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These 621 comments are related to an article called:

Calling All Science Buffs

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comment by Reggie (U13390)

posted on 31/7/12

you've misinterpreted what I said, I didn't say you had knowledge, I just said you have the same amount of faith in what you know/believe as bobby. your's involves there being the possibility of a god, mine/bobby's doesn't. Faith doesn't have to have anything to do with god or religion.

posted on 31/7/12

Fair enough

posted on 31/7/12

Religion exists for 1 reason & 1 reason only, as every Religion has 1 common theme - immortality.

Religion exists because man cannot accept that he is a mere mortal, the same as every other living being, man therefore created Religion, as a crutch to convince himself that there was more to life than merely reproducing himself & then snuffing it.

You can have that for free

comment by jomo™ (U8836)

posted on 31/7/12

Hugh Ross hasn't written anything persuasive at all, he's simply making a statement without any evidence to back it up. He's making an assumption that makes sense to him. unfortunately the universe isn't here to make sense to us, it just is.

posted on 31/7/12

he prays when he wants
he prays when he wants
he's harry redknapp
he prays when he wants

posted on 31/7/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 31/7/12

mine would have been the perfect last comment, and then you have to come on and ruin it.

fks sake.

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 31/7/12

Don't knock my beliefs about the cube.

comment by Biglaa (U5954)

posted on 31/7/12

Smite him Admin1. SMITE HIM!!!!

posted on 31/7/12

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comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 31/7/12

After 30 years of research, I now
possess the Order of Harmonic
"Antipodal Cubic Divinity Life -
too large for physical form, but
Binary Spirit of the masculinity
Sun & feminity Earth Antipodes.
ONEism is demonic Death Math.
I have so much to teach you....."

comment by FSB (U11355)

posted on 31/7/12

what is it that we dont understand ? at what age would we independently formulate this god concept by ourselves ? why do all societies come to the same conclusion ? if it is a natural reaction , why is it ? what purpose doe this reaction serve ? is this reaction soemthing which evolution has developed ? did trzan believe in god ? or that boy who was brought up by wolves ? do wolves believe in god or is it only us ?
JPB, I think the OP is an example of this phenomonen. We don't understand what could precede the big bang so we invoke god to fill this void in our understanding. This is the default response to lack of understanding. Any alternate theory will require empirical evidence to displace god even though there is absolutely no empirical evidence to support the existence of god.

posted on 31/7/12

Timecube is epic lol!

posted on 31/7/12

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posted on 31/7/12

Well FSB if you are going to use logic and reason, you can count me out of this argument #GoTeamGod

posted on 31/7/12

JPB, I think the OP is an example of this phenomonen. We don't understand what could precede the big bang so we invoke god to fill this void in our understanding.

what ??????

the people on easter island dont know about the big bang do they ????

aborigines dont know about the big bang.

they all have/had gods.

i can understand all cultures wondering how the human race started, but i cant understand why they all conclude that there is a god.

why cant some of them conclude that things just happened naturally without any external intervention ?

posted on 31/7/12

just to add to that...

and on deciding that there was an external force which started things off, why do all cultures decide that that external force is still watching over us, and that the same force will play some sort of role in our afterlife or next life.

everyone comes to the same conclusion, and they have done for the whole of mankind's history so far as we know.

why ????

posted on 31/7/12

no empirical evidence to support the existence of god.

Well the point in faith is that there is no concrete evidence sat in front of you.

comment by Biglaa (U5954)

posted on 31/7/12

Try my belly-button logic. Ok Admin1, curiosity got the better of me and I looked it up on my phone. WTF???????

posted on 31/7/12

Is Fred still around.

Fred - what would you say to a hindu chap like myself?

posted on 31/7/12

no empirical evidence to support the existence of god.

Well the point in faith is that there is no concrete evidence sat in front of you.

if such evidence was to be found, how would future generations prove their faith ?

does finding proof that god exists, mean the eternal damnation of mankind ?

posted on 31/7/12

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posted on 31/7/12

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posted on 31/7/12

Fred - what would you say to a hindu chap like myself?

I'd say something like, "Hello, how are you?"


posted on 31/7/12

I'd say something like, "Hello, how are you?"



Yeah sup Leiva la vida Lucas??

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