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These 279 comments are related to an article called:

Less than 2% of Terrorist Attacks in EU

Page 7 of 12

posted on 13/1/15

I read months back jordan had provided 6 jets for strikes.. have they increased that yet? The us have hit a ridiculous amount of sites, everyone else combined has probably hit less than a quarter of what they have, cant find any info?

posted on 13/1/15

comment by Stupendous Sakho (U20224)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by (Kash) Mario Balle Balle Balotelli - Justice4Gaza (U1108)
posted 52 seconds ago
comment by thebluebellsareblue (U9292)
posted 3 minutes ago
Afternoon Kash

How do we solve the isis issue?
Will require troops on the ground. ISIS appear to be scattered over the Iraq/Syria border. Seemingly hard to detect.

Need to make peace with Assad and fund the Syrian and Iraq army with arms aerial support.
Good, the wealthy muslim oil states can pay for that
Not if Messi is available for £200m.

posted on 13/1/15

Found this

Through Nov. 19, a total of 1,006 airstrikes were conducted – 561 against targets in Iraq and 445 in Syria, the officials said. The U.S. flew 843 of the missions and allies flew 163

posted on 13/1/15

I wonder how many of those US strikes in Syria actually hit ISIS targets? The US still want Assad out and are able to hit Syria at free will.

posted on 13/1/15

Hard to make peace with Assad,as he is not exactly a nice guy?I think that is the difficulty for the west.

posted on 13/1/15

Chelsea to buy Messi for 200 million.........I would love to get him,but that is crazy,crazy money.

posted on 13/1/15

comment by thebluebellsareblue (U9292)
posted 22 minutes ago

We know the west have messed up and have blood on their hands,similar to islamist extremists and many other bad men and omen around the world in history.

How do we counter extremist global Islamism?
This my personal view but there is a hard line ideology called Wahabism which originates from Saudi Arabia and this has provided fuel to extremism.

ISIS - follow Wahabism
Taliban - follow Wahabism
Al-Qaeda - follow Wahabism
Boko and Al Shabab probably follow Wahabism.

Wahabism has been running Saudi for over a centuary and has spread throughout ME, Asia and now the world.

Problem is Saudi are a close allie of the US. If you keep the US quiet you have won.

posted on 13/1/15

We have to get to a point where Jewsih people do not fear living in Europe again,where muslim's are respected,and respect the European culture,and where Christian's can worship freely in majority muslim states.

It sickened me to see edl mobs insulting the prophet,pbuh,and I understand that it is hard to accept the French republican and secular ideology,that does not promote any faith.

I think Charlie initially opposed the power of the RC church,then mocked all religious and political figures.
I have heard some say Charlie goes easy on Jewish beliefs/people,and this may be due to holocaust memories,and anti-Semitism in France and Europe.

The fact remains that France and Europe have a culture of liberal free speech and worship,and it will take compromise to accommodate the secular and Islamic ethos.


posted on 13/1/15


That seems to be true,with Saudi inspired wahabism,ie,Bin Laden,adopting an extreme and violent notion of islam,which is highly political,and from what I am learning,anti-islamic.

As you correctly highlight,the USA gives the Saudi's an easy passage,most likely due to oil,which is farcical,to say the least.
I also believe our old allies,Kuwait,are part funding isis madmen,along with world cup legends,Qatar.

Crazy mixed up world.

posted on 13/1/15

I am being way too nice,and can't get a response or chat going,so I will depart.

Be good.

posted on 13/1/15

Sorry was in a meeting and just hopped on a train home. Will respond to the points raised in due course

posted on 13/1/15

No worries.

Chat later,bud.

posted on 16/1/15

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 16/1/15

Hippo on toast will present his own research soon to discredit loon watch.

posted on 16/1/15

Hippo, we anticipate your data dismissing this load of codswallop.

Yesterday a man set fire to multiple buildings, used incendiary devices and nearly killed a pensioner.

He was of course not a terrorist

posted on 16/1/15

I'm liking Hippos silence, it means he has got his head down pulling that research together to indisputably discredit loon watch.


posted on 18/1/15

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 18/1/15

So no independent research, the Washington post article promotes nothing to validate your point, while the other link picks and chooses which terrorist acts it bases its claims on, as per the below :

"Well, perhaps the best way of knowing whether terrorists are serious about killing people is if they actually do. ( Terrorism = terrorism, the IrishRA gave coded warnings were they not terrorists then? ) Since Muslims and non-Muslim terrorists have equal opportunity to kill, Loonwatch shouldn’t object to an analysis of only those attacks which cause deaths."

Hippo = the Steve Emerson of JA606.
Any plans to visit Birmingham soon?

posted on 18/1/15

Also MUDD's point was :

"Less Than 2 Percent Of Terrorist Attacks In The E.U. Are Religiously Motivated"

posted on 18/1/15

For some reason the Christian terrorists are ignored. If I'm not mistaken, Breivik was the single deadliest terror attack in Europe in recent memory.

posted on 18/1/15

I'm still amazed that the guy who burnt houses and buildings in oxfordshire is not a terrorist.

If he were, let us say muslim, wonder what he would have been called.

I am amazed people do not see the clear bias

posted on 18/1/15

3 arson attacks, drives car with gas cannisters into public building. Targeted attacks as well.

posted on 18/1/15

MUDD if someone put a note through your door saying as soon as someone stepped outside that door, you or your family would be shot...

Would you be terrified?

posted on 18/1/15

comment by ManUtdDaredevil (U9612)
posted 1 hour, 27 minutes ago
For some reason the Christian terrorists are ignored. If I'm not mistaken, Breivik was the single deadliest terror attack in Europe in recent memory.

Yeah, i don't think what he did made the news at all. Possibly page 45 of the Daily Star if i'm not mistaken.

posted on 18/1/15

MuDD, you're a fool if you don't think the threat from radical elements of Islam is a massive threat to the West.

No, i'm not some right wing loony that wants to ship out anyone who doesn't look like me and I do have muslim friends who also are concerned by certain elements of their faith.

Over the past 6 months there has been a big step up in Islamic terrorist activity in Europe. We've seen various attacks in France, attacks stopped in Belgium this weekend and no doubt without the good work of the specific agencies in this country there would have been an attack in England by now other than what happened to Lee Rigby. It probably will still happen.

I totally understand the media and how they along with the government like to rule with fear tactics. Of course and i'm not suggesting that anyone walks out of their house needing a gun and 4000 stormtroopers walking the streets.

But even with my left leaning beliefs it would be sticking my head in the sand if I didn't acknowledge that with the rise of ISIS there is a huge threat to the West that wasn't quite there when Al Qaeda were the en vogue terrorist group.

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