011, not one of the 174 terrorist attacks in EU countries in 2011 were “affiliated or inspired" by terrorist organizations.


While I think the broader message of the article is a fine one, all these stats mean nothing without some sort of context or proper understanding of the measurement tools used.

The above quote being a decent example. 174 terrorist attacks and not a single one affiliated to a terrorist organization. I can't understand that

posted on 13/1/15

That's why there is never any media coverage concerning Man Utd, because we win so often, it's not really news. The BBC website is just covered in Burnley stories when they win, or lose. With massive features on "Dyche's Dynamism" and Phil McNulty asking if Marvin Sordell is the best striker in world football at the moment after scoring a penalty. I think the media in this country has to be less biased and give us some coverage. Do you know that Van Gaal has a philosophy? I didn't think so, because we don't get any media coverage!

posted on 13/1/15

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comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 13/1/15

The Far Right Wing is growing in Europe and is feeding off people's ignorance and fears perpetuated by the media and politicians and deep seated racism.


Amen to this.

Imagine what Europe would be like if every member 's electorate elected their own version of UKIP!

posted on 13/1/15

I did like Groundhog Day, I suppose...

posted on 13/1/15

Deflections tactics from the Man Utd board. When they lose its time to talk about world affairs

posted on 13/1/15

comment by (Kash) Mario Balle Balle Balotelli - Justice4Gaza (U1108)
posted 27 minutes ago
Deflections tactics from the Man Utd board. When they lose its time to talk about world affairs

Wold you prefer we talked about slips, trips and falls

posted on 13/1/15

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posted on 13/1/15

comment by meltonblue (U10617)
posted 15 minutes ago
I did like Groundhog Day, I suppose...

I'm so bored of articles like this and I'm gonna open myself to ridicule here.

No one is targeting Islam. They are targeting murderers. Islam is a peaceful religion with many many followers and I get so annoyed when I hear comments like 'thus country will be Muslim in 20 years' or 'that country is being islamafied' etc. it's such bollox. I know so many Muslims who are just as sick of it as I am.

However, The terrorist threat to my country currently sits at severe. Severe. This is not because the Boy Scouts are on a mission to behead people. It's because of 'Islamic' extremist. That is a cold hard fact.

These people are abusing their religion to murder mudd. They are letting down the true people who follow their faith in a peaceful way.

Take arabmanc.

A young Muslim who to be frank is one of the most likeable posters on here(and please do not consider this patronisation or my approval of a Muslim) (oh and maybe not likeable to the scousers on here )

He's just a simple human being trying to make his own way in life like the rest of us and is one of the big reasons why I use this forum.

These murderers are letting our friend down in the worst kind of way.

Let's condemn all murder, all violence, all evil but also let's not pretend that currently, one of the severe threats today to thus country are the people who are letting Arab Manc down.

And can we all collectively condemn fakking 3 5 2

posted on 13/1/15

The power of nightmares.

posted on 13/1/15

Fair article and what you say is correct. But it's also fair to say that what we saw in Paris this week is only the beginning of a far bigger 'project' from people affiliated to ISIS or Al Qaeda.

Im sure that a lot more of this will happen in Europe over the next few years, very possibly in London. It is a real threat and worth being worried about.

People on here have every right to be disgusted by religion-motivated terrorism because it's the worst kind of all. People having the gall to kill others in the name of some fairy tale character. The irony of the murders at Charlie Hebdo were that the cartoonists were killed for mocking something they didn't believe existed by people who did.

Religios extremism isn't the only dangerous thing in the world but it quite rightly scares people because it's the most irrational one.

posted on 13/1/15

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posted on 13/1/15

Yesterday someone showed me a clip from Fox News, which I shall try and find a link for, which basically just told outright lies about Muslims in Britain and the EU.
It's as scary as it is funny, I mean, that's their actual news.

posted on 13/1/15

These people are abusing their religion to murder mudd.
Unfortunate, but you would have to say he had it coming.

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