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Automatic or Manual cars?

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comment by Ruiney (U1005)

posted on 13/3/14

comment by Mr Chelsea ✪ (U3579)
posted 21 seconds ago
Ruiney be honest, you drive around in 1st gear dont you, drinking your ribena
Work have given me a van that's restricted to 68 to save fuel.

I just drive around in 3rd to spite them

posted on 13/3/14

comment by RVP's Left Foot - The Fallen Giant (U11781) posted 10 seconds ago
comment by ☞ Ruiney ⑳ - (insert Mata based pun here) (U1005)
posted 50 seconds ago
You don't have to change gear to stop
My instructor tells me to change to first or second gear when I stop
That's just to get started from a stop. The actually process of slowing down and stopping you don't have to change gears for

posted on 13/3/14

comment by RVP's Left Foot - The Fallen Giant (U11781)
posted 48 seconds ago
comment by ☞ Ruiney ⑳ - (insert Mata based pun here) (U1005)
posted 50 seconds ago
You don't have to change gear to stop
My instructor tells me to change to first or second gear when I stop
That's correct, but that is WHEN you have stopped and are ready to move off again. During the time that you are slowing down, you clutch+brake.


posted on 13/3/14

Ruiney is what's known as a raggamuffin

posted on 13/3/14

Ruiney... you can get those vans chipped you know

posted on 13/3/14

comment by ☞ Ruiney ⑳ - (insert Mata based pun here) (U1005)
posted 47 seconds ago
comment by Mr Chelsea ✪ (U3579)
posted 21 seconds ago
Ruiney be honest, you drive around in 1st gear dont you, drinking your ribena
Work have given me a van that's restricted to 68 to save fuel.

I just drive around in 3rd to spite them

I can just imagine you driving past in your diesel van that sounds like a moped because your up at the red line

posted on 13/3/14

My first few lessons I kept changing to fifth gear instead of third and I really píssed him off I've got the hang of the gearstick now though.

comment by Ruiney (U1005)

posted on 13/3/14

comment by RVP's Left Foot - The Fallen Giant (U11781)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by ☞ Ruiney ⑳ - (insert Mata based pun here) (U1005)
posted 50 seconds ago
You don't have to change gear to stop
My instructor tells me to change to first or second gear when I stop
You can use engine breaking when slowing down by going through the gears, mainly to save fuel, or to be able to speed up again if needs be.

But you can just stop with the clutch down and change from 5th to 1st if you need to.

posted on 13/3/14

comment by RVP's Left Foot - The Fallen Giant (U11781)
posted 9 seconds ago
My first few lessons I kept changing to fifth gear instead of third and I really píssed him offI've got the hang of the gearstick now though.

If you have the hang of the gearstick then you can quite clearly drive a manual. So why have you created this 200+ article which has turned into how easy it is to drink coffee whilst driving an auto?

posted on 13/3/14

Just put your car in neutral as much as you possibly can and free wheel everywhere.

posted on 13/3/14

It's just the braking and reversing that I had a problem with hopefully I get the hang of it after 20 lessons anyway.

posted on 13/3/14

comment by ☞ Ruiney ⑳ - (insert Mata based pun here) (U1005)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by RVP's Left Foot - The Fallen Giant (U11781)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by ☞ Ruiney ⑳ - (insert Mata based pun here) (U1005)
posted 50 seconds ago
You don't have to change gear to stop
My instructor tells me to change to first or second gear when I stop
You can use engine breaking when slowing down by going through the gears, mainly to save fuel, or to be able to speed up again if needs be.

But you can just stop with the clutch down and change from 5th to 1st if you need to.


You may save fuel, but the extra strain you put on your gear box could end up costing you a lot more!

posted on 13/3/14

comment by Pidier Pogba - #David-Moyes-is-Inside-Me (U11414)
posted 23 seconds ago
Just put your car in neutral as much as you possibly can and free wheel everywhere.

posted on 13/3/14

comment by RVP's Left Foot - The Fallen Giant (U11781)
posted 21 seconds ago
It's just the braking and reversing that I had a problem withhopefully I get the hang of it after 20 lessons anyway.
Reversing a manual is the same is going forward though...

posted on 13/3/14

You mean while you're stopped? Yes, you change back into 1st during the time you're sitting waiting for the car in front of you to move.

It's not that difficult


No it isn't and no one has said it is.

But it is easier in an auto, isn't it?

posted on 13/3/14

Does anyone else who drive a manual depress the clutch and go out of gear going into a bend then choose which gear to go into coming out of it depending on your speed and accelerate quickly out of it?

Thats what I do, didn't at first and always found myself in the wrong gear (as the instructor told me to corner at around 20kmph in second gear) but that was always too slow so woudl be in the wrong gear coming out of the corner?

I generally free wheel allot in the manual, like if I see a red light coming I pop it out of gear and roll to a stop in traffic, anyone else like this or is it just me?

posted on 13/3/14

RVP remember to change gears too whilst reversing.

posted on 13/3/14

comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 7 seconds ago
You mean while you're stopped? Yes, you change back into 1st during the time you're sitting waiting for the car in front of you to move.

It's not that difficult


No it isn't and no one has said it is.

But it is easier in an auto, isn't it?
Yes, nobody disagrees that it is easier - just that it is quite easy to do it in a manual.

and autos are for pansies

posted on 13/3/14

The spinning of the wheel and the control on the clutch is a bit complicated for me though when reversing, and trying to avoid hitting the curb too before the instructor kills me

posted on 13/3/14

comment by RVP's Left Foot - The Fallen Giant (U11781) posted 6 seconds ago
It's just the braking and reversing that I had a problem with hopefully I get the hang of it after 20 lessons anyway.
Have you had to start moving after being stopped on a hill yet? That used to terrify me back when I was learning and someone would be right behind me and I'd have to accelerate quick before rolling back into them

comment by Ruiney (U1005)

posted on 13/3/14

You may save fuel, but the extra strain you put on your gear box could end up costing you a lot more!

They lease company we get our vans off tell us to engine break to save fuel.

Either they really care about the environment, or somebody needs to be sacked.

comment by Beeb (U1841)

posted on 13/3/14

Just get out and walk.

posted on 13/3/14

comment by kneerash-23 Cara Gold (U6876)
posted 27 seconds ago
Does anyone else who drive a manual depress the clutch and go out of gear going into a bend then choose which gear to go into coming out of it depending on your speed and accelerate quickly out of it?

Thats what I do, didn't at first and always found myself in the wrong gear (as the instructor told me to corner at around 20kmph in second gear) but that was always too slow so woudl be in the wrong gear coming out of the corner?

I generally free wheel allot in the manual, like if I see a red light coming I pop it out of gear and roll to a stop in traffic, anyone else like this or is it just me?
Depends if you know the road. Generally, I change into the correct gear to come out of the corner as I go in.

Always pop out of gear if I approach traffic lights that are red and roll up to them though

comment by tmd16 (U4307)

posted on 13/3/14

You may save fuel, but the extra strain you put on your gear box could end up costing you a lot more!


Nah, modern gear boxes are more than capable of dealing with changing down through the gears. After all, it's how they'er supposed to be used.

comment by T-BAD (U11806)

posted on 13/3/14

Mr C

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