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Calling All Science Buffs

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posted on 31/7/12

comment by Admin1 (U1)

Its actually incredible isnt it, the amount of calculated involved!! Every mission acheived is a great tribute to mankind!!

My fav was Titan!

posted on 31/7/12

Christianity is a bunch of nonsense anyway. Their beliefs and festivals and ways of going about doing things are a bastardised version of what was written in the bible they supposedly follow.

When you hear about people's religious experiences around you - you start to believe more.

posted on 31/7/12

admin 1 inwas hoping no one wud pick it up I realised after pressing send I had got carried away, its more adaption to the surroundings than evolution, but thinking about it that must be part of the evolutionarily process first adapting to surroundings then becoming the norm before evolving as part of the dna makeup of a sepcies. im not nearly clever enough to know though, just my theory.

posted on 31/7/12

im surprised noone picked up on my point earlier.

posted on 31/7/12

What point was that JPB?

This conversation has gone a million miles an hour

posted on 31/7/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 31/7/12

comment by 1manontherun (U4291)

posted 1 minute ago

comment by Admin1 (U1)

Its actually incredible isnt it, the amount of calculated involved!! Every mission acheived is a great tribute to mankind!!

Admin2 is a bit of whizz with amongst other things safety certified Ada programming. I remember he once coded a Trig lookup table because the cpu we were using didn't have a safety critical floating point certification..lol

posted on 31/7/12


something which is interesting is how many different (isolated) cultures have (presumably independently) come to the conclusion that there is a god (even if it isnt the same god).

why would this be ? are we programmed to think that there is a god ? did we all go through the same logical thought process and arrive at the same answer ? were we all visited in the night by a big god messenger (trying to go flight of the conchords there) ?

posted on 31/7/12

I did read that point actually and think it's a very good one and I fully agree.

One thing all ages have had in common is the belief in some kind of God - that isn't random.

posted on 31/7/12

malcolm gladwell tipping point is a classic read

posted on 31/7/12

Admin2 is a bit of whizz with amongst other things safety certified Ada programming. I remember he once coded a Trig lookup table because the cpu we were using didn't have a safety critical floating point certification..lol


Very impressive lol!!!

posted on 31/7/12

Admin2 is a bit of whizz with amongst other things safety certified Ada programming. I remember he once coded a Trig lookup table because the cpu we were using didn't have a safety critical floating point certification..lol

no idea what that means, but it sounds like it takes some tekkers !

posted on 31/7/12

Admin1 totally lost me just then

comment by Reggie (U13390)

posted on 31/7/12

You seem to cling to it being created rather than part of an event or process that is naturally occurring.

I really don't need there to be a reason behind why we're all here, science isn't naive enough to pretend it will ultimately know everything.

Christianity is a jewish sect and along with islam, all 3 of them sprung from abraham. They all have different stories but all are interepreted, know one has got any clue as to the validity of any of the stories in their teachings, so if they're all so blatantly wild in their interpretations of 'god', which god is the god people should choose? Which ones of his teachings should we follow?

I am convinced that evolution happened (contrary to religion that would have the dinsosaurs living just a few thousand years ago and the universe having not existed for 13 odd billion years), it's had time to happen, it's quite simplistic the notion of ape to man however the complexities of life/nature suggest it was far from it, we're filling in the details slowly but the creation of the universe and everything in it in 7 days is the biggest laugh of all.

comment by FSB (U11355)

posted on 31/7/12

JPB, isn't it just a reaction to things that we don't understand. Create a deity and then worship him so he's on our side.

posted on 31/7/12


I don't claim to understand any of it, if there is a God we'll never understand how he works or how he created the word if indeed he did.

The other thing I would say is that I don't think 7 days or the story of creationism should be taken literally.

posted on 31/7/12

fred, I believe that is due to human nature though, we are explorers we are on a quest for knowledge, we wish to know what else is out there, since the change to intelligent man say tens of thousands of years ago possibly a hundred, we have been on this quest.

religion is good for people, who want faith in a supernatural being and to think there life wasnt just a random event, they want meaning to there life.

most religions all start from.the same point, they have pretty much the same dates, pretty much the same events and outcomes, that can be seen either way, but most can be traced back to a single religion a couple of tgousand years before the egyptians.

no one knows the answer, no one probably will so while thats the case im happy to keep an open mind on all sides, allow people to have there views provided its for good.

if I had to attach myself to any kind of religion the closest to my set of beliefs is Buddhism.

comment by Reggie (U13390)

posted on 31/7/12

Also don't forget, a lot of things we used to attribute to magic (will of god) have been explained by science. Cataclysmic events etc. Portents of doom (halleys comet) all explained by science, treated as a scare tactic by religions.

It's not a mistake that across the modern ages (the ones we can vaguely document) that religion has been used, that's by design of those that see the benefits of controlling the masses. Don't forget that even in the 20th century some were still regarded as living deities.

posted on 31/7/12

JPB, isn't it just a reaction to things that we don't understand. Create a deity and then worship him so he's on our side.

i dont know.

what is it that we dont understand ? at what age would we independently formulate this god concept by ourselves ? why do all societies come to the same conclusion ? if it is a natural reaction , why is it ? what purpose doe this reaction serve ? is this reaction soemthing which evolution has developed ? did trzan believe in god ? or that boy who was brought up by wolves ? do wolves believe in god or is it only us ?

posted on 31/7/12

no one knows the answer, no one probably will so while thats the case im happy to keep an open mind on all sides, allow people to have there views provided its for good.

I agree with this 100%.

I have faith, but in reality, I know nothing.

posted on 31/7/12

Comment deleted by Article Creator

posted on 31/7/12

reggie good point, also now religion is waining, the outbreak of the ibternet, controlling of the masses is now done through economics and the false monetary system. when we read of inflation or the price of a can oc coke has raised by 40p in 15 years the attributed difference can be proved to have been stolen by succesive governments. inflation = theft of the people.

posted on 31/7/12

Watch this lads


posted on 31/7/12

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posted on 31/7/12

The worst types of people are those that laugh in the face of any kind of belief. The close minded people that refused to open their mind to anything other than what they perceive to be right.

Those are the people I cannot stand and the reason why so much conflict has happened on the base of religion.

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